Friday, October 31, 2014

Jesus Knows Your Pain Jesus knows your pain,

Jesus Knows Your Pain

Jesus knows your pain,
He understands your grief
He knows that only His love
can bring your heart relief.

He recognizes your sorrow,
He sees the spiteful sting
and the grace He has for you
in your life, He wants to bring.

He's aware of your rejection,
He hears others put you down
and His favor and His mercy
will be your victory crown.

He identifies with your hurt,
the tenderness of your ache
and He will bring you comfort
that no man could ever break.

For He too ~ was rejected,
His life others gladly discarded
and He knows the agony inflected
when your cry is disregarded.

Jesus knows your pain,
He wants to give you relief
so He died to put an end to
your sorrow and your grief.
Isaiah 53: 3
“He is despised and rejected of men ;
a man of  sorrows’ , and  acquainted with,
grief : and we hid  as it were our faces
from him : he was despised , and  we
esteemed him  not “
Jan Bagwell
God Bless