Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Spare Tire

The Spare Tire

In time of chaos, grief and pain
If you don’t know, which way to turn
When human efforts, can not suffice
And the road to take, is hard to discern

In desperation, I sought the One -
The Architect of the universe
I found Him to be, just a prayer away
No problem He, could not disperse

But later when, the storm had calmed
And once again, I was "on-my-way"
A feeling of guilt, I sensed within
Did I only seek Him, - while in dismay

Is He not more, than the "spare tire"
That's only used, when in distress
Then tucked away, - out of site
Only to await, a time of stress

A crutch, a co-pilot, and spare tire
He's all of these, - - but much more !
The Rock, the Anchor, in day or night
Not just a standby, outside the door

One thing I've learned, through the years
If He is foremost in our plans
The "spare tire" will be needed less
When all is committed, in His hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !