Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Answer is the Empty Tomb

The Answer is the Empty Tomb

My heart is full of worry 
And my mind with anxious care 
The answer is the empty tomb 
His body is not there

My soul is filled with fear and shame
My life is filled with dread 
The answer is the empty tomb 
Christ risen from the dead 

The world is full of sorrows
All the cities full of woe 
The answer is the empty tomb 
The whole world needs to know

The youth are filled with unbelief 
The schools are filled with doubt
The answer is the empty tomb 
The Savior made it out 

No matter what you’re facing 
No matter how it feels 
The answer is the empty tomb 
A risen Lord that heals

Thursday, April 11, 2019

In the Midst of Storms

In the Midst of Storms

I'm in the midst
Of a raging storm.
Who do I see?
A radiant Form.

"Take My hand;
Don't look around.
Only safety in Me,
Can be found."

I have disobeyed;
I turned and ran.
Forgive me, Lord;
I'll follow Your plan.

"Just in time,
I prepared a 'whale';
My love for you,
Will never fail."

Doubts and fears
Have overcome me;
I need more faith
To trust You, fully.

"The power I have
To calm the sea,
Will get you through
Until eternity."

I praise Your Name,
My Great Deliverer.
In the midst of storms,
You'll leave me, never.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Even To This Mountain

Even To This Mountain

"I have led My children onward
Through the Wilderness of Sin,
Through ways lone and twisted,
With enemies hemmed in.

I clave the rock and gave them drink.
I lit their way with cloud and fire.
I fed them with angel's food,
And My Right Arm did not tire.

Onward, upward--teaching them
In all things to obey;
And those, who overcome, will know
I have led them all the way.

Tempting Me, forsaking Me,
I gave them their desire
But, I also brought them discipline
By rod, and death, and fire.

Those who repented, I forgave.
I opened Grace's Fountain.
Like a flock, I--The Good Shepherd
Led them even to this Mountain."

Mount Zion! Great and Glorious!
Her beauty streams with Light.
Heaven's border--God's own Sanctuary
Where all within is Right.

Oh, Shepherd, forgive my wanderings!
Feed me ever with with This Fountain...
That I may rejoice in truth to know
You have led me even to This Mountain!
Rev 21:10-12 
And the angel carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God...

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

Jesus Is Alive Forever More

They crucified Jesus, our Savior
On a cross on Mount Calvary.
He shed His blood for our sins.
He died for you, and He died for me.

They laid Him in a borrowed tomb
And rolled a stone upon the door.
They thought, "That's the end of Him,
We will hear from Him no more."

Three days later in the morning
Near the breaking of that day,
Some loved ones visited His grave,
And the great stone was rolled away.

Behold! They found an empty tomb.
Where had they taken Jesus so dear?
The angels announced to them,
"He is risen! Jesus is not here!"

Praise God! Our Savior arose!
Yes, He is alive forever more!
If you've never accepted Him,
He's knocking at your heart's door.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

He’s Risen Victorious

He’s Risen Victorious

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
Seated now at God’s right hand

The angels are curious 
Satan is furious
At His redemptive plan

Of Jesus Christ I sing
Prophet, High Priest, and King
He’s given me everything

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
My praise to Him I bring

He’s risen victorious 
He’s all glorious
From the rooftop I’ll proclaim

Of God the Great I AM
Who once became a man
The Seed of Abraham

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
What else is there to say

I come now through His Blood
It cleanses like a flood
There is no other way

Through all ages
I will sing His praises
I gladly bow my knee

He’s risen victorious
He’s all glorious
He means the world to me