Friday, December 5, 2014

A Christmas Charity Choice

A Christmas Charity Choice

Ann was no stranger to wealth.
She even owned a Rolls-Royce.
Every Christmas, Ann had to make
The Christmas charity choice.

Nita discussed it with Roger, her hubby
A month before Christmas was here.
"Roger, I really want to do something
Unusual for our charity this year."

"Exactly what do you mean?" he asked.
"Choose some worthy cause," my Dear.
"Roger, I prayed and made a decision
To help some homeless ones this year."

"I will act like a homeless person
And hang out with them somewhere,
And maybe I'll find special needs
Among some homeless people there."

Roger began to grin and laugh aloud.
Then he began to shake his head.
"That's too dangerous, Nita, you know.
You could very well end up dead."

Nita found some faded old clothes.
Then she tried to dress like a bum.
She prayed and found a homeless group,
Who were sharing a bottle of rum.

They shunned her as she approached.
She was not part of their clan,
But she stayed with them anyway
And observed each woman and man.

Soon an old truck rolled to a stop.
There exited a lady and a man.
They handed a sandwich to everyone.
"God bless you," said Betty and Dan.

When they left, Nita found a letter.
It fell from the truck to the ground.
It was an eviction notice. Said Nita,
"My charity choice I have found!"

Nita wasted no time that very day,
For such speedy plans she laid.
She found them and wrote a check.
"With a sandwich, your bills are paid!"

Betty and Dan were not homeless yet,
But because they did God's will,
God honored this with Nita's gift.
They are helping the homeless still.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Thank you .
Betty and Dan Griffin
And yes , I do know the names of  the rich people ,
Roger Milliken , born Oct. 24 , 1915  died Dec.30 2010

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"The Main Event"

"The Main Event"

It's not about a Christmas tree
Or lights that shimmer so�
It's all about the Main Event
That happened long ago!

It's not about Black Friday
Or the dollars that we save�
It's all about a Baby Boy
The gift to us God gave!

It's not about the presents
That give our spirits a lift�
It's all about the Father
Who sent the perfect gift!!!

It's not about receiving things
With monetary worth�
It's all about an infant
Who brings hope to all the Earth!

It's not about St. Nicholas
Or the good deeds that we do�
It's all about The Promised One
Who came to Earth anew!

It's not about adorning trees
With trinkets on each limb�
It's all about His strong desire
For us to worship Him!

It's not about the carolers
Or the melodies that they sing...
It's all about the One who saves,
Who's Christ the Lord and King!

It's not about long Shopping lines
Or filling up our carts�
It's all about us asking Him
To live within our hearts!

It's not about December
Or "Secret Santa" with a friend�
It's all about the Holy One
Who to Heaven did ascend!

It's not about the credit cards
Or bills that we incur�
It's all about the debt He paid
Our salvation to ensure!

It's not about the parties
Or fancy clothes and shoes�
It's all about an Angel
Who brought to us, Good News!!!

It's not about the snow machines
Or holiday flags unfurled�
It's all about a child who came
To save a troubled world!!!

It's not about vacations
Or the twinkling lights above�
It's all about the Father
And His Agape love!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
My second  Grand  Daughter  was  born this past weekend .  As  I
look  at my new born  Grand daughter  being held by her dad ,  Thank you
Father God  for a deeper understanding  of Jesus  birth  . You  must have been
so  proud . Thank you for the Christmas Child , that was yours .  Thank you  for
Emily  and  Halia  , David  and Hali , and Scott and Elizabeth , my mother , Hazel
Bagwell  , I am a blessed man

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Almighty God became a Baby.

The Almighty God became a Baby.

In eternity’s past a plan was agreed
and here on earth in began to proceed.
Mighty God a baby! How can this be?
Come let us explore this great mystery.

Before the moments of time had begun
at the great council of the Triune One
a mighty plan to save the race of man
was agreed upon before life began.

God incomprehensibly given room
was then conceived within a virgin’s womb.
Fully God and man this great mystery,
a Baby was born so remarkably.

In Bethlehem His earthly life began
He who measured the cosmos with a span.
Mighty God, clothed in human frailty
lay there in a manger for all to see.

Songs of praises resounded from heaven
"Peace on the earth and good will to all men"
Shepherds gaze at the wondrous Babe in awe
As God in Bethlehem's manger they saw.

This awesome event in earth's history
was part of God's great plan for you and me.
The only way He could save us from sin
was to come to earth and His life begin

For this wondrous child in Bethlehem born
has heralded the birth of a new dawn.
God had become a Babe and came to earth
so we could enter heaven by new birth.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
1 Peter : 3:7
“giving  honor unto the wife , as unto the weaker vessel , and as being heirs together of  the grace of  life.”
Luke 2: 16  And  they came with haste and found Mary , and  Joseph , and babe lying in a manager,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Spare Tire

The Spare Tire

In time of chaos, grief and pain
If you don’t know, which way to turn
When human efforts, can not suffice
And the road to take, is hard to discern

In desperation, I sought the One -
The Architect of the universe
I found Him to be, just a prayer away
No problem He, could not disperse

But later when, the storm had calmed
And once again, I was "on-my-way"
A feeling of guilt, I sensed within
Did I only seek Him, - while in dismay

Is He not more, than the "spare tire"
That's only used, when in distress
Then tucked away, - out of site
Only to await, a time of stress

A crutch, a co-pilot, and spare tire
He's all of these, - - but much more !
The Rock, the Anchor, in day or night
Not just a standby, outside the door

One thing I've learned, through the years
If He is foremost in our plans
The "spare tire" will be needed less
When all is committed, in His hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Brightest Light

The Brightest Light

Community, they were as one,
the trimmings on the tree,
but boasted, of their beauty, all,
as each could plainly see.
The Christmas lights were arguing,
the red ones and the blue,
but then the green lights got involved,
the orange and yellow too.

Their vain ambitions drew the eye,
as others looked at them.
They craved it all and each had thought,
"I'm such a precious gem."
So all the lights and ornaments
with all the tinsel too,
continued with their arguments
on who was 'besting' who.

Then shaking all, a booming voice
was heard from very top
and it had brought the bickering
to prompt and sudden stop.
Yes, way atop the Christmas tree
and higher than the rest,
this star had boasted he, by far,
was brightest and the best.

Crescendo'ed then, because of this
intimidating sight,
applause arose for brilliant star,
indeed, the brightest light.
Contented they had seemed to be,
to look to such a thing,
but then the lowest, weakest light
saw something int'resting...

She yelled up through the branches, "Please!
Oh, this we must discuss!"
She said, "From here, I plainly see
a 'stand' is holding us."
Black pupils drooped in every eye
as low as they could go,
but all the rest were just too high
to see so far below.

And star, the farthest from the floor,
just couldn't see from there,
so up on top of his own world
he glanced out in a glare,
"Are some of you believing her?
Why think you're going to fall?
Who shines the greatest in this room?
Trust me. I'm over all!"

So then, in unison they sang,
in perfect harmony,
"We don't believe in anything
if it, we cannot see."
That saddened, then, the lowest light.
Again she tried to shout,
but all she did was flicker some
and then, at last, burned out.

The 'stand' was doing all he could,
with all his muscled might,
but finally he lost his grip
to keep that tree upright.
So timbered it, the tree and all.
It fell so hard and far.
And all was shattered into bits
with bright and mighty star.

The moral of this story is:
Seek truth and do not fight.
Let others see you differently
within your little light.
Be humble. Do not crave mere fame
when shining on this earth -
but glory, rather, give to God
and Jesus' precious birth.

Merry Christmas!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
A daughter was born to David and Hali Bagwell  { My Grand Daughter } Halia Grace Bagwell was born 5:53 pm  7lbs 4oz  length 19 3/4 ins we are Blessed and very  Thankful .