Friday, March 4, 2016

I'd rather get ran over

I'd rather get ran over

Lord, please give me vision, help a dad to see
what I think best for my kids may not always be...

I want my kids to laugh forever, I hope they never cry
I want them all in Heaven, but I hope they never die
I want them to be safe and forever to be sound
I never want them lost so that they won't have to be found
I want them all with me, every single day
for I know when they're away they will surely lose their way
I want to keep them safe from the world and all its pain
and constantly be their shelter so they're not standing in the rain
I want to ease their fears and hear every whisper spoken
and shield their little hearts...never to be broken
As they cross the street, I want to walk before them
for I know the world's a truck and it's heading straight for them
I'd rather get ran over, as I've done so many times
I want to be the only one writing tearful rhymes
I want to be the light in the darkness of their night
and the only way to do that is to keep them in my sight
"Smile, single-file, kids..." everywhere we go
"Let's all stay together, now..." seven in a row
I know that as a man, these wishes can't come true
and so dear Lord, once again, I put it all on you
Please take this heavy burden, Christ, and help me understand
all that my kids will go've already planned
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Constant presence to help you through each day
Omnipresent, omnipotent God of all to lead your way
Nothing can separate you from the love of God
Forgiveness of your sins for this life you trod
Invincible God that is always there
Directing your steps with love and showing His care
Energizing you for the work He has planned
Nothing can stop you when God says you "can"
Courage under fire when he leads the way
Easy to get started when you kneel and pray

No wonder Christians have such CONFIDENCE as they walk through each day
For when you God in your life nothing can stand in your way!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Everybody lives with disappointments that come their way
But you choose your own reactions each and every day
Discouragement can easily take a hold on you
Or you can rise to the challenge, knowing God will see you through

Faced with the knowledge of a horrible fate for his country
Instead of anger and hurt, Habbakuk held on to His faith in the Almighty
He wrote a hymn of worship and rejoiced in His Lord above
Rejoiced in God's strength and the knowledge of His love

God supports all of us in exactly the same way
He is always with us; And He's exactly the same God today
Don't let burdens and challenges consume your life
Trust in God and continually praise Him in through your struggles and strife
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Future of Hope

 Future of Hope

In solitude and time of prayer
I cried to the Lord in quiet despair
My feelings hurt and emotions raw
If only I could see what the Lord saw
He whispered gently to my soul
Don't let discouragement take you from the fold
You receive my blessings day by day
And some days just don't go your way
But I have special plans for you
For a life of peace and joy too
You have a future full of hope
I am here to help you cope
Seek me daily I'm listening for you
Search for me with your heart so true
I will lead you back to a safe place
Where we can talk face to face
There's no mountain too steep
Nor any valley that's so deep
That God can't lead you from where you roam
Back to His peace and comfort and safety of home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, February 29, 2016

Grandpa's Last Day

Grandpa's Last Day

On a beautiful morning one day in May,
I went to my grandma and grandpa's to stay.
My grandpa fixed breakfast and fed it to me.
I felt so secure as I sat on his knee.
I ate every bite of my eggs and my grits.
For a snack later on we'd have cheese whiz and ritz.
Yet on this bright morning when the dishes were done
we went out on the porch and sat down in the sun.
Grandpa picked up his paper and on that old porch swing,
he went in a flash to meet Jesus the King.
Before I got grandma I climbed on his lap,
hugged him and kissed him then I felt a gap.
Although I was little my heart felt such dread
the moment I realized my grandpa was dead.
Though I miss him dearly I know where he's gone.
He's joyfully worshiping God at His throne.
I can't wait to see him I know he is there.
Asking for me to be kept in God's care.
Soon we will be singing Amazing Grace
as we all live forever in that glorious place.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless