Thursday, June 11, 2020

Over the sunset hill

Over the sunset hill

I wondered if I uttered
all the words that could be said
while I knelt beside my grandma
laying quietly on her death bed.

Her voice too weak to speak
her eyes to faint to see
but praise God for the assurance
she acknowledged it was me.

There wasn't much that I could do
for the end was drawing near
I just held her hand so gently
and whispered these words in her ear.

Beyond the sunset Grandma
you'll have real joy and peace
and all your cares and sorrows
will in a short time cease.

She was too weak to speak a word
but grasped my hand just then
and in my heart I felt assured
she was ready to meet him.

As hard as it was to say goodbye
my heart rejoices still
for I know that I will see her again
just over the sunset hill.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020



On a porch, in a small forgotten town,
All quaintly painted, and so rundown
Sits a old man, so frail of frame
Known only as "Pops", not fortune or fame.

Eyes so dim, forlorn and weak
But oh, to know the secrets that they keep
Lessons learned, that should be taught
Great treasures held, remain unsought

What he's done and what he's seen
Now only God knows and can redee

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Word Will Speak

The Word Will Speak

The Word will speak of Christ's atoning work,
Of Jesus as the perfect sacrifice.
His cruel death on the cross He didn't shirk,
Salvation by our works would not suffice.
One can't depend on friends of influence
Or rest one's hope on popularity,
For when beliefs don't meet in confluence
The context needs be sought out prayerfully.
Away from Jesus Christ false doctrines point,
Omitting His debt payment to the full.
These doctrines Holy Spirit won't anoint,
Though they're compelling others with their pull.
God's Spirit quickens, bringing us to trust
In Jesus' sacrifice to make us just.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Have You Opened The Book?

Have You Opened The Book?

Have you opened the book, have you sat down a while,
The book will cause you to think, it may bring a sweet smile.
Some call it God's Holy Word, but it's the Bible for me,
The book of beginnings, it's new life given free.

Have you opened the book, and found eternal truth,
Advice for the old, for young children, and youth.
Picture God on His throne, and Christ Jesus his Son,
When they spoke forth creation, our world was then done.

Have you opened the book, for our God He did rest,
Passed it on down to us, hoping we'd do our best.
Share respect for His words, that we stop, watch, and pray,
Come before Him in Worship, as you give Him your day.

Have you opened the book, when your lonely and sad,
When the world closes in, and you're feeling that bad.
When your cares just surround you, will you trust him today?
He will carry your burden, and he'll lighten your way!

Have you opened the book, found new life in God's Son?
Held communion now with Him, shared his praise with someone.
Let Him into your heart, brought within you new life,
Now eternally anchored, no more living with strife.