Friday, April 17, 2020

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake My Heart with Gladness

Awake my heart with humble gladness.
See what our Lord has done today.
How after gloom and solemn sadness
Comes forth the Bright Son where He laid.

By the grave, they thought they had killed Him;
Holding a pompous jubilee;
Before the women could attend Him,
Jesus Christ once more was free!

Upon the grave there stands The Hero;
Looking around without the foe.
No more withstanding from below
As God's banner forever blows.;

A sight it is to bring more gladness;
To fill the Apostles' hearts with glee;
No more fright or hysteric sadness;
His precious Love is forever free.

Hell and its' loathsome prince, the Devil;
His powers and controls now torn;
Now I am safe from all that's evil
No matter how he rages and storms.

The world against me will rages;
Even though its' fury I disdain.
Though bitter war Satan still wages,
His demonic works are all in vain.

My heart, from care, is forever free;
Misfortune will no longer stay;
No trouble will ever trouble me;
Night is no longer night, its' day

I hold forever to my Savior;
He promises He will never leave.
Whatever my life must travel through;
To His Strength I will ever cleave.

To the halls of heavenly splendor;
In my heart He will penetrate.
No enemy will I ever fear;
No reason to hesitate.

He'll bring me to His Heavenly Portal
That opens into eternal bliss.
Then and there I'll be immortal;
With no more fears of the abyss.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

One day

One day

One day we will have to leave...
One day... no one knows it well.
Like Adam and fragile Eve,
Like water does in a well.

The thing is that after that
Reality will ensue.
The thing - whether I have met
In snippets of living - You.

I pray when the day will come,
I’ll be alabaster box.
An ointment of grace for some
That challenges and provokes.

I pray when the day treads on,
That will be between two:
Both overwhelmed and in awe,
Myself and the sky too.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

That 's My King

That's My King 

The Bible says
My king is the King of the Jews
He's the King of Israel
He's the King of Righteousness
He's the King of the Ages
He's the King of Heaven
He's the King of Glory
He's the King of Kings
And He is the Lord of Lords

Now that's my King!
I wonder if you know him
My king is a sovereign king
No means of measure can define His limitless love
He's enduringly strong, he's entirely sincere
He's eternally steadfast
He's immortally graceful
He's imperially powerful
He's impartially merciful
Do you know him

He's the greatest phenomenon
That has ever crossed the horizon of this world
He's god's son
He's a sinner's savior
He's the centerpiece of civilization
He's unparalleled, he's unprecedented
He is the loftiest idea in literature
He's the highest personality in philosophy
He's the fundamental doctrine of theology
He's the only one qualified to be an all sufficient savior
I wonder if you know him today

He supplies strength for the weak
He's available for the tempted and the tried
He sympathizes and he saves
He strengthens and sustains
He guards and he guides
He heals the sick
He cleansed the lepers
He forgives sinners
He discharges debtors
He delivers captors
He defends the feeble
He blesses the young
He serves the unfortunate
He regards the aged
He rewards the diligent
And he beautifies the meager
I wonder if you know him

He's the key to knowledge
He's a wellspring of wisdom
He's a doorway of deliverance
He's the pathway of peace
He's the roadway of righteousness
He's the highway of holiness
He's the gateway of glory
Do you know him? Well

His life is matchless
His goodness is limitless
His mercy is everlasting
His love never changes
His word is enough
His grace is sufficient
His reign is righteous
His yoke is easy
And his burden is light

I wish I could describe him to you, yes
He's indescribable
He's incomprehensible
He's invincible
He's irresistible
You can't get him out of your mind
You can't get him off of our hands
You can't outlive him
And you can't live without him
Well the Pharisees couldn't stand him
But they found out they couldn't stop him
Pilate couldn't find him any fault him
Herod couldn't kill him
Death couldn't handle him
And the grave couldn't hold him

Yeah, that's my king, that's my king, amen!



The Lord is in the garden, weeping --
prostrate, anguished -- all alone.
Not far away His friends are sleeping,
using pillows made of stone.

There in the darkness, time is fleeting --
racing toward His destiny.
His weary voice is heard repeating,
Father, take this cup from Me.

More fervently the Lord is pleading --
mouthing words without a sound.
From sorrow, He has started bleeding
crimson droplets on the ground.

Disciples -- one by one -- awaken.
Jesus tells them as they stand,
The Son of Man will soon be taken.
Rise, the hour is at hand.

Bright torches in the distance -- nearing;
shouts and voices pierce the night.
Then Judas walks into the clearing --
soldiers to his left and right.

To Judas and the crowd behind him
Jesus asks, Whom do you seek?
All eyes await the sign to bind Him --
Judas kisses Jesus’ cheek.

A glint of steel -- a blade is wheeling --
Peter cuts off someone’s ear.
A call for peace -- a touch of healing,
Jesus’ friends run off in fear.

Surrounded by the priests and soldiers --
centered in His Father’s will.
The world’s weight upon His shoulders --
stretched out on Golgotha's hill.