Friday, August 6, 2010

Take Time to be Kind

Take Time to be Kind

Kindness is a virtue
given by the Lord .
It pays dividends in happiness ,
and joy is its reward ,
For if you practice kindness
in all you say and do ,
The Lord will wrap His kindness
all around your heart and you ,
And wrapped with His kindness
you are sheltered and secure ,
And under His direction
Your way is safe and sure .
Jan Bagwell
God bless
So put away all malice and all guile and insincerity
and envy and all slander .Like newborn babes ,
long for the pure spiritual milk , that by it you may grow
up to salvation ; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord .
1 Peter 2:1-3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Let Your Wish Become a Prayer

Let Your Wish Become a Prayer

Put your dearest wish in God’s hands today
And discuss it with Him as you faithfully pray ,
And you can be sure your wish will come true
If God feels that your wish will be good for you ,
For there’s no problem too big and no question too small ,
Just ask God in faith and He’ll answer them all ,
Not always at once ,so be patient and wait
For God never comes too soon or too late .
So trust in His wisdom and believe in His Word ,
For no prayer’s unanswered and no prayer’s unheard .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him ,and he will act
Psalm 37:5

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Godly Man

A Godly Man
One righteous man ,
What is he worth ?
Far above all the
diamonds on Earth .
Blessed is the man
Whose God is the Lord
Who lives by his power
and feeds on His Word .
For this man shall prosper
His soul cannot die
His treasures , the riches
of earth cannot buy .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Sunset Lesson

A Sunset Lesson
This evening I saw the sun set
Behind the mountain dim ;
It dropped from behind a beautiful cloud ,
All gold around its rim
And as the sun sank down to rest ,
Beneath its bed of gold ,
It filled my soul with rapture ,
Its beauty to behold .
O that my life ,at the close of day ,
May be as supremely bright ,
As I pass on from this present world
To the realms of endless light;
That the golden crown may await there.
As bright as this golden sky ,
And that I may dwell forever there ,
In that beautiful home on high .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, August 2, 2010

Friends That Count

Friends That Count
The friends that love us always ,
In the good times and the bad ;
The friends that love us always
Are the friends that keep us glad .
The friends that cling in tempest
As they do in calms ,are those
That have made the paths of hardship
Seem the paths of song and rose .
The friends that love us always,
When we go their way or not ,
Are the friends our hearts remember
When the others are forgot .
The friends that stick the closet
When the trouble grows the worst;
The friends that love us always,
Just the way they did at first-
They are the crowning jewels
Of the coronets we weave
In the dream of tender moments
When the troubles start to leave ;
We revere their names for ever
And we see their faces clear –
The friends that love us always ,
Whether sun or shadow’s near .
Jan Bagwell
God give us best friends !
I wish for you and yours , that you have the love God in your heart , and many best friends. I thank God , he send me many .