Friday, July 12, 2013

May God's Kingdom Come

May God's Kingdom Come

Heavenly Father, You are good.
I come with love and gratitude.
Thank You for the blessings you give,
Thank You for freedom of mind,
Thank You for the gift of today-
With opportunities to serve,
And to make the world better.
May I show my gratitude
By a life of obedience.
Let my work be in joy and faith.
Help me to live by convictions
And not by other's opinions.
Lord, free those who are oppressed;
Destroy those chains of heart and soul,
Shelter the fearful in Your arms,
Destroy things that harm your children,
Aid those who are in mortal need,
Show Your love to the lonely ones,
Comfort those who are forgotten,
Show Your light to the discouraged,
Deliver your children from sin,
And remove its scars from our hearts.
May Your joy and peace rule all hearts.
Guide all men to lives of love.
May we all lift our hands to serve
Each other's best and God's glory.
Bring Your Kingdom soon to the earth
Through the labors of godly men.
  Jan Bagwell
God Bless!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

When Jesus Looks

When Jesus Looks
When Jesus looks upon my life,
What picture does He see.
Does He see His own reflection,
Or does He just see me.

Does He see His likeness,
The product of His hand.
Or just another Christian,
Who never took a stand.

Does He see a child of God,
A child that He set free.
Living life to honor Him,
Or does He just see me.

What about the other folks,
I meet along the way.
Do I show them Jesus,
To brighten up their day.

When someone looks into my eyes,
Can they truly see.
That calm and gentle peace of God,
That dwells inside of me.

When I reach out and shake a hand,
Is He right there in my grip.
Can they feel that strength from God,
That steadies when I slip.

When folks are in my presence,
Do they know His Spirit's there.
Can they see that He's the one,
Who guides me everywhere.

When other people think of me,
What is on their mind.
Do they think of Jesus Christ,
So gentle and so kind.

I try to be like Jesus,
Every single day.
Spreading love and kindness,
All along my way.

I'm afraid that I have failed,
I could not pass the test.
Deep inside my heart I know,
I haven't done my best.

I have had to fight my flesh,
Since the day that I was born.
It's always causing trouble,
And being such a thorn.

That's why His Spirit dwells in me,
He's helping me to learn.
In every situation,
Where I need to turn.

He knew I'd never pass the test,
That's why He took my place.
He gave His life to save my soul,
He suffered my disgrace.

Now I try to be like Him,
I must present Him well.
So other folks will want His gift,
And turn their backs on hell.

Other folks should see the joy,
That Christ has given me.
They should want to have it too,
Especially since it's free.

They should begin to ask me,
What is it they must do.
Just how it is they go about,
Getting Jesus too.

Then I get to tell them,
This wondrous gift is free.
It only takes a humble heart,
A prayer on bended knee.

Someday when I'm face to face,
With the Lord who set me free.
Will He see His own reflection,
Or will He just see me.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
 It is so easy to get distracted and let the world lure and entice us.  The 
enemy has many ways to get God's people focused on other things and get 
off the main objective; To serve the Lord and be an example to others, 
just as Jesus set for us when He was on the Earth.  

I encourage you to be strong and never let this world system get you 
worried or ashamed of who you are.  If Jesus is on your side then why 
would you let anyone make you feel unworthy or not well equipped to serve 
and be a witness unto the Lord.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God

God says
that I should love
those who hurt me.

For through them,
the Kingdom of God
is revealed.

How do I manifest
the glory of the Kingdom?
While I am in the world,
the Kingdom is within me.

Am I wise enough to see
its reality?

Am I strong enough to keep
its integrity?

My cup runs over,
I am full of emotions.
Each pulling me
in different directions.

But what do I reveal
if I retaliate?
What do I reveal
if I forgive?

Free will is mine.
But evil, like termites,
makes the Kingdom
Little by little,
unnoticeable on the outside.
But quietly creating
a vacuum inside.
Emptiness is...
The denial of love.
The coldness of alienation;
The final result of pride's
fleeting satisfaction.
What good is
an empty Kingdom?
Devoid of life,
its light extinguished?
The children of God
are recognized by
the way that they
love one another.
My only choice, then,
as a child of God,
is to love.
It's easy to love
the lovable.
But loving the unlovable,
is easier said than done.
It's Cruel.
For my own good,
for the common good.
And above all
in honor of
The Kingdom of God.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless ! 

What you do in the present—by painting, preaching, singing, sewing, praying, teaching, building hospitals, digging wells, campaigning for justice, writing poems, caring for the needy, loving your neighbor as yourself—will last into God’s future. These activities are not simply ways of making the present life a little less beastly, a little more bearable, until the day when we leave it behind altogether. They are part of what we may call building for God’s kingdom.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

God's Garden

God's Garden
Plant three rows of peas:
Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul

Plant four rows of squash:
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness

Plant four rows of lettuce:
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce be obedient
Lettuce really love one another.

You will have no garden without turnips:
Turnup for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnup to help one another

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love.
There is much fruit in your garden
Because you reap what you sow

To conclude our garden,
we must have thyme:
Thyme for God - Thyme for study
Thyme for prayer

Jan Bagwell 

God Bless !


Monday, July 8, 2013

Tools To Help

Tools To Help

No matter the person,
Or the obsession,
A bag of tools,
Is given with lesson.

Ever person,
Who walks with life,
Needs some tools,
To help get through strife.

Tools to help get through,
Conflicts and addictions.
Tools come in handy,
And help with restrictions.

With conflict the best tool,
Is to find a resolution.
With problems the best tool,
Is to find the solution.

With your unhappiness the best tool,
Is to change your situation.
With someone else's unhappiness,
Help them see their blessings.

With feelings of exhaustion,
Is to stop and take care.
When you lose faith,
Take time to say a little prayer.

With every issue,
You have a helping hand.
That will lead you the right way,
Just let God be part of the plan .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

"It matters not how oft you kneel, in attitude of prayer so true, unless inside, where no man sees, your very soul is kneeling too. "