Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Greatest is Love

The Greatest is Love

Stand firm to the end my complaining heart,
Love is a labor of sweet sacrifice.
Let all of your own desires depart
Until you have paid a heavenly price.
Love on in the face of hostility,
Expose all their anger to truth and light
And pray that they see the futility
In the rage that shackles them to their fright.
Weep for those whose love is withering
And be kind to the hearts covered in frost,
For they may not see the summer or spring
But wander in winter completely lost.
Love on and show the Lord is the reason
Your winter came to a change in season.
Psalm 9:7
King James Version

"But the Lord shall endure for ever:
he hath prepared his throne for judgment."

Will the Rapture Take place Monday at 1 o' clock are you ready ?

Will the Rapture Take place Monday at 1 o' clock are you ready ?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Chance to Dance..

A Chance to Dance...

On fallen knee,
i come to thee
with tears that fall,
Your name i call
unsure of what to say,
i know i need to pray

Father, don't let me perish,
without the love i cherish
bless me with a chance,
to find that never ending dance...

i am lonely, scared & lost,
afraid of what my sin has cost
You know my every thought,
You know why i'm distraught
from You i cannot hide,
all the truth i hold inside

don't let me perish,
without the love i cherish
bless me with a chance,
to find that never ending dance...

ashamed to show my face,
i need Your saving grace
convict me of my sin,
so that salvation can begin
i surrender my control,
Holy Spirit fill my soul

don't let me perish,
without the love i cherish
bless me with a chance,
to find that never ending dance...

if i confess and release,
will You bring me peace
will You keep me strong,
from doing wrong
finally will my life story,
now be on to bring You glory

don't let me perish,
without the love i cherish
bless me with a chance,
to find that never ending dance...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The thunderbolt of fear,
frightens and horrifies
until panic sets in
and the soul it terrifies.

It moves ever quickly,
through our worried minds
then it settles in
when our weakness, it finds.

Fears jolting boom,
is felt deep in the heart
then the resounding dread
in our soul beings to start.

It freezes and it seizes,
our feet to the floor
as soon as we hear
it's rumbling, cracking roar.

But fear can be conquered,
when at first you hear it's clap
take your worries to the Lord
and lay your trust in His lap!
Psalm 56:3
King James Version

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."

Monday, August 14, 2017

Fear Thou Not . . .

Fear Thou Not . . .

As the storms of life rages on,
and your hopes are all but gone.
When your faith is tossed about,
and in its wake, you're left with doubt.

Find comfort in the storms center,
His peace will greet you as you enter.
And you'll hear His whispers above the sea,
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee."

When in the midst of a test or trial,
and you find yourself in complete denial.
When your trust has been rocked and shaken,
and you're tormented, as soon as you awaken.

Find comfort in the face of tribulation,
His love has come to give you a new revelation.
And His whispers will set you free,
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee."

As you suffer in your grief,
and you don't know when you'll get relief.
When your heart breaks into little pieces,
and your pain, never fades or ceases.

Find comfort in your sorrow,
His compassion will brighten your tomorrow.
And through His whispers you will see,
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee."
Isaiah 41:10a