Thursday, March 28, 2013

A poem about Easter

A poem about Easter


When Jesus came on the scene
He came in a way that was humble
Here on earth
He never mumbled nor grumbled

Man shed innocent blood
When Jesus died on the cross
They though they were above God
In the end they found out who was boss

Easter is a day set aside
For Christ death, burial and ressurection
If in your life your not living right
This is the time to make corrections

Easter shouldn't be celebrated
With nice clothes and beautiful hats
God's death, burial and russurection
Has nothing to do with that

Jesus bore the cross
Heading for Calvary
Through God's love
Allowed us to be free

He was put in His tomb
And on the 3rd day He got out
So I could capture salvation
And for this reason I can jump and shout

Now when I think of Easter
I don't think of material things
I use it as a reminder
Of the joy it brings.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Remember it not what you think of God , It what God think of you .

You take me there

I am a just here to be a server to all of those that are in need. I am a prayer partner where I go to service and and happy to serve all.

You Take Me There

As I search for your Saving grace,
I know one day I'll see your face.
Waiting is the hardest thing for me,
I know with you I will be so free.
You take me up and lay me back down,
I know with you I am and will be found.
I seek you each day and seek your name,
I am nothing without you or your Fame.
Waking with you, you give me power,
To make it another day and another hour.
Learning your word is oh so smart,
I love you Lord with all my heart.
You gave up for me all your life,
We could not stop all the strife.
Everyday I will always say,
I long to return to you one day.
Love me Lord and keep me strong,
Without you I can never get alone.
So hear my prayers as bring me peace,
My sins Oh Lord will slowly cease.
My heart is heavy and I am weak,
You love is strong as you speak.
Keep me safe at comforts arms,
Give me grace without any harm.
Give me eternity and take me home,
That day I will never be alone.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Have a Great Easter ! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Love

Easter Love
On Easter we celebrate love,
love coming down from heaven,
love blanketing the earth
in a transforming embrace;
unique and infinite love,
giving more than we can imagine
for us, to cleanse our sin,
a perfect sacrifice, Lamb of God,
the walking, talking Word.
He is teacher, role model, friend,
this God in human form,
dying, then rising from the dead,
proving all who believe
will also rise
to have eternal life, with Him,
Lord of all.
Oh, Happy, Happy Easter!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Spirit Filled Church

The Spirit Filled Church

Today I walked in the church doors to find
That, many would be there to welcome Him.
Every face had a smile and a look of hope,
Spreading joy, I saw Jesus in each of them.
Perhaps, if you look, you will see the change.
It is a precious sight, different in many ways;
Righteousness flows from the member's hearts,
And resounds with glorious songs of praise.
Today is a day that our Lord has made.
From the beginning of time he created love.
It is with this love that His Son was sent,
Crucified, buried, risen and ascended above.
Love that is spread in the Spirit filled church,
Emitting a glow that brings us a joyful heart,
Brings us from the cares of this world of woe
And fills us with joy, complete from the start.
The Spirit filled church is the Lord's church
And is always faithful to do the Lord's will.
They heed the calling to a lost and dying world
And spread God's word over mountain and hill.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank You , Neighborhood Church , for being who you are . 
Neighborhood Church , Easley , S. C.
I hoping and praying, that all who read this poem, written by God
humble servant , who could do nothing with out God guided.
Hoping every church is like this poem .
Happy Easter !

Monday, March 25, 2013

God Touch


Wild flowers of the valley
That God created with love
Every flower has its own beauty
That God made with his touch

People are like the flowers
With Gods touch they will bloom
Without his blessing showers
Their beauty will be ruin

Gods loving touch is everywhere
Just look and you shall see
His gentle hands and their sweetness
Made everything perfect and neat

He sent his son down to this earth
For our mortal sinful ways
Let's be very thankful
What he did for us that day

Let's keep him in our spirit
Follow him with your whole heart
For he is the key to Heaven
Capture this in thy hearts

God's touch is to mankind
As the rain is to the flowers
Without it they have no hope
They would wilt and cannot survive

Blessing will be upon upon us
When we will follow his ways
Eternal life we will receive
Peace and his wondrous grace

Jan Bagwell
God Bless