Thursday, December 24, 2015

Symbols Of The Christmas Candy Cane

Symbols Of The Christmas Candy Cane

Four symbols of the candy cane
are told at Christmas time
to remind us of our Savior.
Here they are in rhyme:

The Christmas candy cane we eat,
or hang upon our tree,
tells a story about Christ and
what He means to you and me.

Two color stripes are on the cane.
One’s white… the other red.
Red is for the precious blood
that for us all, He shed.

White is for the pureness
of Him born on Christmas day.
Think of His name, “Jesus”,
when you see it as a “J”.

And when we turn it back around
a staff does yet remain,
to remind us He’s our Shepherd.
…All this in a candy cane.
Jan Bagwell 
God  Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Glory Above All

Glory Above All

God became man, incarnate Son
Gave up the rights of deity
Stepping down from heaven's throne
Putting off Your majesty

Knowing sorrow every day
As You walked this dreary earth
Seeing as we turned away
The very One who gave us birth

Man of sorrows, man of grief
Every day weighed down with pain
And though You knew what was to be
You determined to remain

Your love required You to bear
Excruciating agony
A suffering beyond compare
As You bore our sins on the tree

But however great Your purpose was
In sending Jesus to atone
Your glory rises above all
The glory that is Yours alone

All thoughts of us, though great and sweet
Were secondary in intent
Your first concern, Lord, was not me
Your glory is preeminent

You came to seek and save the lost
As a means to this great end
Your Father's glory uppermost
Your Father's Kingdom to extend

So in the cross Your glory shines
Which every eye at last will see
A glory, gracious and sublime,
That's Yours for all eternity.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

Tuesday, December 22, 2015



Eternal became time-bound
Lying in a trough.
Almighty became human
To show us His great love.

He who formed the universe,
Who stretched out all the skies,
He who sprinkled stars in space
Now, helpless, there He lies.

Once enthroned in the heavens,
The earth His footstool then,
He cannot take a single step,
Who once walked on the wind.

The everlasting Word of God,
Speechless as a babe;
The God who filled up all of space,
Confined now in a cave.

Who formed the hairs on every head
Suddenly can bleed.
The God by Whom all things were made
Now suffers want and need.

He blew life into every man;
Now He takes His first breath.
Immortal God, the Timeless One
Can now feel pain and death.

Oh, how much He loves us!
How much He condescends
To come down from His lofty throne
To be my Savior and my Friend.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, December 21, 2015

God's Tears

God's Tears

I wonder if God cried when
He sent us his only son,
His most precious gift to offer
All of us with love.

Did a tear trickled down
His precious holy cheek
When he handed us his little boy
Did he then begin to weep?

I wonder if he cried when
Jesus was rejected.
Did his lips turn downward?
Was his heart broken and dejected?

For he'd given us his all,
His ultimate sacrifice,
Sending us his only child,
Were God's tears a surprise?

Christmas is a happy time
For all of those we see
But for the Heavenly Father
Maybe this could not be!

How he must have wept
Over his little boy who'd die.
His life,vanished in the wind.
Christmas had to make him cry!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless