Friday, September 6, 2019

The Question Of The Ages

The Question Of The Ages

One may sincerely ask, "Who is Jesus?'
That's the big question of the ages.
We can all find the answer to this
When we read the Holy Bible pages.

Jesus asked His disciples this question.
Simon Peter made it very clear.
"Thou art the Christ," he answered Him
As he beheld His Master so dear.

Everyone has to answer this question
If eternal salvation he will obtain.
We need to accept Jesus as Savior.,
For Hell to shun and Heaven to gain.

Jesus shed His blood to save us.
He died and rose again the third day.
Trust Him as your personal Savior.
He is the truth, the life, the way.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Soldiers' Prayer Meeting

The Soldiers' Prayer Meeting
During the Civil War, some soldiers
Met in one of the tents to pray.
They knew that they would fight
A terrible battle the very next day.
Each one committed himself to God
And to whatever fate He had willed.
They knew that in this next battle,
Any or all of them could be killed.
They decided to write up a paper
Expressing feelings of facing death.
Each soldier would sign this paper.
Soon some may take their last breath.
One copied the words to a Godly hymn.
It was, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."
Each soldier then signed his own name,
A testimony to leave behind, you see.
They did not all meet again on earth,
For some gave their lives that day.
The survivors told the dead men's kin
About the night that they met to pray.
One man kept this special signed copy
Of the hymn "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."
He made a vow to preserve this copy
For each surviving relative to see.

Call to Praise

Call to Praise

Morning time is special to me.
I love a cup of coffee outside in a chair.
I love to hear the birds chirping.
Singing their songs everywhere!

Ever wonder what they are singing?
They are giving praises to their King!
Listen to the happiness there,
As they lift their voices to sing.

I hear the squirrels chattering
And you think what is going on?
Its just a squirrel gathering nuts
Singing his praise song.

Oh, to be like the animals 
Who go about their way.
Praising Him faithfully,
Thanking Him for another day.

Why can't we be bold
And let our praises ring?
Let our voices shout from the treetops,
"Jesus is our Savior, He is our King!"

We were all created to give Him praise.
The animals know this and do it,
But we are stubborn and proud.
We try to hide His light that is lit.

Get outside in the morning,
Just relax and be still.
Listen to the birds.
Their crescendo rises with each twill.

Let the Joy of the Lord rise up in you,
Till it comes bursting forth in Song.
Don't let pride hold it down.
Lift it up all the way to His throne.

That is what we are created for
It is not hard to do
If we just take the time
To take the birds' cue

Rejoice, rejoice for evermore!
Our Savior is alive and well.
One day He is coming back
To take us with Him to dwell,

O, Glorious Day!
What a day that will be!
When I go to Heaven
And my Jesus I shall see!
Matthew 17:20
King James Version 

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of 
your unbelief: for verily I say unto 
you, If ye have faith as a grain of 
mustard seed, ye shall say unto this 
mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; 
and it shall remove; and nothing shall 
be impossible unto you."

Monday, September 2, 2019

Daily Sunshine

Daily Sunshine

Not every day brings sunshine, for
some will bring gloom,
Replacing all the joy that had once
filled the same room.
Changing the good times into bad
times for those within,
Then not at all a pleasant day such
as yesterday had been.

This gloom fills the rooms of both
the wealthy and poor,
As days continue to come, there is
likely to be many more.
Some clear out quickly while others
just linger on,
Staying around long enough to test 
one's faith before it's gone.

Now there could be some growth in 
faith during troubled days,
As God is called on and kept around
for longer stays.
However this faith could weaken as
He receives the blame,
Giving the relationship with Him, an
ugly stain.

The praises to God flow easily when
all is going well,
Then in tough times they seem to go
through a dry spell.
Fact is, God was there both times for
He loves us even when we fail,
Enough love to send His Only Son to
keep us from the fires of hell.