Friday, June 8, 2012

My Own Song

Oh, glad am I that I was born !
For who is sad when flaming morn
Burst forth ,or when the mighty might
Carries the soul from height to height!

To me , as to the child that sings ,
The bird that claps his rain-washed wings ,
The breeze that curls the sun-tipped flower,
Comes some new joy with each new hour .

Joy in the beauty of the earth ,
Joy in the fire upon the hearth ,
Joy in that potency of  love
In  which I live and breathe and move !

Joy even in the shapeless thought
That ,some day ,when all tasks are wrought ,
I shall explore that vasty deep.
Beyond the frozen gates of sleep .

For joy attunes all beating things ,
With me each rhythmic atom sings ,
From glow till gloom ,from mirk till morn;
Oh , I am glad that I was born
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 7, 2012

  A Crushed Rose

O, beautiful rose , please tell me ,
For I would like know
Why I must crush your petals
That the sweet perfume may flow .
O life that is clothed in beauty
Perhaps like that wonderful rose
You will need to be crushed by suffering
If the radiance of your life must glow
A life that is crushed by sorrow
Can feel for another’s grief ,
And send out that fragrance of love
That will bring some heart relief .
O , do not repine at your testing
When called to pass under the rod;
For your life the sweeter will be
If bless by the hand of God
Then let us rejoice  when He sendeth
Some sorrow or hardship that tries ,
And be glad to be crushed as the rose leaf
That a sweeter perfume may arise ,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Shall Go Alone

I shall Go Alone

I shall go out alone
Tonight beneath the stars ,
I shall forget the world
With its wars and rumors of wars ;

I shall lift my face to the sky ,
To its friendly fires and feel
The night winds reaching its hands
Into my heart to heal .

The darkness will soothe my eyes
That have looked too long at the light ;
The clamor within my ears
Will cease in the soundless night ;

And perhaps I shall find again
A thing I have lost for long :
Laughter upon my lips ,
And a light-hearted song
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Prayer list :
Jan Bagwell [ knees and neck ]
Judy Howard [ Knees ]
Billy Phillips Mother
Hali Bagwell and David Bagwell
Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
Nadine Stvan
Mike Wells and mother

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

O Night of Wonder

O night of wonder and delight !

O night of glory and surprise !

With one road stretching clear and bright

Before our eager ,dazzled eyes .

 Drawn by the magnet of a star ;

Drawn by an unseen power we take

A silver road that leads afar ,

And follow it for Christ’s dear sake .

O King of Kings ,and Lord of lords ,

We fall before thy starlit throne .

Humble we are –there are no words

With which we fitly can make known

Our heart’s elation and desire .

We search for words we cannot find –

The air is drenched with silver fire ,

Too bright for eyes that are struck blind .

Accept our silence as high praise ,

Our rapture ,as a thing of worth .

We are stricken with the old amaze :

The strange sweet wonder of thy birth .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I like to to thank Judy Howard for all her help .
Prayer list :
Jan Bagwell [ knees and neck ]
Judy Howard [ Knees ]
Billy Phillips Mother 
Hali Bagwell and David Bagwell 
Scott and Elizabeth and  Emily Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
Nadine Stvan
Mike Wells and mother