Saturday, February 23, 2019

Holy Spirit - Filling Believers

Holy Spirit - Filling Believers

Holy Spirit - Filling Believers
Vacuum or Victory?

A man who drank heavily was converted to Christ and lived victoriously for several weeks. One day as he passed the open door of a tavern, the pungent odor drifting out aroused his old appetite for liquor. Just then he saw this sign in the window of a nearby café: "All the buttermilk you can drink-25 cents!" Dashing inside, he ordered one glass, then another, and still another. After finishing the third he walked past the saloon and was no longer tempted. He was so full of buttermilk that he had no room for that which would be injurious to him. The lesson is clear: to be victorious over our evil desires, we must leave no opportunity for them to repossess us.

Dwight L. Moody once demonstrated the principle like this: "Tell me," he said to his audience, "how can I get the air out of the tumbler I have in my hand?" One man said, "Suck it out with a pump." But the evangelist replied, "That would create a vacuum and shatter it." Finally after many suggestions, Moody picked up a pitcher and quietly filled the glass with water. "There," he said, "all the air is now removed." He then explained that victory for the child of God does not come by working hard to eliminate sinful habits, but rather by allowing the Holy Spirit to take full possession.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Believe in Me

Believe in Me

What’s going on, My child?
Your heart is filled with fear.
I want you to be happy,
So please don’t shed a tear.

I hear all your despairs,
I know that you are stressed,
Just come to Me right now,
and I will give you rest.

Ask what you need from Me,
and I'll give it to you.
Believe Me with your heart
and see that My words remain true.

Forever, I’m your Savior,
Your Comforter and Friend,
Just always keep in mind,
My love for you will never end.

As long as I exist,
I'll always care for thee.
Don’t let your heart be troubled,
Trust in God and trust in Me.

You don't have to worry,
Everything is in My hands,
You are wonderful to Me,
And for you, I have a plan.

I’ll take a walk with you,
I’ll guide your every move,
Just let Me take control,
I alone can speak the truth.

My love is always present
Even in your gloom,
Just know that 'til forever,
I'll always be with you.

Each day, I'm here for you,
Every wrong will be made right.
Believe in Me and know
That I'm the only Jesus Christ.

Let Me come into your heart,
Forget about your woes,
Just know that I love you,
More than you could ever know.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Such Love

Such Love

When I am lonely and oh so sad.
When trouble surrounds me,Thing seem bad
I fall down on my knees and pray...
Dear Jesus, help me to find the way.

He whispers cast thy care on Me,
For I have Bled and died for thee.
Trust in the Blood I shed for thee.
I promise I will set you free.

I wondered how such love could be
for such a worthless one as me?
He loves me but I don't know how? 
How can I help but love Him now?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Sculptor

The Sculptor

He is the Sculptor, I the stone
Broken, jagged edges, I moan
Meticulously chiseled, polished to shine
Cast into the world to be a sign.
He is the Sculptor-

Yearn for this process of breaking
The stone a gem in the making
Now finished and complete
Stand before the King at His feet.
He is the Sculptor-

Go; with eyes that dazzle with love
The Father's hand perfects from above
Gather those unfinished, unhewn
For He is coming, coming soon.
He is the Sculptor-

Hold each one to your heart
As the process will surely start
Not one stone shall be left unturned
Their form at last discerned.
He is the Sculptor-

Oh, marvel at His masterpiece
His workmanship can never cease
The stone now priceless- Could it be?
The Creator recreated me!
He is the Sculptor-

Shine brilliant for the Lord
Cut and molded by His sword
When His work is finely done
Done-To glorify His son.
He is the Sculptor-

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wise Men

Wise Men

What sort of gift befits a King
What gift will with His glory ring
What matchless, precious, priceless thing
Could one to the Lord Jesus bring

The brightest prize of earth grows dim
When near the shining eyes of Him
Who quite without reluctance grim
Left angel choir and seraphim

The glories of His throne on high
The presence of His Father nigh
To heed the restless, helpless cry
of earthly sinner, you and I

So what can any one bestow
That lets the King of Glory know
What is the proper way to show
the length or breadth that one would go

To demonstrate one’s gratitude
For being “in Him” blameless viewed
Express one’s heartfelt attitude
Or show commitment’s been renewed

The gift of time could be returned
Its not deserved it wasn’t earned
For kingdom use the candle burned
And not so frivolously spurned

Employ one’s talents for the Lord
The gifts He gave one can’t afford
To keep so selfishly adored
Yea, rather let it be outpoured

Be quick to bring your treasures too
The ones you thought you’d keep for you
the needs are great and not a few
His promise of the harvest true!

These gifts the Wise Men laid before
The keeper of the treasure store
And wise one too who will implore
The King for wisdom to give more

Monday, February 18, 2019

Blessing of God's Grace

Blessing of God's Grace

This body wears a little more 
With every passing day,
The evidence the end will come 
For this my house of clay.

My sight grows dim my hearing fades,
My joints are filled with pain.
The wrinkles now are on my face 
To mark the years of strain.

The outward man is perishing,
Returning to the earth.
The inward man is strengthening 
Result of a new birth.

When that day comes when I must leave 
This mortal dwelling place,
I will a perfect spirit have,
A blessing of God’s grace.

What’s more my body shall be raised,
Immortal flesh and bone.
My spirit shall not be unclothed,
For this outcome I groan. 

This earth is not my resting place,
I have a better home.
And there I shall have perfect peace, 
A heavenly shalom.

I do not, must not, walk by sight;
At how I look and feel.
I must by faith look on the things
More lasting and more real.