Saturday, May 26, 2018

We Honor You

We Honor You

You, our soldiers, have died on foreign sand,
Or right here in our American land.

God brings comfort to your family unit;
Who still mourn, but you are worth it.

You fought hard for what was right;
Your sacrifice made our future bright.

Because you served and did not sway,
We have freedom in our land today.

Unmarked graves, no names, headstones;
You're all remembered by your loved ones.

The Flag is raised at half-staff,
In honor of you, who have passed.

Because you died for the Red, White, and Blue,
Every Memorial Day, we honor you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Dawning of Hope

The Dawning of Hope

Life is a burden
And time is a curse 
Each day is a play 
That we do not rehearse

We each write a book 
With much careful thought 
But know that its pages 
Will all come to naught. 

Our moments are painted 
With much artful skill 
But colors are wasted 
In time that we kill. 

We sing songs of passion 
In much pain begotten 
Meant to inspire 
But too soon forgotten

Our stories are bland artifacts 
Buried in dust 
Our iron wills corrupted 
Our treasured thoughts rust 

Our hearts bleed for nothing 
Our mind aches in vain 
Our joys are all pointless 
There’s nothing to gain. 

The things that now hurt us 
Will soon hurt no more 
But the pleasures that drive us 
Will leave us all poor. 

For life is a burden 
And time is a curse 
Hope an illusion 
A rose scented hearse. 

Till in steps the Savior 
With truth for our lies 
The pain was His blessing 
Dressed up in disguise. 

Our hurts and our failures 
Drive us to his arms 
He wooes and He wins us 
With mysteries charms 

Then life is a blessing 
And time just a start 
A hopeful beginning 
For a once hopeless heart.

Monday, May 21, 2018

A Holy Invitation

A Holy Invitation

Jesus Christ, the greatest revelation! 
Unlocking hearts to enter His salvation
From death to life a wondrous explanation. 
So much to gain and learn in observation 
From You, the Lord, a depth of information. 
A call to come, a holy invitation 
A Truth be told. Eternal proclamation.
He changes lives! A shouted exclamation
Receiving Him, there is no expiration. 
Standing on the Solid Rock foundation 
The future holds the greatest expectation 
Filled with such joyous jubilation! 
But if you find you're in a situation
Walking through the trials and tribulation 
Leaving you in need of respiration 
The Breath of Life will bring rejuvenation 
Restoring back a fresh exhilaration
Returning strength for further exploration 
Revitalized and ready inspiration. 
A vibrancy, a plan that's in formation 
To share the news with every generation
The answer there observed in all creation 
His Spirit dwells within a confirmation 
Follow through, a full investigation 
Digging in, a real evaluation 
You'll find the truth without a speculation 
Perfection there, a cross in presentation 
A sacrifice in love, no reservation.
Shh...then silence came in dreadful termination
Three days passed without anticipation 
BUT He arose in mighty vindication
Defeating death and sin, a declaration 
In meeting life victorious salutation!
A crazy plan of royal inclination
For on His heart you've made an indentation
And now in yours, I pray illumination!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Remembering Our Heroes

Remembering Our Heroes

We remember our fallen heroes
On Memorial Day every year.
They died while serving our nation
And preserving freedom so dear.

Many lie in national cemeteries
Where a cross marks each grave.
We honor each one of these heroes.
For America, their lives they gave.

Sometimes I visit an old grave
Of a hero, my dear Uncle Dan.
He died fighting in World War Two.
He was a very courageous man.

I visit the graves of friends
Who made the ultimate sacrifice.
They gave their lives for America.
For freedom, they paid the price.

I thank God for all the heroes
Who died in such a brave way,
Whose blood was shed for America.
We will honor them on this day.