Saturday, August 8, 2015


I thank you for the peace that only you can give
I thank you for this gracious life that you've given me to live
I'm learning from you to be content whatever my circumstance
That I may move forward through troubles without a second glance
Thank you for being my strength and my salvation
That I may be able to handle any of life's situations
Thank you for being my daily dose of hope
For giving me the presence of mind to be able to cope
With all the trials that life sends in my direction
And all of life's little daily complications
I'm so glad that you know me inside and out
That even before I was born you knew what I would be about
Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross
So that many souls will be saved instead of forever lost
Thank you for your unconditional love that knows no end
And for the many blessings that you do daily send
Thank you for each and every day that you give to me
I just pray that I live it in the way you would have me to be!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Looking Down to Look Up

Looking Down to Look Up

High on a mountain top looking down below,
On my yesterdays and seeds I failed to sow.
Not at all what I hope to see, not at all,
My yesterdays are gone, none can I recall.

Seeds sown for they were ready to receive,
Souls needing to be shown how to believe.
Opportunities which God had given for me,
Looking elsewhere, missing them completely.

With good intentions, my sight let me down,
I saw the country as God pointed to town.
I'd ran ahead knowing His timing is best,
My patience got thin being put to a test.

Off the mountain now God with eyes on You,
Using Your gifts for all You have me do.
To share Your word, at any time, any place,
With anyone You send from this human race.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I need  everybody praying  For Mother [Hazel Bagwell]
She is in Hopice in Anderson , she need a miracle and  I believe God !

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Indeed, He Hears

Indeed, He Hears

My prayer is that I'll not grow weary of praying for those on my list,
That I will lift them up daily, making sure that not even one is missed.
For at times it appears my prayers are in vain, but I know it's not true,
Thing is Lord, You are working in areas that could be only known to You.

Lord I'm sure there have been many believer's prayers that You've heard,
Who became discouraged when what they'd expected never occurred.
Yet Lord, some of those prayers from back then, are answered today,
Through time, You moved mountains that were standing in the way.

When on earth, Jesus prayed, setting an example for all mankind,
That as we go to The Father, there's complete trust in Him we'll find.
He knows our needs as He knows our hearts and all that is stored there,
Therefore we should be mindful of this as we go to Him in prayer.

Today, every time I pray, I believe that God will answer them all,
It'll be as He sees best, with perfect timing, when He hears my call.
For I know that He's never made a mistake and I know He never will,
Then since His Son became my Savior, my cup He's continued to fill.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please for my  Mother {Hazel Bagwell]

Grandma's Place

Grandma's Place

The paint was cracked and weathered.
The 'welcome' chimes would ring.
But grandma's place was special with
her old porch swing.

Her dinners were delicious,
her cookies she would bring,
as rich aromas found me on
her old porch swing.

At times the wooden seat was damp.
The morning dew would cling -
but I couldn't keep from sitting on
her old porch swing.

The chains, stressed on occasion,
that held a many thing,
as every friend kept resting on
her old porch swing.

Served well those rusty bolts.
Though not for queen or king,
but all the folk were welcomed on
her old porch swing.

The conversations several -
the arm rest, everything -
as we discussed my problems on
her old porch swing.

Nothing makes my heart so glad
and nothing makes it sing,
until I think of grandma on
her old porch swing.

Many years have long since passed.
To memories, I will cling -
those days I sat with grandma on
her old porch swing.

The workers razed the homestead -
In fear, the birds took wing,
but always in my memory is -
her old porch swing.

Some say it wasn't special,
nor good for anything -
yet that's where I found Jesus - on
her old porch swing.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please help me pray for My Mother Hazel Bagwell  She in hopice and she need a miracle

Monday, August 3, 2015

Mother's Hands

Mother's Hands

Not because of gold or silver
Not because of jeweled bands
Not because they're soft and perfect
Do I love my mother's hands
But because these hands once held me
Tenderly close to her breast
And because these hands would point me
To the path she knew was best

Mother's hands so gladly labored
Mother's hands so seldom still
Never seeking her own favor
Giving always her free will
But the thing of greatest beauty
As she tended to each care
Was her source of strength for duty
Mother's hands were hands of prayer

Mother's hands would clap to praise me
For a good deed I had done
Mother's hands were there to save me
When my deeds had hurt someone
And my mother's hands would teach me
What is right and what is good
Mother's hands would always reach me
When no other hand e'er could
Mother's hands so full of power
When her load was hard to bear
Even in life's darkest hour
Mother's hands would fold in prayer
Oh, no matter where I travel
Or how great the sights or grand
There is none to make me marvel
Like my mother's praying hands

Praying hands can reach her children
When they've gone so far away
Mother knows that God will reach them
As she folds her hands to pray
Gracious Father, up in Heaven
Bless each mother everywhere
In each country, tribe or nation
Bless the hands, the hands of prayer
Jan Bagwell
God Bless