Saturday, March 21, 2020

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake my heart with humble gladness.
See what our Lord has done today.
How after gloom and solemn sadness
Comes forth the Bright Son where He laid.

By the grave, they thought they had killed Him;
Holding a pompous jubilee;
Before the women could attend Him,
Jesus Christ once more was free!

Upon the grave there stands The Hero;
Looking around without the foe.
No more withstanding from below
As God's banner forever blows.;

A sight it is to bring more gladness;
To fill the Apostles' hearts with glee;
No more fright or hysteric sadness;
His precious Love is forever free.

Hell and its' loathsome prince, the Devil;
His powers and controls now torn;
Now I am safe from all that's evil
No matter how he rages and storms.

The world against me will rages;
Even though its' fury I disdain.
Though bitter war Satan still wages,
His demonic works are all in vain.

My heart, from care, is forever free;
Misfortune will no longer stay;
No trouble will ever trouble me;
Night is no longer night, its' day

I hold forever to my Savior;
He promises He will never leave.
Whatever my life must travel through;
To His Strength I will ever cleave.

To the halls of heavenly splendor;
In my heart He will penetrate.
No enemy will I ever fear;
No reason to hesitate.

He'll bring me to His Heavenly Portal
That opens into eternal bliss.
Then and there I'll be immortal;
With no more fears of the abyss.

Friday, March 20, 2020

My God this Night

My God this Night

All praise to you my God this night;
Beneath Your own wings;
For all your blessings of Your Light;
Until I live with You my King.

Forgive me God for Your dear Son:
The world, the Pharisees, and me;
The ills that I have this day have done,
You bled for me so Your peace may be.

Teach me to live, my Exalted Head!
Teach me to die so I may lay
In my grave as little as my bed;
Rising at the Judgement day.

When in the night I sleeplessly lie;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest;
Nor, my soul with fearsome thoughts supply;
Nor, powers of darkness will molest.

Oh when shall I, in endless days,
With hymns divine with angels sing
Forever chase dark sleep away
While praising You Eternal King?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pray Now

Pray Now

In the moment of rage, I prayed
God helped me through somehow
For He has never failed me yet
Draws me near when my knees bow.

Pray now through the unthinkable
Knowing His Grace is sufficient
God understands our unbelief
We were born to be deficient.

Fearful, naked and screaming, but
Unto life more precious than gold
The Father God prepared the way
For a heart He longs to mold.

Pray now through the unthinkable
Do not meander until tomorrow
Or embrace this chaotic diversion
Then bend to a weighty sorrow.

Pour yourself out and surrender
In humility you feel His Grace
Not to do great things, no
But to stand in a Holy place.

Where He will give you strength
To overcome not questioning how
Fall down be filled with His Glory
Then pray, pray, pray, pray now…
Psalm 73:26
"My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart
And my portion forever."

Monday, March 16, 2020



My Beloved Mother had a vineyard
On a very fruitful hill
She dug it up and cleared its stones
According to her will

She planted with the choicest vines
And built a tower, too
She made a wine press for the grapes
But good grapes never grew

No matter what she did for it
The constant care she showed
Instead of fruit that she could use
The wild grapes would grow

So she broke down all the walls
And let the outside in
To trample down and lay it waste
To never grow again

Can you see the parallel
To where we are today?
God has blessed us for so long
And we've gone so astray!

Lord God, forgive Your fruitless vines!
And grant us a new start
Help us produce the best of grapes
Within our hardened hearts

Oh, Lord, hear! Oh, Lord, forgive!
Oh, Lord, relight the fire!
Revive Your Church and make of us
A people You desire.

Oh, Lord, we throw ourselves on You,
Helpless without Your hand
Break up our rocky, fallow ground
And heal our sinful land.

What is the Source?

What is the Source?
We hear a lot of talk of human rights,
But thoughtful souls may spend their days and nights
Asking godless minds What is the source,
Of all the many rights they would enforce?
For in a world which evolution chanced,
How did it come to be with rights enhanced?
Or Is it just the strong who make the call?
But that’s not rights, but evanescent law.
Why does a man or woman have a right?
What filled their soul with such transcendent light?
How in a cosmic roll of shaded dice
Can value be bequeathed? And at what price?
For if a man is mold and conscience grew,
How did genetic chance his soul endue
With rights to life or even the pursuit
Of happiness with all its vested fruit?
I’ve asked the question more than once or twice,
What is the root of virtue? What of vice?
If in this bubble secular we live,
Who can punish violations or forgive?
Since no answer comes to us from fate,
From Atheistic Europe or the States,
I think the wise should join with those who bowed
Before the God, who them, with rights endowed
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
- The Declaration of Independence

Pray will heal

We cannot deny it. Our nation is in trouble and we are facing peril. You can turn on your television or scroll through your Facebook newsfeed right now and see that there is so much violence, corruption, fear and hatred in the hearts of those around us. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble.
In the face of all of this, it’s important that we pray not only for the healing of nation, but also for our president and all those in government leadership who are positions to make change happen. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. This is God’s command to every believer today. Praying for godly leaders is productive towards God’s plan and purpose for our nation. The Bible says the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. He can turn it however he wants, so prayers are important.
Heavenly Father, today I pray for our nation. I ask that You would give our President wisdom beyond his own understanding and the courage to choose the right path no matter how narrow the gate. I pray for all in authority over us that You would give them the grace and strength to stand against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently as one would a child. I pray for the spiritual leaders of our country that they would hear Your voice and know your heart. I pray that they would lead from their knees and by that simple grace bring each one of us to our knees before Your throne. Have mercy on our nation Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we pray that our president and leaders will honor You and respect You as the One and only True God. We ask that You give us government leaders who will pray for Your Will and guidance. Lord, we ask that You pour out Your Spirit on this nation to help each of us discern good from evil, not as the eyes of man but through spiritual eyes. Lord, we ask that You humble our hearts so that we will be a nation filled with gratitude and thankfulness. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.