Friday, May 13, 2011



If but one message I may leave behind ,

One single word of courage for my kind ,

It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister , friend ,

Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,

No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,

Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,

Your faith be dimmed , and hope , once cool and sweet ,

Be lost , but suddenly above a hill ,

A heavenly lamp, set on a heavenly sill,

Will shine for you and point the way to go,

How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I

Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky

Repeated – It has not failed me yet

And I have learned God never will forget

To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,

It will be lit

Jan Bagwell

God Bless



If but one message I may leave behind ,

One single word of courage for my kind ,

It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister , friend ,

Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,

No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,

Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,

Your faith be dimmed , and hope , once cool and sweet ,

Be lost , but suddenly above a hill ,

A heavenly lamp, set on a heavenly sill,

Will shine for you and point the way to go,

How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I

Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky

Repeated – It has not failed me yet

And I have learned God never will forget

To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,

It will be lit

Jan Bagwell

God Bless



If but one message I may leave behind ,

One single word of courage for my kind ,

It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister , friend ,

Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,

No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,

Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,

Your faith be dimmed , and hope , once cool and sweet ,

Be lost , but suddenly above a hill ,

A heavenly lamp, set on a heavenly sill,

Will shine for you and point the way to go,

How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I

Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky

Repeated – It has not failed me yet

And I have learned God never will forget

To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,

It will be lit

Jan Bagwell

God Bless



If but one message I may leave behind ,

One single word of courage for my kind ,

It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister , friend ,

Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,

No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,

Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,

Your faith be dimmed , and hope , once cool and sweet ,

Be lost , but suddenly above a hill ,

A heavenly lamp, set on a heavenly sill,

Will shine for you and point the way to go,

How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I

Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky

Repeated – It has not failed me yet

And I have learned God never will forget

To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,

It will be lit

Jan Bagwell

God Bless



If but one message I may leave behind ,

One single word of courage for my kind ,

It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister , friend ,

Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,

No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,

Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,

Your faith be dimmed , and hope , once cool and sweet ,

Be lost , but suddenly above a hill ,

A heavenly lamp, set on a heavenly sill,

Will shine for you and point the way to go,

How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I

Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky

Repeated – It has not failed me yet

And I have learned God never will forget

To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,

It will be lit

Jan Bagwell

God Bless

The Trap

The Trap

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer
and his wife open a package.

What food might this contain?
He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning,
"There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said,
"Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is
of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mousetrap
in the house."

The pig sympathized but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,
but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you
are in my prayers."

The mouse turned to the cow. She said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm
sorry for you but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected to
face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house; like the
sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the
darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the
trap had caught.

The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the
hospital and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you
treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his
hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came
to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer
butchered the pig.

The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many people
came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to
provide enough meat for all of them.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think
it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened,
we are all at risk.

In the book of Genesis, Cain said this about Abel, his brother,
to our God: "Am I my brother's keeper?"

We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep
an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage
one another.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Think of it !

Think of it !
Think of stepping on shore
And finding it Heaven .
Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God’s hand .
Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air ;
Of feeling invigorated .
And finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest !
To perfect calm .
Of waking and knowing
That I am home !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God please bless , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan , Dot Ellwanger , Betty Hill , Mary Carpenter , Billy , Mike wells and family , Melvin Mobley and Family , Judy Howard and Family . My pray list go on . Please just have a pray list and bring it before God . It will make them stronger and it will make you stronger in the faith . What ever you sow you will reap .

Think of it !

Think of it !
Think of stepping on shore
And finding it Heaven .
Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God’s hand .
Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air ;
Of feeling invigorated .
And finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest !
To perfect calm .
Of waking and knowing
That I am home !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God please bless , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan , Dot Ellwanger , Betty Hill , Mary Carpenter , Billy , Mike wells and family , Melvin Mobley and Family , Judy Howard and Family . My pray list go on . Please just have a pray list and bring it before God . It will make them stronger and it will make you stronger in the faith . What ever you sow you will reap .

Think of it !

Think of it !
Think of stepping on shore
And finding it Heaven .
Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God’s hand .
Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air ;
Of feeling invigorated .
And finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest !
To perfect calm .
Of waking and knowing
That I am home !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God please bless , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan , Dot Ellwanger , Betty Hill , Mary Carpenter , Billy , Mike wells and family , Melvin Mobley and Family , Judy Howard and Family . My pray list go on . Please just have a pray list and bring it before God . It will make them stronger and it will make you stronger in the faith . What ever you sow you will reap .

Think of it !

Think of it !
Think of stepping on shore
And finding it Heaven .
Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God’s hand .
Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air ;
Of feeling invigorated .
And finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest !
To perfect calm .
Of waking and knowing
That I am home !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God please bless , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan , Dot Ellwanger , Betty Hill , Mary Carpenter , Billy , Mike wells and family , Melvin Mobley and Family , Judy Howard and Family . My pray list go on . Please just have a pray list and bring it before God . It will make them stronger and it will make you stronger in the faith . What ever you sow you will reap .

Think of it !

Think of it !
Think of stepping on shore
And finding it Heaven .
Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God’s hand .
Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air ;
Of feeling invigorated .
And finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest !
To perfect calm .
Of waking and knowing
That I am home !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God please bless , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell , Hazel Bagwell , Nadine Stvan , Dot Ellwanger , Betty Hill , Mary Carpenter , Billy , Mike wells and family , Melvin Mobley and Family , Judy Howard and Family . My pray list go on . Please just have a pray list and bring it before God . It will make them stronger and it will make you stronger in the faith . What ever you sow you will reap .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

That Beautiful Land Called Heaven

That Beautiful Land Called Heaven

I read of a land more fair than this ,
It’s free from sin and shame .
It is a land of perfect bliss ,
Where none are sick or lame .
It is a land forever free
From disappointment sad ;
Where all the saints in love agree
In things that make them glad .
It is a land where strife will end ,
Where greed and pride will cease ,
Where all will join in heart and hand
In universal peace .
It is a land of true success ,
Where all are doing well ,
Where all rejoice and praise the Lord ,
Who saved their souls from hell .
It is a land of no regrets
That cast their shadows round ,
It is a bright and happy land ,
In which no clouds are found .
The unkind word will never sting
Within this land above ,
For all will speak like Christ their King ,
The King of peace and love .
Here broken hearts will all be healed ,
And friends will part no more .
Eternal joys are here revealed
On those celestial shores .
Though countless ages onward roll ,
Its pleasures never cease .
Then let the Christ into your soul ,
And share His eternal peace .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Tonight we lost Liza Henson to cancer , She was my daughterinlaw [Hali Bagwell]
mother. Be in much pray for her family . She was a fine lady and will be missed by all who knew her.

Monday, May 9, 2011

You are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful

You are beautiful. . .

It's a phrase that my mother uses a lot.

I used to wonder, "How in the world can Mother call them

I am a logical, statistical man.
I call things as I see them.
I didn't see beauty.

My mother would tell people this with an enthusiasm they
could feel. She was genuine. She wasn't telling them they
were beautiful to get something from them. Most of the
time, they were trying to get something from her.

I wondered for years what was wrong with Mother's perception and
vision. Couldn't she see that all of the people she called
beautiful, weren't beautiful?

You were beautiful only if you had a certain figure and face
that was classed as beautiful by the laws of the world and
glamour. Yet when my mother spoke, people smiled as though
Glamour magazine had listed them as one of the beautiful people
of the year.

It took me years to finally understand my mother's vision
and the phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

My mother had a spirit that could see the beauty in a person.

Most only look on the outside and then compare what they
see with the standards the world has given them.

That was what I was doing.

Today when you leave your house, carefully look at the first
person whom you see and notice how beautiful they are.

They may be balding, fat, wrinkled, pimply, or any of the
other things the world frowns upon as beauty.

Look at them closely and look for the beauty.

If you really look, you'll see it.

I didn't believe that at first until I tried it.
Sure enough, as I stared and opened another set of eyes,
I was able to see the beauty in every person.
No matter how rough or worn a person looked,
each pain etched line held a glimpse of beauty.

You just have to look for the beauty. It's there.

When you leave your home this morning, look hard at each
person. You will start to see the beauty of every human whom
you didn't know existed. Trust me and try this.
If you sincerely look, you will see it.

When you get home after seeing the beauty in faces you see,
look in the mirror.

You are beautiful.

Thank you Mama for all of the beauty that you have not only
seen, but added.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank you for so many prays , My mother is doing a lot better .