Friday, January 29, 2010

All things Bright and Beautiful

All things bright and beautiful

All things bright and beautiful ,
All creatures great and small ,
All things wise and wonderful ,
The Lord God made them all ,

Each little flower that opens ,
Each little bird that sings ,
He made their glowing colors ,
He made their ting wings .

The purple-headed mountain ,
The river running by ,
The sunset , and the morning
That brightens up the sky ,

The cold wind in the winter ,
The pleasant summer sun ,
The ripe fruits in the garden ,
He made them every one .

The tall trees in the greenwood ,
The meadows where we play ,
The rushes by the water ,
We gather every day .

He gave us to see them ,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty ,
Who has made all things well ,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless , my prays are with you all !!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Faith

My Faith
I need not worry , I need not fear ;
The Lord my God is very near ,
He holds my hand and makes me glad ;
He wipes my tears when I sad ,

He fills my heart with love and peace ,
And all my troubles begin to cease .
He points his finger to show the way ;
And from this path I will not stray !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coming Soon

Coming soon !
In the glow of early morning ,
In the solemn hush of night ,
Down from heaven’s open portals ,
Steals a messenger of light ;
Whispering sweetly to my spirit ,
While the hosts of heaven sing !
This the wondrous thrilling story ,
Christ is coming , Christ my King .

Oft me thinks I hear His footsteps ,
Stealing down the paths of time ;
And the future dark with shadows,
Brightens with the hope sublime ,
Sound the soul-inspiring anthem
Angel hosts , your harps attume ;
Earth’s long night is almost over ,
Christ is coming – coming soon .

Long we’ve waited , blest Redeemer ,
Waited for the first bright ray
Of the morn when sin and sorrow
At thy Presence flee away ;
But our vigil’s nearly over ;
Hope of heaven , oh , priceless boon !
In the east the glow appearing .
Christ is coming –coming soon .
Jan Bless
God Bless !!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where to look ?

Where to look ?
I don’t look back; God knows the fruitless efforts ,
The wasted hours ,the sinning , the regrets;
I leave them all Him who blots the record,
And mercifully and then forgets

I don’t look forward : God sees all the future ,
The road that short or long will lead me home .
And He will face with me its every trail ,
And bear for me the burdens that may come .

I don’t look around me ; then would fears assail me
So dark the turmult of earth’s restless seas .
So dark the world , so filled with woe and evil ,
So vain the hope of comfort or of ease .

I don’t look in , for then am I most wretched ;
Myself has naught on which to stay my trust ,
Nothing I see , save failures and shortcomings ,
And weak endeavors crumbling into dust .

But I look up into the face of Jesus ,
For there my heart can rest , my fears are stilled ;
And there is joy and love and light for darkness ,
And perfect peace , every hope fulfilled .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless all of you !!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Words of Comfort

Words of Comfort

Sometimes we get to thinking that
No matter how we try ,
Things just don’t seem to work out ,
For the likes of you and I.
We start to feeling sorry
For ourselves before we’re through ,
Afraid somebody else might get
What is our rightful due .

It takes a lot of sacrifice ,
Before we earn a crown .
To get our full attention , God
Ust sometimes knock us down .
And though He never promised ,
The sun without the rain ,
Every single time we fall ,
He picks us up again !
Jan Bagwell
Blessed be God who comforts us in all our trails .
2 Cor. 1:3,4