Friday, August 1, 2014

When the wine runs out

When the wine runs out

When the wine runs out and all seems so bleak.
To whom shall we go and who shall we seek?
When the options are gone and all seems lost,
how shall we get more and who'll pay the cost?

When life runs short and our days are numbered.
When times are difficult and we feel encumbered.
Let's go to Jesus and all our burdens share.
Tell Him all our problems and leave them there.

When hope seemed so hopeless, and all seems lost
nothing seems possible and too great the cost.
God’s wonderful promise we can believe.
Let’s reach out to Jesus and His love receive.

For there on the cross with arms opened wide
“I love you so dearly,” The Lord Jesus cried.
“All is forgiven for I've paid the price
and you've been redeemed by my sacrifice.”
Matthew 11:28 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Great Poet

The Great Poet

Oh, God is the great poet,
the universe of rhymes.
With perfect balance- all His stars
yet speak in these dark times.

Our Great Creator perfectly
sets worlds with his dictate-
while man discovers one small speck
then thinks that he is great.

He boasts of all his theories
and brags of every gain,
but can't interpret simple things-
or gravity explain.

He sits atop his buildings.
He peers down his long nose,
but topples with confusing words-
for that is how it goes.

Oh, God is the great poet-
the universe of rhymes.
With perfect balance- all His stars
yet speak in these dark times.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
If  only all could see the light of God !

Wednesday, July 30, 2014



We can be conquerors,
if to Jesus we run
we can be victorious
if to sin, we shun.

We can be endurers,
if our Bible's we read
we can be defenders
if to God's will, we heed.

We can be champions,
if in afflictions, we grow
we can be victors
if the Good Word, we sow.

We can be winners,
if we run a faithful race
we can be examples
if we finish with grace.

We can be conquerors,
if we heed to Jesus' call
we can be role models
if we share His love with all! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Romans 8:37King James Version (KJV)

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm Not a Seeker ~

I'm Not a Seeker ~

I am not a seeker,
for I've already found
the Lord of my life
who turned my life around.

I am not a looker,
for I've already discovered
Jesus is my Savior
how for my sins, He suffered.

I am not a peeper,
for I've already came across
the gift of salvation
the day Jesus died on the cross.

I am not a searcher,
for I already have obtained
God's mercy and grace
and for this I am not ashamed! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, July 28, 2014

Satan's Minions

Satan's Minions

The enemy's always attempting to render
Each upright, faithful Christian defender
Powerless; useless; unable to show
Sinners and seekers the Way to go.

He uses those in his bonded employ
To divert, to bait, to trip and annoy;
To keep us busy so that we can't
Sow good seeds when it's time to plant.

Their lips are full of lies and deceit;
They set their traps for the righteous; the meek -
Lying in wait to steal and destroy
Our lives, our faith, our peace and our joy.

Slander and malice are tools in their hands;
Weapons they wield against those in the land
Who are quietly doing what God told them to do -
Who yield to God with hearts strong and true.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Blind Leading...
If a blind man leads a blind man,
they will both fall into a pit.
~Jesus Christ ~

Be careful who you follow.