Friday, July 12, 2019

Not To Be Despised

Not To Be Despised

Sitting near the window in a wooden rocking chair, 
A feeble woman holds a book and reads with special care. 
With house shoes on her weary feet the night air has a chill, 
On her lap - the afghan which she made with special skill. 

Sometimes she nods, sometimes she sighs, sometimes she laughs out loud. 
Sometimes her eyes are lifted up, sometimes her head is bowed. 
From time to time she says “amen!” at times she says “Oh my!” 
Often she is known to be so happy she could cry. 

The book is called the Bible and it tells her of her Lord. 
It speaks of faith, and hope, and love, it speaks of rich reward. 
It tells her of the heaven where her dearest friends now dwell. 
It tells her how the work of Christ has saved her soul from hell. 

Each narrative has a special place, each parable a home, 
In her heart, and to her taste, it is a honeycomb.
They tell her now it’s all a myth, and worthy of the fire. 
She answers, “Let my God be true, and every man a liar.” 

This woman is a princess in God’s family of love, 
She may look poor but she is blessed with riches from above. 
For with this Bible in her hands and faith within her heart, 
She lives upon the promises and strength that they impart. 

This dear saint has discovered - the answers to this life, 
She’s found a place of refuge in the midst of pain and strife. 
Her confidence, her trust, her love, are not to be despised, 
For when this life is over it will all be realized!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

With God there is always hope

With God there is always hope

Does God only love us when we are close to Him
and turn His back on us when we are lost in sin?
Does He hate us every time that we drift away
and only stay by us when we’re faithful and pray?

Does He not hear the faint sound of falling tears
from the eyes of those who have been away for years?
Did He not run out to meet the Prodigal Son
enfolding him in His arms as His beloved one?

Although we may feel all lost and so far away
there is never a moment during night or day
when God is not standing near with arms opened wide
ready and willing to take us back to His side.

There is always hope so do not despair,
our God is love and is forever there.
Opening heaven’s gate to let us in; 
waiting for His child to come back to Him.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

You Before Me

You Before Me

The love song of the Savior is "you before me"
To the extent of His choice to die on a tree
For the sins of all people, oh how can this be
A love that's so sweet, exceeding eternity.

What love is displayed as earth clutches His knees
Bowed down in the garden, to the Father He pleads
A way out if desired, all angels would lead
But Christ weeps at a heaven without you and me.

Eternity past witnessed complete harmony
Only now to be broken in Gethsemane
Oh why, Son of David, for this ungrateful breed
Would you bear guilt, so heavy, to set captives free?

If only a fraction of the cost we could see
Sin crushing the life of our Omnipotent King
Even greater the fact that He bled willingly
Might then sin be vile to God's worst enemies?

But this is the love that exceeds eternity
When Christ laid down His life singing "you before me"
Oh God You are forever exalted as He
Who prized us more than His own life, let us sing!

Monday, July 8, 2019

The Flower of Grace

The Flower of Grace

Grace is a flower that I love to smell,
Because of its power I am not in hell,
Upon its rich fragrance I love to dwell,
I cannot get too much of grace. 

I hold this dear flower, its beauty so great,
It has a sweet savor that does not abate, 
Its manifold colors are rich to this date, 
I love to learn more about grace. 

The pedals are lovely, sparkling with dew,
All shades of glory, and more than a few, 
So many blessings to my soul accrue, 
Just fixing my heart upon grace. 

Grace in the morning, in the afternoon, 
It is never too late, it is never too soon, 
To take up the flower and enjoy its boon, 
And have my heart blessed by this grace. 

I hold to it dearly, yes my grip is tight, 
I pull it closely with never a fright, 
No thorns to prick me my blessings to blight, 
I never shall grow tired of grace. 

So come to the garden (the Bible) with speed, 
You will find grace flowers and plenty of seed, 
They grow all around you when Scripture you read, 
You too can be filled by His grace.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

To God , my family , friends

Because you bring such joy to me,
And a love that is so deep.
A smile that brings me happiness,
And a love I want to keep.
I thank God for You!
Because when I'm down and almost out,
Your love guides me through.
And if I get too depressed,
It seems you know just what to do.
I thank God for You!
Because my problems sometimes overhelm me,
Your gentle touch and warm embrace
Give me the strength to carry on,
When I see the sunshine in your face.
I thank God for You!
Because you mean all the world to me,
And we share a special bond.
To love each other every day
And never let each other down.
I thank God for you! 

God Has A Time For Everything

God Has A Time For Everything

God has a time,
for everything
and for every one
new season’s He brings.

There’s a time of peace,
and a time of bleakness
a time of spiritual health
and a time of sickness.

There’s a time to rise up,
and a time to regress
a time of fearfulness
and a time to onward press.

There’s a time of hope,
and a time of testing
a time of great faith
and a time of wrestling.

There’s a time to praise,
and a time to mourn
a time to rejoice
and a time to be reborn.

For every thing,
God has a reason
a time for all things
in their due season!
Ecclesiastes 3:1

“To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose
under the heaven:”