Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Prophecy

The Prophecy

As I closed my eyes that night,
I took a voyage through the sea.
He showed me worlds we've yet to know.
He showed me things still yet to be.

In spirit form, descending depths,
I traveled through the outer core,
where liquid iron and nickel flowed
and generations were no more.

Onward to the inner core,
without a doubt completely solid,
I sat upon majestic thrones of iron.

From the center of the earth,
I witnessed sights beknown to none,
as images of things to come flashed by me.

I viewed previous centuries,
held burning embers in my hand.
I saw fire and I saw ash
and inhumanity to man.

I saw the hungry and the meek,
I saw the poor and up ahead
I saw the crippled and the deaf,
I saw the blind and countless dead.

Ascending from the inner earth,
I slowly turned to see our fate,
and there I read the words of doom
inscribed upon a writing slate.

'It's far too late to change the course,
you've lived without a moral creed,
destruction is the price you'll pay'
and etched in stone the word was "greed."

Friday, October 25, 2019



So young today yet all too soon
The morning light turns into noon
Fleeting hours shall fade the day
As noon to eventide gives way

Doubt not the choices made just now
Shall come to bear in life somehow
The place you find identity
Determines which result will be

The world perverse will promise place
If you with them will show your face
But in the end will pass away
Your purpose, meaning, light of day

Now Jesus offers counsel wise
To those who walk with open eyes
The truth revealed in Him is clear
New hope, new joy, new life, no fear

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Let The Heart

Let The Heart

Let the heart
Rise above
All the past
Without love

Let the heart
Come to be
Settled through
In Mercy

Let the heart
Rest in trust
Of the Lord
Who is just

Let the heart
Be healed
In God's love
Be sealed

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lord, You're So Much More

Lord, You're So Much More

Lord, I am reminded
Of who You are to me;
You are the Great I Am;
There's no other beside Thee.

You are the Creator
Of man and beast;
You care for all,
From the greatest to least.

You are the Savior
Of all mankind;
You sent You Son;
No greater love can I find.

You are the Comforter,
The One who guides;
You gave Your Spirit;
In me, He abides.

Lord, You're so much more,
Than I could ever say.
You are the 'Three In One'
That blesses my day.
I John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Monday, October 21, 2019

For His Name's Sake

For His Name's Sake

I was a spoilt child who had faith in my own might
But with mercy He call'd me forth from that dark world
And wash'd my spirit clean in His glorious light
My bare soul lays at His feet completely unfurled

My heart hangs on ev'ry word Jesus has spoken
Looking past circumstances for surely I know
I must fight on 'til all worldly bonds are broken
The less greedy I am, the more His blessings flow

Avoiding those who love to feast on destruction
I keep mine eyes fix'd upon the 'Ancient of Days'
Wait in silent patience to hear His instruction
For truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways

Hurry Up And Listen !

Hurry Up And Listen !

Can we still listen for God ?
It will often test our faith
All in it's due season
Not meant to be in haste

Be still and wait on God some
You will surely learn to hear Him
Never fear what's going on
God is always close at hand then

The very words of scripture
Should help us build our walk
Our thoughts and our behavior
Our patience and our talk

Oh to leave the worldly ways
And seek only towards the cross
To spend time each and every day
To spare that for which was lost

Have you ever felt discouraged ?
Do not fear it my dear friend
If Satan try's to steal your faith
He will be the loser in the end

With every bout of growing pains
Along the long and winding way
Before a spiritual breakthrough
The darkness will have it's day

Look at things through heavenly eyes
Not the angst of natural hustle
Then you will see a breakthrough
Instead of all the worldly troubles

Sunday, October 20, 2019

I only passing through

I'm only passing through this place, as I'll be heading home one day,
My Hope is far beyond this place, for someone pointed me to The Way.

For Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Life for all who will believe,
Christ changed the path of this hopeless soul with just a tiny seed.

I was purchased with The Blood of Christ out of this market of sin,
I was then planted on The Eternal Rock and given a new life to begin.

As I was redirected on a new journey to my Palatial Home in Heaven,
The Holy Spirit began to remove from my life fleshly sin and leaven.

Jesus Christ was crucified only once for all, to demonstrate the way,
But we my friend, must crucify our sinful flesh each and every day.

Salvation happens only once, at the very moment you truly believed,
But Sanctification continues on until at The Kingdom we are received.