Friday, September 3, 2010

A Fresh Encounter with the Lord
Joshua 5:13-15

Before overcoming a challenging situation, God often brings us through a time of spiritual preparation. Such was the case prior to Israel's conquest of Canaan. As Joshua—the commander of the Hebrew army—stood near Jericho contemplating the battle ahead, God appeared to him.

Joshua's reaction to this fresh encounter with God can help us learn how we should respond when He speaks to us in our hearts through His Word and His Spirit.

• He approached the Lord in order to speak with Him.
• He fell on his face in humility and submission to His authority.
• He asked for further instruction—"What has my lord to say to his servant?" (v. 14).
• He obeyed immediately.
• He feared God and treated Him as holy.

The Lord is always waiting to meet with us, but sadly, we are often too busy to make the effort to approach Him. By neglecting His presence, we miss the opportunity to receive His encouragement, strength, and direction for our challenging situations.

Our attitude during times of Scripture reading and prayer is very important. A humble, submissive, and teachable spirit enables us to hear God, and immediate obedience to His instructions reveals our awesome respect for Him.

If you're struggling with a difficulty and wondering why the Lord hasn't intervened, maybe He's waiting for you to meet with Him and—like Joshua—to humble yourself before Him in absolute dependence. Only then will you be in a position to hear God's voice and follow His instructions.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless you and your family ! Have a safe Labor Day weekend

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our Heart's Desire

Isaiah 26: 8-9a In the path of your judgements, O Lord, we wait for you; your name and your renown are the soul's desire. My soul yearns for you in the night,my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.

Let me ask you this. Have you ever sought after God with all your heart? Are you hungry, are you thirsty for Him? Do you want Him more than anything else on this earth?

Because it's only that sort of desire that leads us into a rich and powerful prayer life. I mean, if a husband and a wife don't desire one another - can there be any real, deep satisfaction in the relationship?

No. A wondrous, intimate relationship is…is an intimate embrace. And that only happens when each desires the other.

It's the same in our relationship with God.

Prayer's not some casual thing. It's not the occasional panic button that we hit when something's going wrong. It's not a now-and-then brush past God. It's not some daily duty, a failure at which leaves us wracked with guilt.


Prayer is…it's an ongoing, intimate embrace born out of a passionate desire for God Himself. Prayer is a choice that we make in our hearts.
God Is Faithful

God will never fail us ,
He will not forsake :
His eternal covenant
He will never break ,
Resting on His promise ,
what have we fear ?
God is all-sufficient
For the coming years.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless my brothers and sisters in Christ!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Simply Resting

Simply Resting

"These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." John 15:11

Do you depend upon Jesus Christ? I mean totally depend upon Him? Here's the way you can tell: Are you resting in Him today?

You see, when you are totally committed to Jesus Christ, you rest in Him. You realize your every need is something for Him to supply.

Have you ever looked at a branch? It has no other source of life than the vine. If you asked that branch, "What's your secret for your healthy leaves and fruit?" he would say, "My secret is that I'm resting in the vine."

"But what about your needs?" you ask.

"I know I have needs, but that's not my responsibility. My response is to rest in the vine's ability to provide. I don't produce the fruit. I just bear it."

Are you resting in the Lord today?

Take a walk outside over the next couple of days if you can and take a close look at the trees, shrubs, and vines. Meditate on what it means to abide in Christ "that your joy might be full."

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stepping Out

Stepping Out

"Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." John 5:8

In the Gospels we learn about a man who languished by a pool for 38 years, hoping for someone to put him in when the waters stirred, so he could be healed (see John 5:1-9).

He had a place in line, but someone always stepped in front of him. What was Jesus response? Step out of line, take up your bed and walk!

Suppose a man had been standing in line for Super Bowl tickets for 38 years. His buddy comes up to him and says, "I have two tickets on the 50-yard line. Come on." If he steps out of line, he puts all his trust into this guy's word that he has two tickets on the 50-yard line. Do you know what a lot of us do? We want to make a provision for our flesh, or we want to keep our spot in line. Jesus says, "Leave it behind."

What are you holding onto in your life that God wants you to give up so you can live the life He died to give you? Can't think of anything? Maybe there's not anything, but just in case, why don't you spend a little time talking to God about it?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, August 30, 2010

Your House Of Happiness

Your House of Happiness
Take what God gives , O friend of mine
And build your house of happiness .
Perchance some have been given more ,
But many have been given less ,
The treasure lying at your feet ,
Whose value you but faintly guess ,
Another builder looking on ,
Would barter Heaven to possess .
Have you found work that you can do ?
Is there a spot somewhere called home ,
Where spent and worn your soul can rest ?

A friend , a tree ,a book ,a song ,
A dog , which loves your hand’s caress ,
A story of health to meet life’s needs ,
Oh , build your house of happiness .
Trust not tomorrow’s dawn to bring
The dreamed–of joy which we wait,
We have enough of pleasant things
To house our souls in goodly state .
Tomorrow ,time’s relentless stream
May bear what now we have away ,
Take what God gives , O friend ,
And build your house of happiness today .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless you and your families . Please remember Lonnie Ivey ,his dear mother pass away .