Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Kingdom of God God says that I should love those who hurt me. For through them, the Kingdom of God is revealed. How do I manifest the glory of the Kingdom? While I am in the world, the Kingdom is within me. Am I wise enough to see its reality? Am I strong enough to keep its integrity? My cup runs over, I am full of emotions. Each pulling me in different directions. But what do I reveal if I retaliate? What do I reveal if I forgive? Free will is mine. But evil, like termites, makes the Kingdom collapse. Little by little, unnoticeable on the outside. But quietly creating a vacuum inside. Emptiness is... The denial of love. The coldness of alienation; The final result of pride's fleeting satisfaction. What good is an empty Kingdom? Devoid of life, its light extinguished? The children of God are recognized by the way that they love one another. My only choice, then, as a child of God, is to love. It's easy to love the lovable. But loving the unlovable, is easier said than done. It's Cruel. Unthinkable. Yet... necessary. For my own good, for the common good. And above all in honor of The Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God

God says
that I should love
those who hurt me.

For through them,
the Kingdom of God
is revealed.

How do I manifest
the glory of the Kingdom?
While I am in the world,
the Kingdom is within me.

Am I wise enough to see
its reality?

Am I strong enough to keep
its integrity?

My cup runs over,
I am full of emotions.
Each pulling me
in different directions.

But what do I reveal
if I retaliate?
What do I reveal
if I forgive?

Free will is mine.
But evil, like termites,
makes the Kingdom
Little by little,
unnoticeable on the outside.
But quietly creating
a vacuum inside.
Emptiness is...
The denial of love.
The coldness of alienation;
The final result of pride's
fleeting satisfaction.
What good is
an empty Kingdom?
Devoid of life,
its light extinguished?
The children of God
are recognized by
the way that they
love one another.
My only choice, then,
as a child of God,
is to love.
It's easy to love
the lovable.
But loving the unlovable,
is easier said than done.
It's Cruel.
For my own good,
for the common good.
And above all
in honor of
The Kingdom of God.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Let us Pray

 Bow the head in supplication,
    Lowly, penitent, sincere,
Worthiest of adoration,
    God, the Holy One is here!--
Here, while through the open casement
    Gently beams the rising day,
While, in contrite self abasement,
    Reverently we kneel and pray!

Let us pray!--we're weak and weary,
    Faint of heart and slow of limb,
Over mountains dark and dreary
    Lies our pathway--narrow, dim,
Thorn beset and demon-haunted,
    Steep and slippery is the way,
Would we tread it all undaunted,
    Firm of footstep?--let us pray!

Let us pray!--on every spirit,
    Secret, solemn records lie,
Of transgression and demerit,
    Only seen by God's pure eye,--
Secret sins, desires unholy,
    Thoughts impure that once held sway,--
Oh, in penitence most lowly,
    Deeply contrite, let us pray!

Let us pray!--we need forgiveness,--
    Strength and patience to endure,--
For our arduous labors fitness,--
    Spirits consecrate and pure,
Shelter need when storms are round us,--
    Bread of Heavenly life each day,--
Help when hidden snares surround us,--
    Guidance always--let us pray!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

“Those who look behind will never see beyond.”

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Way of The Cross

Way of The Cross

Tis important to remember,
the holy Standard that was set for us!
Its purchase was selflessly made
by our beloved Christ Jesus.

Upon Calvary, this single sacrifice
of Jehovah's perfect, atoning Lamb
completely demonstrates the truest form of Love
from our God, the Great I Am.

Lord, we may not entirely comprehend,
how Your ways are superior to our own,
but we need to realize that we're called
to reach towards Your Kingdom throne.

From the cruel spilling of Your Son's royal blood,
the ransom for Humanity was fully paid;
and the foundation of Heaven's eternity
has been utterly sealed and forever laid.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Many of us vote under the assumption that if only the right man/woman/party/ideology could get seated in the White House, the Court House, or the School House then the Kingdom of God would come. That is an illusion. We do not look for the church to assist in or endorse the building of a made-in-America utopia which is only a Babylon with red, white, and blue curtains. We look for a city whose builder and maker is God. To him, and only him, we must pledge our primary allegiance.”

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Send Out the Message

Send Out the Message

Send out the message old and true
Yet ageless still, and ever new
To souls now lost in sin’s despair
And tell them of a Savior’s care

He longs that all the lost may come
That they might have a Heav’nly home
But if no one will see the need
In vain they’ll call, for mercy plead

Commissioned, we will shed the light
Of our redeeming Savior’s might
We’ll send His message loud and clear
To ev’ry soul both far and near.

Repeat in Me , I pray

Repeat in me this morn your daily grace
That I may grow, and see You face to face
And from my heart vain thoughts you will erase
Repeat in me this morn your daily grace

Repeat in me this day your work divine
That cleansed my heart and made my spirit Thine
This all I ask, that I may not repine
Repeat in me this day your work divine

When even comes repeat, repeat to me
What You have done in love so full and free
Remind me then, dear Lord, so tenderly
That I am yours, for all eternity
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God

Sometimes, I cry out to God,
when being pushed to my limit
I pray asking Him to bring me
the full strength of His Spirit.

Whenever I am frighten,
when I'm knee-deep in my fears
I cry out for His light to shine
till the darkness disappears.

When my troubles hang on,
when they won't let go of me
I cry out for His mighty power
so I can make Satin flee.

When illness comes my way,
when the pain keeps on growing
I cry out for His healing touch
in my life to keep flowing.

When sad and depressed,
when I become withdrawn
I cry out for His help
to keep on, pressing on.

Sometimes, crying out to God,
is so natural to do . . .
for when it becomes a habit
prayer becomes a part of you!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Philippians 4:6
King James Version

"Be careful for nothing; but in every
thing by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made
known unto God."

Monday, March 24, 2014

It's Time

It's Time

I know the time is almost here
When all re-born will disappear
Into the heavens we will meet
With Jesus Christ; good news complete

Quakes round the world are the signs
Of birth pains for a dire time
Storms that devastate some lives
Will kill destroy and divide

Seas uproar, Mountains abate
God only knows your coming fate
Sickness, pests are running wild
May be severe or may be mild

Infants born to evil men
Surrounded by all kinds of sin
Growing up uncertain measure
But for us Heaven stores treasure

The book is open God will proclaim
The names He's stored the burning flame
The trinity the coming wrath
The death the life the narrow path

We are the Christians we behold
We did the things that we were told
Lift up your prayers down on your knees
Open heart and eyes, blessed, you will see 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless!