Saturday, September 14, 2019

Glorious God

Glorious God

Glorious God of the ages;
With wisdom that dwarfs all the sages;
By grace having saved from sin’s wages;
Be with us through all of life’s stages.

Glorious God, we are humbled;
You’ve helped us each time that we’ve stumbled;
Had mercy each time that we’ve fumbled;
Without your grace we would have crumbled.

Glorious God, our petition,
Ascends, and describes our condition;
Unworthy, we seek your provision.
Let us not vainly fall to derision.

Glorious God, so transcendent;
With angels your loyal attendants;
In heaven, above all, resplendent;
Gladly we are your dependents.

Friday, September 13, 2019

My Friend

My Friend

How oft have I come unto you my friend?
Arms open wide, eternity’s embrace?
Do you not know I’m with you till the end?
Each day you can partake of my true grace?

I stand by the water’s edge in your squall
Hoping you’ll see me through waves and rain
I’ll lift you to your feet after each fall
If you will take my hand in yours again

I pour out heaven’s light upon your head
I heal each weary heart and threadbare soul
When I am not near, others in my stead
Will work with you and help you to be whole

How oft have I come unto you my friend?
Do you not know I’m with you till the end?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Winter Is Nearer, and Heaven Is Deare

Winter Is Nearer, and Heaven Is Dearer

Spring turned to summer, then summer to fall.
Years are passing quickly. I really don't recall
All the golden memories I thought I'd not forget.
Old age is surely creeping up, but I must not fret.

Time is so precious. It matters so much how
I decide to use it, for I'm getting older now.
Children, did you notice that I'm not so spry
As when I walked without a cane and jumped so high?

If I repeat things, pretend you didn't hear
The other times I said it; my memory's not so clear.
If I forget where I put my glasses, be patient please.
I'll find them again, though maybe not with ease.

When arthritis gets me down, and I complain a bit,
Forgive me if I rest a lot, and if I often sit.
Slowing down is not my choice, but one that I must take.
Some things I must give up, decisions hard to make.

If I ask you to repeat what you said to me,
Forgive me; my ears aren't what they used to be.
If I often nod and sleep when sitting down to rest,
Forgive me if it seems my manners aren't the best.

Winter of my life is near; my life has almost passed.
The grave's nearer; Heaven's dearer; time is flying fast.
I want my life to count for God; I'll do what I can do
To please Jesus here below, and to Him I'll stand true.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

That Celestial Land

That Celestial Land

I want to dwell in a house on a hill
Where flood waters cannot come nigh
And hear the singing of a bird's trill
As it soars from a tree to the sky.

I want to gaze on a mountain stream
As it gently winds around the bends
And behold its silver hues in sunlight
As to the earth its great beauty sends.

All these earthly dreams of mine
Are really ever so hard to compare
With the beauty of mansions in Heaven
That Christ Jesus has gone to prepare.

I want to dwell in that celestial land
And sing praises to my God forever
Where half its beauty has ne'er been told
And there is no night there, no never!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Some Things Absent In Heaven

Some Things Absent In Heaven

Many things won't be in Heaven.
That makes me so very glad!
No one will ever be troubled,
And no one will ever be sad.

There'll be no lame ones there.
There'll be no one who is blind,
And no hateful or bad attitudes
Will we ever be able to find.

No pain, moaning, and suffering
Will ever be found up there,
And no cavities and toothaches,
And no bad days for our hair.

No deformed, arthritic bones
Will ever there be found.
No one there will be deaf.
We all will hear every sound.

Nobody will have to watch
His weight or size anymore.
We will all be a perfect size
There on that beautiful shore.

My long list of bad things
Could just go on and on.
In Heaven they won't be there,
For God is still on His throne!