Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Great Man

The Great Man

How big is the ocean?
How tall is the sail?
How big is the clipper?
How tall is the tale?

How big is the great man?
How tall is his pride?
How big is his ego
that flows from inside?

How loud is his boasting?
How loud is his horn?
How loud is his bragging,
yet quiet, our scorn?

How many, a promise?
How many times said?
How many believe him?
How many mislead?

Oh, where hides the shyness
and where hides the man -
when big man is lessened
as when he began?

How short is the thistle
and shorter, the thorn -
but great is the torment
when foot's skin is torn?

Transparent, his actions,
transparent, each thought -
and God does not 'know' him
because he was bought;

First by the minute,
Then by a smell -
of fire and brimstone,
by Devil in hell.

Exposed is the thistle.
Exposed is the gloom.
He's naked as baby
right out of the womb.

How fake were his pledges?
How fake was his stride?
How fake was his swagger
before he had died?

Does God see the motive?
Does God look within?
Does God judge the great man
when God knows his sin?

Beware of the ego.
Beware of the pride.
Beware of temptations
in life's fleeting ride.
Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV)
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

If Each One Would Win One

If Each One Would Win One

If each one would win one
The world would soon be won
A Gospel work begun
If each one would win one

If each one would win two
In half the time we’re through
We’ve each a part to do
If each one would win two

If each one won but three
Imagine what could be
Revival we would see
If each one won but three

If each one would win four
The church would hit the floor
In prayer unlike before
If each one would win four

If each one won but five 
The church would come alive
The gospel witness thrive
If each one would win five

Just start by winning one
Your ones will turn to some
To some, keep adding one
‘til life on earth is done

Because I'm Human

Because I’m Human
Because I am not perfect ,
My best intentions seen 
To sometimes miss fillment ,
Like the texture of a dream ,
And I wage a daily battle ,
That I very often lose ,
Between the things that matter,
And the ones I seen to choose .
Because I am no angel ,
I am easy to mislead ,
In spite of what I know is right ,
I’m swayed by pride and greed .
Sometimes I think I love the world
Too much to want to leave ,
Though Eternity awaits me ,
And all that I believe ,
My free will is a problem ,
How easy it would be ,
If God made the decisions ,
And took the job from me
But in this there is no merit ,
I am very well aware ,
So I have to work for Heaven ,
Every moment I am here.
And just because I’m human ,
It might take a little long ,
To be come what I was meant to be ,
Since I’m really not that strong .
So I’ll just keep on a trying ,
and I’ll live from day to day ,
For my spirit is immortal ,
…Though my body’s made of clay ,

Sunday, March 11, 2018



All reason tells me I should be downtrodden with despair
But look at me and you will see I’m floating on the air

Lifted high above the things that try to weigh me down
As hard as he is trying… Satan will not take my crown

I’ve got my life invested in a beneficial plan
And it is one that supersedes the subsidies of man

There’s nothing here can bind me for my Master holds the key
Of chains or from the pit of hell… He’ll run to set me free

My heart sings out a joyful song through what may ere transpire
 If I should sink… right in a blink… He just lifts me up higher…
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, 
and He shall lift you up.
James 4:10