Friday, May 21, 2010

Recipe For Marriage

Recipe For A Marriage

1 cup consideration
2 cupfuls milk of human kindness
1 gallon faith in God and each other
2 cups praise
1 cup of contentment
3 teaspoons of pure extract of “I am sorry”
1 cup of blindness to the other’s faults
“ Flavor with frequent portions of recreation
and a dash of happy memories .Stir well and remove
any specks of jealousy , temper ,or criticism , Sweeten well with generous portions of love and keep warm with a steady flame of devotion .Never serve with a cold shoulder or a hot tongue .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, May 20, 2010



If we could see, as we are seen ,
By Him who watches from above ,
If we could look into His plans
And comprehend His wondrous love ,
We would not murmur ‘neath our load ,
Nor question whether He doth care ,
But we would hope and trust and wait ,
Each weary day relieved by prayer .

If we could glimpse the far-off land
Where He shall gather in His own ,
If we could hear His angels sing
Before the golden shining throne ,
We would not find our journey hard ,
As now through life we travel on ,
For we would know the night we’re in ,
Is but the herald of the dawn .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's Your Story ?

What’s Your Story ?
No matter what else you are doing –
From cradle days through to the end-
You’re writing your life’s secret-story .
Each day sees another page penned ,
Each month ends a thirty page chapter ,
Each year means the end of a part ,
And never an act is misstated ,
Nor ever a wish from the heart ,
Each day when you wake , the book opens
Revealing a page clean and white
What thoughts and what words and what actions
Will cover its surface by night ?
God leaves that to you – you’re the writer ,
And never one word shall grow dim
Till some day write the word”Finish “,
And give back your life to Him .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life's lesson

Life’s Lessons
I learn , as the years roll onward ,
And leave the past behind ,
That much I had counted sorrow
But proved that God is kind :
That many a flower I longed for
Had hidden a thorn of pain ,
And many a rugged by-path ,
Led to fields of ripened grain ,
The clouds that cover the sunshine;
They cannot banish the sun .
And the earth shines out the brighter
When the weary rain is done.
We must stand in the deepest shadow
To see the clearest light ;
And often through wrong’s own darkness
Comes the welcome strength of right.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Songs in the Night

Songs in the night
There is never a day so dreary
But God can make it bright
And unto the soul who trusts Him
He giveth songs in the night .

There is never a path so hidden
But God will lead the way
If we seek for His Spirit’s guidance
And patiently wait and pray.”

“There is never a cross so heavy
But the nail-scarred hands are there
Outstretch in tender compassion
The burden to help us bear.

There is never a heart so broken
But the loving Lord can heal,
For the heart that was pierced on Calvary
Doth still for His loved ones feel .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !