Saturday, September 15, 2018

He's Coming

He's Coming!

God opened the heavens and rolled back the blue
Then John saw one riding who's Faithful and True
He's not on a donkey but on a white horse
His sword drawn for battle to finish His course
His eyes were as fire on His head many crowns
His garment is red from blood when dipped down
To smite all the nations and rule with a rod
comes Jesus our Savior the dear Word of God
The armys in Heaven that John also seen
were riding behind Him thier garments all clean
The nations of earth gave out with a cry
Fire the rockets he must not draw nigh
Now the sky is ablaze with fire and smoke
but they could not defeat the Word which God spoke
He calls to the fowls now come and dine
eat of the flesh for now it is thine
the beast and that prophet were both cast alive
in the lake of fire by He who did ride
But it's not the end for the devil you see
After one thousand years he will be set free
to deceive all the nations a short time again 
Until he will meet his infinite end! 

So take good courage from these words my friend
For all your troubles will come to an end!

Thursday, September 13, 2018



DEATH is the winter of sin and shame,
of pride and blame,
of guilty name,

of danger's ice,
of bad advice,
of heavy price.

LIFE is the springtime of seeds that toss,
of logs across,
of Christ on cross,

of blooming earth,
of our rebirth,
of valued worth.

WORK is the summer of fresh, clean rain,
of sweat and pain,
of growth and grain,

of appetites,
of peaceful nights,
of what excites.

LOVE is the autumn of harvesting,
of lauded sing,
of Thanksgiving,

of Heaven's grace,
of special place
and Jesus' face.

Oh To Be A Butterfly

Oh To Be A Butterfly

Oh to be a butterfly.
Cocoon would pave the way.
Arise, I would, from dark of death
to see the light of day.

Oh to be a butterfly -
to rise above the dead,
to spread my multi-colored wings
of orange, green, blue and red.

Oh to be a butterfly
with brilliant-colored wing,
that I would stretch and open wide -
and I could beauty bring.

Oh to be a butterfly
whose wings bring ne'er a sound.
reflecting brightly in the sun -
the prettiest around.

Oh to be a butterfly,
to float on easy breeze,
and softly drift to other fields
where flowers meet the bees.

Oh to be a butterfly
upon a little hill
and set atop a milkweed plant
where I'd be resting still.

Oh to be a butterfly,
to never worry why -
the oceans depths seem much too deep
or clouds seem much too high.

Oh to be a butterfly,
creation's grand rebirth -
inside of God's grand masterpiece
and handiwork on Earth.

Oh to be a butterfly
in flight and fully free -
and then to be in peace again
at rest on Jesus' knee.

Oh to be a butterfly
emerging from cocoon,
unfolding vibrant colors bright
on Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Remember That September

I Remember That September

It was September eleventh, two-thousand-one.
How I remember that day and that year!
Through awful heinous acts of terrorism,
America lost many lives so very dear.

Hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers.
It changed New York City's skyline.
Worse than that, many were killed,
Even policemen and firemen so fine.

A hijacked plane hit the Pentagon,
And many lives were lost there too.
The western wall partially collapsed,
But the terrorists were not through.

Brave Americans overcame the hijackers
On United Airlines Flight Ninety-three.
They crashed the plane in Pennsylvania
Before it was hijacked to Washington, D.C.

Many Christians around our dear nation
Started praying and seeking God more.
Many Americans started going to church,
Who had not been going that much before.

On the calendar, it's called Patriot's Day.
The loss of many patriots, we'll remember.
May we pray every day for our dear nation
And remember that fateful day in September.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Patiently God Teaches Me

Patiently God Teaches Me

Patiently, patiently God teaches me what I must know.
He shows me how to succeed; leads in the way I should go.
Jesus will teach me his way, like those who sat at his feet;
Goodness and graciousness grow; wisdom makes my life complete.
Jesus, my teacher and lord, he illustrated the way;
Now I am his hands and feet, serving in his name today.

Going Home

Going Home

Going home to the glory, my flight it is waiting
Just delayed by heart’s fading beat.
When God finally calls, no hesitating
For I at last my Saviour will meet.

Once I heard how much Jesus cared,
Claimed Him as my Lord in a prayer.
Cleansed and ready, my soul is prepared,
For Heaven’s home and I am going to be there.

What glory there, some of it has been told,
The tree of life by deep crystal sea.
The streets of the city paved with pure gold,
And all its splendour is waiting for me.

Often in my heart, so deep is a yearning,
A longing for Heaven’s bright distant shore.
The hand of time so swift in its turning,
Will stop in its circle and move for me no more.

Then I will go, happy in the leaving
The ties of this earth no longer will bind.
A mansion in Glory, the reward of believing,
And the cares of this world left far behind.

The blood of Jesus, the fuel for my flying,
The fare of my flight bought at great price.
He paid for it all in His suffering and dying,
And purchase was complete when He did arise.

I am but a pilgrim and stranger on this earth,
Aimless and restless its paths I will roam.
It may know me now this place of my birth,
But Heaven is waiting and I am going home.

Are you ready ?