Friday, September 29, 2017



Forgiveness divine,
repent and receive
the beauty of grace
when you believe.

Bathe in His mercy,
pardoning and free
healing and restoring
until all of eternity.

Washed of your sin,
released from shame
when you trust Jesus
nothing is the same.

Healing compassion,
immersion of love
blood of the Son
a gift from above.

Forgiveness divine,
today is the day
mercy and grace
is just a prayer away!
1 John 1:9
King James Version

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to 
cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Heaven's Serenade

Heaven's Serenade

Hark, can you hear it?
Borne on the breeze
Rustling the cornfields
Brushing the trees
Rippling the waters
Touching my cheek
Heavenly music
Subtle and sweet

Wait, can you hear it?
Soft breath in your ear
Whispers from Heaven
Tender and dear
In every rainbow
In each little flower
Wait, do you hear it?
Infinite power

Hush, do you hear it?
Silent reflection
Tuning our heart-strings
To Heaven's perfection
Written in scarlet
At Calvary
A holy love song 
For you and me

Oh, do you hear it
Like a soft violin
Trickles of mercy
Let His song in
Oh, do you hear it?
His sweet serenade
A holy love song 

America Flag

America Flag
"The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice." For every american SOLDIER
WHO EVER LIVE AND DIED FOR THIS COUNTRY , i CAN SEE THEM CRYING FROM THEIR GRAVES  FOR WHAT THIS COUNTRY HAS TURN IN TO . My grand dad , My Dad , and 7 of his brothers had that Flag lay on their casket , Now do you thing it freedom of Speech ![NFL] Men playing a boys games for money chose to disrespect our men of honor . Chose another way to protest . You are walking on Honorable Men graves

Monday, September 25, 2017

America's Flag

“ America’s Flag “
Fifty stars for fifty states
Of which we can be proud
Thirteen stripes, of red and white
Our flag doth cry aloud
Do not threaten me it cries
I am the symbol of a country great
We will not run, we will not hide
We are the United States
We are a country of freedoms
We will fight, we will not bend
Our men and women proudly serve
Till all wars are at an end
Do not try to frighten us
You cannot break down our door
You cannot kill tradition
Other countries have tried before
As I wave I give this warning
We are a country that stands tall
I am a flag that stands for freedom
I am the flag that will not fall
God Bless our Troops and God Bless America!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Oh What Great Love !

Oh What Great Love!

Parents' love for their children
Can be very great indeed.
They want them to be happy
And try to supply their every need.

 The love between two spouses
Can grow stronger every day.
They seek to please each other
In all they do and all they say.

In our relationships on earth,
Sometimes human love may fail.
"I do not love you anymore,"
To another one may tell.

There is a love that is far greater
Than love from the human soul.
It's unchanging and everlasting
While many ages roll and roll.

Oh what great love God has for us!
He sent His only Son from above
To die for poor lost sinners.
I am amazed at such great love!

Praise God! Jesus is alive!
He arose on the third day.
He's with His Father in Heaven.
He intercedes when we pray.

Yes, Jesus died for one and all,
And He can be your Savior too.
Accept Him in your heart today.
Oh what great love He has for you!