Friday, March 16, 2012

' Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy'

Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy

How close is Heaven you might ask?
Explaining it is not an easy task.
I dare say mine is simply speculation
But makes sense to me in retrospection.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

I believe the Kingdom of God is at hand;
The thought of it is as God has planned.
I believe the Kingdom of God is within me
For this realization, Lord, I truly thank Thee.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

A thin invisible veil divides heaven and earth
It begins at conception through the day of birth,
And when death upon us make its' visitation
Will we respond to God's or Satan's invitation?

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

The blessings of Heaven and the curses of hell
Are very real I am compelled to tell
Let's not our precious souls sell
To brief moments of pleasure
At the sacrifice of Heavenly treasure.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

If, then, a thin veil separates us from Glory,
How well will we write our own life's story?
Will we realize Jesus' Presence is near
That He wants to dry each tear,
Cherish the love He brings,
And hear the songs He sings,
This Lord of lords, this King of kings?

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.
Jan Bagwell
Let's Thank and Praise the Lord
For His Divine Mercy.
Please remember Brother Billy Phillips and his Mother in your Prayers . She is in very serious condition in Memorial Hospital .


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ever Since Gethsemane

Ever Since Gethsemane

Ever since Gethsemane
Where Jesus walked His lonely way ,
A garden’s soft serenity
Has marked a special place to pray .

My garden knows no holiness ;
The Master’s footsteps never trod
Along these paths , yet I confess
I’ve seen His mark upon the sod .

My garden takes on special grace
And I find love and lasting peace
Within the confines of this place
As golden summer days increase .

If I should pause to meditate
And offer prayers on bended knee ,
Suddenly , by some strange fate ,
My garden is Gethsemane !!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Brother Billy Phillips and his Mother in your Prayers . She is in very serious condition in Memorial Hospital .

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Within His Hands

Within His Hands

Within His Hands
Whenever I grow weary ,
And miles seen much too long ,
And troubles think I am the one
To whom they all belong .
When things don’t always work out ,
According to my plan ,
It’s hard to drag my cross along ,
When I can barely stand .

And yet it’s times like these that test
The metal of my soul ,
How commonplace the daffodil ,
If everything were gold ,

We would have naught to hope for ,
If skies were always blue ,
And it is true the sweetest smile
Must hide a tear or two .

And so in spite of everything ,
I know I’m not alone ,
God never will forget me ,
Though all the world be gone .
With age there comes a wisdom ,
Youth never understands ,
When each of us can see ourselves ,
..…Carved in the Savior’s Hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Pray request : Billy Phillips mother fell and she in very serious condition , Judy Howard , David Bagwell , Mary Carpenter , Frankie Wilson .

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Just In Time Logon

A Just In Time Logon

9 pm, I logged on to the internet to to write my blog
I before I went to bed.

Before I could open my email , a friend instant messaged
me. She said, "Brother, I need to talk to you. I am about to do
something that I won't be able to regret."

My friend was about to commit suicide.

I picked her up at her place, took her to IHOP and for 3 hours
we talked.

God allowed me to share so many different things about God that
she had never heard before.

Here is what she sent me in response:

Thanks, Brother...
Interesting that you would send that email to me just then.
Because, a few minutes ago, I had a glimmer of hope that God may
really in fact be smiling at the plan that he has for me that
maybe I can't see right now.

I just got off the phone with my dad. I knew he wasn't going to
be happy about the situation, but I wanted him to at least know
that I had been responsible and have been getting my ducks in
a row. And, had I ended things last night like I had intended,
I wouldn't have had this conversation this morning. rock at a time, huh?

Your sister in Christ,
A friend of mine 2 weeks ago died , I had been praying him for him for many years . I had a operation that week end .I was unable to pray for him . Would it have made a different ? The other thing , a few friends miss him . He was send to a crematory . No notice in the paper , He was poor and old . Except for his friends, nobody care where he live or died . This make me feel sad . Every person God put on this earth has worth .
Thank You ,
Jan Bagwell

Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Lord’s Compassions

God is merciful, beyond belief, when in trying times, providing relief,
Supplying enough comfort and grace, through each burden we face,
God’s mercy and grace will prevail, for His Compassions will not fail.
As trials come without warning, Compassions are new each morning.

Great is God’s faithfulness to us, to all, who belong to Christ Jesus,
The Hope He gives will forever last, even as our souls are downcast,
When God’s Hope, I call to mind, all my heaviness God lays behind,
The Lord is my portion; I shall wait, for my God’s Grace is never late.

Because of love, we’re not consumed, God’s Love, as trials loomed,
By God, our trials are not ignored, and it’s good to wait on The Lord,
Waiting upon God, quiet and still, as God works out His Perfect Will,
God’s Will, for each and every life, of all who belong to Jesus Christ.

God’s Mercy in abundance flows, to all those whom The Lord knows,
As He watches over us carefully, caring for all His own ever faithfully,
Caring for us with His endless love, watching us from Heaven above,
Pouring down upon us grace untold, down upon those of God’s fold.

The Mighty Shepherd is our Rock, always caring for His chosen flock,
Protecting His, from unseen harms, cradling us with Everlasting Arms,
He loves us with everlasting care, to keep us from falling into despair,
Whatever in life may be our lot; our Lord’s Compassions, they fail not.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank You , Brothers and Sisters in Christ for Praying for me . I am Feeling much better . Praise God !