Friday, October 24, 2014

The Only Forgotten Son

The Only Forgotten Son

He wasn't what they expected,
or what they thought He should be
and so they rejected . . .
what only their human eyes could see.

They couldn't discern the promise,
for His appearance wasn't kingly
and so they rejected . . .
what their hearts saw so unclearly.

They uprooted Him for fear,
He'd take the "Life from their tree"
and so they rejected . . .
the only one who would set them free.

They detested His lowliness,
a mere servant among the masses
and so they rejected . . .
the Messiah that rode in on an ass.

He once was despised by the crowds,
He is loathed by hoards today
the Only Forgotten Son . . .
the whole world has turned away!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless!
Isaiah 53:2-3
King James Version

"For he shall grow up before him as a
tender plant, and as a root out of a dry
ground: he hath no form nor comeliness;
and when we shall see him, there is no
beauty that we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men a man
of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
and we hid as it were our faces from him;
he was despised,and we esteemed him not."

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Song of Praise

Song of Praise

As You draw away the midnight's purple awning
As the slumbering flower opens up her eyes
As song birds herald the cool and tranquil dawning
A miracle before man's wondering eyes
As the dormant breeze awakes in gentle sighing
And passes through the trembling walnut trees
Oh, my awesome God there's no denying
None but you bestows moments like these

The tumbling waterfall declares your power
You bring a tree to sprout from hills of stone
You deck this evil world with sweet wild flower
And in the darkest night I'm not alone
The mighty oak resides within an acorn
The warrior is a seed within the womb
And in Your love You wore a lowly mans form
To place Your hope within the darkened tomb

The raindrops laugh upon the emerald pillow
Where grass and leaf, where fern and tree reside
The sunlight filters through the swaying willow
And croons a lovely song in morning's tide
Your love flows in torrents from the heavens
Your love flowed in rivers from a cross
Your love tells me that I am forgiven
And all I give for you will not be loss

My tongue cannot declare your holy wonder
My quill can never pen the perfect word
The God within the hurricane and thunder
Can see the fall of one small helpless bird
The God who knows that man is dark and sinful
Will dwell within the soft heart of belief
He gives us power o'er this worlds luring evil
And draws us from the road of sin's vast grief

The heavens declare the beauty of Your glory
The earth bursts with the goodness of Your hand
While I repeat in awe love's old, old story
And in my hour of doubt it's new again
You pour Your endless mercy like a shower
As I drink from the well that never dries
You whisper to me in this sacred hour
And paint Your mercy 'cross the morning skies
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What is Worship?

What is Worship?

Holy surrender
Worship so sweet;
Laying my life
At my Savior's feet.

Sacrifice of love
My offering;
Thanking Him for
Blessings He brings.

Giving it back
Connecting with Christ;
Letting God into
Every aspect of life.

Audible praise
Hands held high
Opening my heart
Letting my spirit fly.

Expressive adoration
Emotions are stirred
Let my worship be
Every action and word!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

 There are only two forces in the world,
the sword and the spirit.

In the long run the sword
will always be conquered by the spirit.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

His Kind Blessings: A Villanelle

His Kind Blessings: A Villanelle

The night unfolds her starry wings
To slowly glide across the sky,
So we may praise God's kind blessings.

An angel chorus softly sings
A sweet and gentle lullaby,
As night unfolds her starry wings.

Before the restful sleep it brings;
Before we close each drowsy eye;
Let us give praise for His blessings.

Today we've done so many things,
But now its time to let them fly
Where night unfolds her starry wings,

And as we send these offerings
Up to our Lord who lives on high,
In humble praise for His blessings

We put aside our vain strivings,
And feel His peace come testify
That night unfolds her starry wings,
So we may praise His kind blessings.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

His Kind Blessings: A Villanelle

by Jeff Bidiman

The night unfolds her starry wings
To slowly glide across the sky,
So we may praise God's kind blessings.

An angel chorus softly sings
A sweet and gentle lullaby,
As night unfolds her starry wings.

Before the restful sleep it brings;
Before we close each drowsy eye;
Let us give praise for His blessings.

Today we've done so many things,
But now its time to let them fly
Where night unfolds her starry wings,

And as we send these offerings
Up to our Lord who lives on high,
In humble praise for His blessings

We put aside our vain strivings,
And feel His peace come testify
That night unfolds her starry wings,
So we may praise His kind blessings.
- See more at:

Monday, October 20, 2014

How Does God See It?

How Does God See It?

How does almighty God see it
When we fail to share His Word?
Is He disappointed when we fail
To tell those who have not heard?

How does almighty God see it
When we blush to speak His name,
When we fail to stand for Jesus
Because it may bring us shame?

How does almighty God see it
When we fail to do His will,
When we put our pleasures first
And expect Him to bless us still?

Our God wants us to serve Him
And put Him first in every way,
So let us seek to please Him
And seek His guidance every day.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !