Thursday, May 28, 2020

Christ For All Seasons

      Christ For All Seasons

Winter would be cold and drab
Without God’s love to know ,
He keeps a glow of sunshine
In your heart , where ever you go .

And spring is unpredictable ,
It may be cold or fair ,
But Jesus’ love is constant ,
You can find it everywhere .

In summer when it’s parched and hot ,
The sun can take its toll ,
Yet you can find a spring
Of living water for your soul .

In fall when leaves have fallen
Everything is stark and bare  ,
But the riches of God’s word
Is within reach for you to share .

Our Father never leaves us ,
We can always find Him near ,
With His presence there is comfort
Any season of the year . 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Crushed Rose

       A Crushed Rose

O, beautiful rose , please tell me ,
For I would like to know ,
Why I must crush your petals
That the sweet perfume may flow ,
O , life that  is clothed in beauty
Perhaps like that wonderful rose
You will need to be crushed by  suffering
If the radiance of  your life must glow
A life that is crushed by sorrow
Can feel for another’s grief ,
And send out that fragrance of love
That will bring some heart relief ,
O , do not repine at your testing
When called to pass under the rod ;
For your life the sweeter will be
If blessed by the hand of God
Then let us rejoice when He sendeth
Some sorrow or hardship that tries
And be glad to be crushed as a rose leaf
That a sweeter perfume may arise.

Monday, May 25, 2020

I Meet God in the Morning

    I Meet God in the Morning

The earth is the Lord’s
    and the fullness thereof ,
It speaks of His greatness ,
    it sings of His love ,
And each day at dawning
    I lift my heart high
And raise up my eyes
    to the infinite sky …
I see the dew glisten
    in crystal-like splendor
While God ,with a touch
    that is gentle and tender ,
Wraps up the night
     and softly tucks it away
And hangs out the sun
     to herald a new day ,
A day yet unblemished
     by what’s gone before ,
A chance to begin
     and start over once more ,
And all I need do
     is to silently pray ,
God , help me and guide me
     and go with me today
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God’s gifts put man’s dreams to shame .