Friday, January 27, 2017

Almost Home

Almost Home

There's a mist rolling in across the harbor
I cannot see beyond the rocky shore
I can smell the roses blooming on the arbor
And I don't feel so weary anymore
Up the street I hear a fiddle playing
It brings a spring into my lagging mile
I can almost see the lights for which I'm praying
I'm almost home and I begin to smile

I can almost see the sweet home fires burning
Hearth of home, where earth and heaven meet
With loved ones near to fill my hearts deep yearning
Home sweet home, my joy is now complete

I've labored for my share of coin and jingle
But they don't know that I feel like a king
Upon the hearth where woe and laughter mingle
Burdens melt within that glowing ring
As I drink the wine of mirth and sorrow
The fruit of life in richest purest blend
Its warmth will give me hope again tomorrow
Heaven's thresh-hold waits at toilings end

Oh, the dew is lying heavy on the blossom
The breeze is kissed with breath of salty foam
It revives the gladness in my bosom
For I can almost see the lights of home

There's a mist rolling in across the harbor
But I don't fear the rocks along the shore
Eternal roses bloom on Heaven's arbor
And I don't feel so weary anymore
Beyond the gloom I hear the angels singing
A hand draws me across my final mile
And now I see the Hand to which I'm clinging
I'm almost home and I begin to smile

I can almost see the sweet celestial gleaming
Portal where this earth and Heaven meet
I almost see the home of which I'm dreaming
Home sweet home, my journey is complete

I've labored, had my share of joy and trouble
But my inheritance is with The King
I see the thresh-hold and release earth's rubble
Burdens melt within this glowing ring
As I drink in all the beauty of my Savior
And taste the fruit of mercy from His vine
Humbly at His feet I place my labor
Home sweet home within His love divine
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, January 24, 2017



I don't have to say a single word
'Cause I know that You know
You know my deepest sorrow, Lord
You know each hurtful blow
And as I kneel before you
To tell you of my needs
I do not need to say a word
Your mercy intercedes

Lord, I know you hear it
Each sad, wordless confession
And with Your Holy spirit
You make intercession
I do not need to say a word
No perfect line or phrase
For I know that You understand
With Your Amazing Grace

As I weep and as I groan
Unable to express
In love and mercy you atone
My unrighteousness
On my knees I cry to You
Without verbal expression
You know better than I do
And You make intercession
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

When the moon falls to wake our dreams,
And the dew seems to gather beams
Of light cast from the rising sun,
Announcing that the day's begun;

When the birds fly through morning skies,
And the cock's crow their daily cries;
When the deer feeds on fields of green;
When trees unfold their leafy screen;

I think about Your grand design,
And enter into the divine,
Where to Your will I shall succumb,
And gently feel thy kingdom come.

It comes and washes over me
A forecast of my destiny;
A sense of love, and peace inside;
A welcoming with arms out wide.

Although at times I seem to fail,
It's through Your strength I shall prevail,
And should my days turn worrisome;
I'll seek to feel thy kingdom come.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, January 23, 2017

Deception of Feelings

Deception of Felling

Being led by feelings,
Deceiving are their ways,
Swaying you to love another,
Someone not your mate.

Lies of their deception,
Whispers in your ear,
Telling you that no one cares,
Just give in to your fears.

Feelings of depression,
The voices straight from hell,
Convincing you to stay in bed,
For days on end they yell.

How about frustration,
The one that holds your dreams,
Shouting just to give them up,
It's no use to believe.

This is my conclusion,
I think you will agree,
We need led by the Spirit,
True guidance in all things.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Ephesians 5:20

“Giving thanks always for all things

unto God and the Father in the name of Jesus