Friday, November 30, 2007

Jesus , Thank you

Jesus, Thank You

You are my rock when conviction seems so powerless.
You are my light when darkness seems so endless.
You are my sword when adversary strikes me.
You are my shield when uncertainty subdues me.

You showed me true love when hate consumes me.
You gave me strength when fear conquers me.
You encouraged me when I walked the extra mile.
You comforted me when I badly needed to smile.

You made me whole despite my emptiness inside.
You made me stand proud though I wanted to hide.
You made me understand things I couldn't find reason.
You made me appreciate life and its changing season.

You shared your life completely, that is beyond any measure
You offered a hand of friendship that I'll always treasure.
You taught me to have faith when there's nothing to hold on to.
You saved me Jesus, thank you for I'm nothing without you.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jesus was the greatest man who ever live

Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived

Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived.
He loved to show kindness and he loved to forgive.
He resurrected the dead and made the blind see.
A couple of men wanted to stone a woman who committed adultery.
Jesus said that the person who had never sinned could throw the first stone.
When Jesus looked up, he saw that the men had left him and the woman alone.
Jesus loves us, that's why he died for our sins.
When the second coming arrives, he'll return to Earth again.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lord Send My Angel

Lord Send My Angel

Lord send my angel
to sit at the foot of my bed
and shelter me from the crown of my head

Lord send my angel
to wake me in the love of Christ
to always conquer my days with peace and not strife

Lord send my angel
to watch over me all day long
as I go to and fro to keep me from all harm

Lord send my angel
who is powerful and strong
who shall guard my life forever long

Lord send my angel
and keep my angel dear and near
that I will feel no fear

Lord send my angel

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Love of Jesus

Love of Jesus

When Jesus lives within your heart and your spirit yields to His
You will recognize and know His love
And welcome this treasure He freely gives

You will never receive from woman nor man
A love so complete, so - rare
None can compete with Jesus
No man's love can begin to compare

A love so deep with gentleness
With kindness, patience and compassion
A love so loyal and forgiving
A true love everlasting

He shares treasures of God's Kingdom
With those who follow Him
And guides your steps so tenderly
There will be no desire to sin

As closer and closer one draws to Him
This love our Lord does share
A love so tender and sincere
No man can compete, no man can compare.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Angel from heaven


Saw another mighty angel come down,
From heaven, clothed with a cloud and a
Rainbow was upon his head, his face was as,
It were the sun, his feet as pillars of fire,

In his hand, a little book open and,
He set his right FOOT upon the SEA and,
His left foot upon the EARTH, cried a loud voice,
As when a Lion roareth: when he cried,

Seven thunders uttered their voices and
When seven thunders uttered their voices,
About to write, heard voice saying, seal up,
Things which seven thunders uttered, write not!

The Angel which stand upon sea and earth,
Lifted up his hand to Heaven and sware,
By him who that liveth for ever and ever,
Who created Heaven, things herein are,

And the earth, and the things that therein are,
And the sea, and the things which are therein,
That by time no longer, but in the days of,
The voice of seventh angel, when he shall begin

To sound the mystery of God, should be finished,
As he declared to servants the prophets.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy

' Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy'

How close is Heaven you might ask?
Explaining it is not an easy task.
I dare say mine is simply speculation
But makes sense to me in retrospection.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

I believe the Kingdom of God is at hand;
The thought of it is as God has planned.
I believe the Kingdom of God is within me
For this realization, Lord, I truly thank Thee.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

A thin invisible veil divides heaven and earth
It begins at conception through the day of birth,
And when death upon us make its' visitation
Will we respond to God's or Satan's invitation?

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

The blessings of Heaven and the curses of hell
Are very real I am compelled to tell
Let's not our precious souls sell
To brief moments of pleasure
At the sacrifice of Heavenly treasure.

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

If, then, a thin veil separates us from Glory,
How well will we write our own life's story?
Will we realize Jesus' Presence is near
That He wants to dry each tear,
Cherish the love He brings,
And hear the songs He sings,
This Lord of lords, this King of kings?

As heaven is at hand so also the devil may be,
Let's ardently pray for God's Divine Mercy.

Let's Thank and Praise the Lord
For His Divine Mercy.