Friday, June 17, 2016

God Can Be Your Father

God Can Be Your Father

At school a little girl named Jane
Was boasting about her great dad.
"He buys me everything I want.
He's the best dad a girl ever had."

Not to be outdone by her friend,
Emily quickly had her say too.
"Daddy takes me where I want to go.
He let's me do what I want to do."

One girl stood silently listening,
And it seemed on her, they'd call.
Very sadly sighed this little girl,
"You know, I have no dad at all."

Profoundly a little girl named Sue
Voiced an opinion of kindness and love.
"I know who can be your Father.
He is God up in Heaven above."

"The Lord will take me up when
My father and mother forsake me.
Mama read it from the Holy Bible,
So God can be your Father, you see."

On Father's Day, we should be aware
Some children without dads are sad.
There may be something we can do
To help them in place of their dad.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Worse Than That

Worse Than That

While I was strolling near a pond
one bright and breezy day,
a splendid scene had caught my eye
in such a special way.

Decided I, to lie a spell,
to take in nature's views.
So I had lain on greener grass
and kicked off both my shoes.

I saw the mirror images which
'bounced' beneath the sky,
on tips of little ripples that had
seemed to tip-toe by.

So beautiful, the lights reflected
off the little pond,
off the dancing water that
had seemed to just respond.

But life is not as it appears.
My thoughts took all this in,
When I had found that I had laid
right in this world's sin.

Once tempted by the greener grass,
well used by dog and cat,
I'm humbled now with just one whiff-
and sin is worse than that.

Don't laugh at me. It's just the way
this evil world turns.
So now I set my eyes on God.
My soul no longer yearns.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

When Jesus Appears

When Jesus Appears

In the twitch of an eyelid
And quivering lip,
The pages of history
Will burn in a pit.

For the remnant in waiting,
A reason to cheer
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.

Through the blitzkrieg of lightning
And billowing smoke,
He will ride on a white horse,
His army in tow.

The devil's dominion
Will fizzle with fear
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.

The clock in its dying breaths
Will give up its hands
At the altar of freedom
In God's perfect plan.

The red mist of suffering
Will scatter and clear
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Deep Waters

Deep Waters

No matter how deep
the waters get
I know that me . . .
God won't forget.

If they be shallow,
or be they knee-high
God will not leave me
alone to get by.

No matter how deep,
my troubles may go
I know the way out
God promises to show.

If there be darkness,
or if there be light
God will lead me
be it day or night.

No matter how rough,
the waters may be
I know God will not . . .
ever forsake me!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Isaiah 43:2a

"When thou passest
through the waters,
I will be with thee;"

Monday, June 13, 2016

I will sing

I Will Sing

Today I will sing,
no matter what comes
the strings of my heart
I'm still going to strum.

If there be blue skies,
I'll kick up my heels
if there be clouds
my joy, they wont steal.

Today I am singing,
hallelujah and hooray
I'm not going to worry
what comes my way.

If there be a storm,
I'll sing over its roar
if there be calm waters
I'll sing, louder more.

Lord, today I will sing,
nothing can stop me
I will sing my praises
to show my love for Thee!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
Psalm 57:7

"My heart is fixed,
O God, my heart is fixed:
I will sing and give praise."