Thursday, June 18, 2020

Beware of Idolatry

Beware of Idolatry

Beware of idolatry in all of its forms,
It is all around us each day.
One face in peace, and another in storms,
It manifests in many ways.

The old idolatry, burly and crass,
Appeals to us not very well.
Malformed figures of stone or of brass,
In our modern day often fail.

Today it is "cleaner" for people refined,
Adapted to our modern taste.
Appealing with beauty to those so inclined,
And many run to it in haste.

It comes with a dollar sign, masked as success.
It smells good and promises wealth.
It may come with a suit or elegant dress,
Preaching pleasure, advancement or health.

A version for athletes, another for stars,
And one for those skilled in a trade;
And One for the heir with his houses and cars,
And one for the person self-made.

One for the simple, one for the savant,
Another for folks on the street.
Satan has idols in every haunt,
With them the whole world is replete.

You may think that this warning gives a false sound,
You may think this alarm is uncalled.
You may think these arguments have little ground,
These suggestions may leave you appalled.

Before you too tightly to those notions cling,
And wave this truth off with a nod,
Remember an idol can be anything
You love, fear or trust more than God.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Abiding with My Father

Abiding with My Father

About my Father much is being said,
For when I'm spoken of with ill intent
They're counting worthless blood that His Son shed,
Shamed on the cross when by His Father sent.
Down deep within the sea He left my sins,
Why argue if He wants to favor me?
With God as Father anyone would win,
With wisdom as my guide, I've been made free.
His ravaged face made dark, by fury scathed,
Becoming sin God viewed Him as a curse.
Abiding in His word, in light I'm bathed,
He's paid the price, the curse of sin reversed.
My Father's will for me on earth is good
Although by many I'm misunderstood.

Accord of Three Strands

Accord of Three Strands

It is better with two than to be all alone,
since your labor combined could produce more success.
Should one fall, then the other could aid their distress;
make a better defense than could each on their own.

We were chosen to live all together as one,
since we all are a part of the body of Christ.
For a cord of three strands that are braided and spliced,
will not easily break when the pulling's begun.

If we live in the light as God is in the light,
we can share with each other a fellowship sweet.
Let us practice: confession -- forgiveness -- repeat;
being patient and gentle and kind and polite.

As your faith will help me, and my faith will help you,
I must make the allowance for how you might live.
As the Lord has forgiven, so we must forgive;
seek the best in each other in all that we do.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Coronavirus, in the Midst of Uncertainty

Coronavirus, in the Midst of Uncertainty

The new word, Coronavirus,
has become a feared and hated name.
Will things ever return to normal?
And will life ever be the same?

It seems nothing is the way it used to be.
That's a fact we all have to face.
This world we have always called home
has suddenly become a frightening place.

I am glad the doctors and scientists
are all racing to find the cure.
And in the midst of all this uncertainty,
there is one thing I know for sure.

The Lord above has allowed this to happen.
It's not intended for me to know why.
But God doesn't want me to fret and worry
concerning who is to live or to die.

The Father desires that I should trust Him
with all my heart, mind and soul.
His watchful eyes see all that's happening.
He is always the One in control.

So we must gather all our faith and trust,
while in this scary time, it's hard to do.
Take comfort in what we know is true…
that God loves me and He also loves you.

Don't worry if the dark days get darker.
For we will one day again see the sun.
The Father can help us take this demon down.
And we will all finally say we have won.