Saturday, August 1, 2009


I sought the path to happiness
Through power ,wealth and frame ,
Yet everything that I possessed
Appeared to be vain.
Nothing seemed to satisfy
Or elate my restless soul
While I kept reaching for the sky
For that desired goal ;;
Then unexpectedly I found
A tome , its pages old ,
With a message most profound
In illuminated gold.
“Love thy neighbor as thyself,
Have faith and charity ,
And a cheerful merry heart ,
If happy thou wouldst be.”
Jan Bagwell

Friday, July 31, 2009

Forgive Me When I Whine

Today upon a bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair.
I envied her - she seemed so gay - and wished I were as fair.
But suddenly she rose to leave. I saw her hobble down the aisle,
she had only one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed,
a smile...

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold them had such charm.
I stopped to talk to him, he seemed so glad
if I was late could do no harm.
As I left he said to me, "I thank-you, you had been so kind.
It's nice to talk to folks like you, you see," he said,
"I am blind."

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood and watched the others play, he did not know what to
do. I stopped a moment and said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word and then I knew,
he couldn't hear.

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I go,
with eyes to see the sun-set glow,
with ears to hear what I would know.

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I am blessed indeed, the world is mine!

Written by Red Foley

We have a few prayer request
Her name is Paula and please add her 7 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to the list
Angela Richardson is a young lady going for a cancer check up ,she think she may have cancer . Debra King is still in the hospital being treated for Cancer . Please my brothers and sisters in Christ let's pray for these dear ladies

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed

Lives Distressed Cannot Be Blessed
Refuse to be discouraged ,
Refuse to be distressed ,
For when we are despondent
Our lives cannot be blessed ,
For doubt and fear and worry
Close the door to faith and prayer ,
And there’s no room for blessings
When we’re lost in deep despair ,
So remember when we’re troubled
With uncertainty and doubt
It is best to tell our Father
What our fear is all about .
For unless we seek His guidance
When troubled times arise ,
We are bound to make decisions
That are twisted and unwise ,
But when we view our problems
Through the eyes of God above ,
Misfortunes turn to blessings
And hatred turn to love .
Jan bagwell

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aunt Sarah Luckey's Quilt

Aunt Sarah Luckey’s Quilt
I have a dear possession ,
A quilt of many years ,
T’was made with loving fingers
By a maiden long since dead .

I wonder of the dreams she had
As she sewed the lovely color ,
Of the prince who’d someday come
And love her as no other .

I know she must have though a lot
Of how she’d have a home ,
And fill it full of lovely things
From which she ever roam .

Perhaps she dreamed of baby shoes,
Of tired little feet ,
And all the other things that go
To make a life complete .

But ah , her dreams they ne’er came true
For soon she was to rest
In that fair land beyond the blue ,
Where souls are ever blessed ..

Now I, the namesake of this aunt
In the second generation ,
Gaze on her lovely work of art
With praise and adoration ,

My life like hers is incomplete ,
I, too, dream of tomorrow
When all the worldly things have passed
Like love , and hate and sorrow .

Maybe we’ll meet on that fair shore
Along with many others

By jan bagwell

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It’s Me Again , God

Remenber me God?
I come ever day
Just to talk with You ,Lord ,
And learn how to pray .
You make me feel welcome ,
You reach your hand ,
I need never explain
For you understand .
I come to You freightened
And burdened with care ,
So lonely and lost
And so filled with despair ,
And suddenly ,Lord
I’m no longer afraid ,
My burden is lighter
And the dark shadows fade .
Oh ,God ,what a comfort
To know that You care
And to know when I seek You
You will always be there !
Jan Bagwell

Monday, July 27, 2009

He's There

He’s There
The storms of life will gather
and the bitter winds assail ,
Yet beyond the depts. Of anguish
is a love that cannot fail .

It’s a love that’s always with us
thought at times it seems obsure ,
But there never is desertion
in a love so true and pure .

When at times you feel deserted
and you seem to walk alone ,
Try to picture God in glory
seated on the mercy throne .

Try to picture Christ at Calvary
as He hung upon the tree ,
And how lonely ,when He cried out _
“Why has Thou forsaken Me ?”

Yes ,our Lord once had the feeling
that He , too was all alone ,
Yet , God proved that He present
Sitting on the mercy throne

Satan often tries to trick us
into thinking God’s not there ,
But if Calvary’s our example ,
He is closest in despair .
Jan Bagwell

Sunday, July 26, 2009

He asks so little and give so much

He Asks So Little and Gives So Much
What must I do to insure of mind ?
Is the answer I’m seeking too hard to find ?
How can I know what God want me to be?
How can I tell what’s expected of of me ?
Where can I go for guidance and aid
To help me correct the errors I’ve made ?
The answer is found in doing three things ,
And great is gladness that doing them brings .
Do justice , love kindness , walk humbly with God,
For with these three things as your"s and your God
All things worth having are yours to achieve
If you follow God’s Word and have faith to believe !
Jan Bagwell