Friday, April 15, 2016

The Sweet Bye and Bye

The Sweet Bye and Bye

I was floating, floating, high up in the sky.
Have I gone to the "sweet bye and bye?"
The light was so blinding it hurts to look,
I wonder, was my name in life's Book?

Angels would walk, pray, and sing.
It was as if a party was in full swing.
The incredible peace was throughout the place,
No cares, no pain on their happy face.

It was so wonderful that I wanted to stay,
But I woke and realized God gave me a new day.
I don't care about riches and gold,
I just pray the Lord to have mercy on my soul!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Answer

 The Answer
This is just another chapter in the story of my life...
and as I turn the pages I must face the pain and strife.
I must not ask the question for the answer has been told.
All things work together as the pages will unfold.
This is just another valley just before another hill
and I know God has the answer for He whispers, "Peace be still."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless      

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Table of Grace

The Table of Grace

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
a drunkard, a murderer and a thief
at the table of grace sits an adulterer
a liar and a denier of his own belief.

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
an abuser, a liar, an idolater
at the table of grace sits you and I
my brother, my sister, my neighbor.

At the table of grace sits Jesus,
who was beaten for our shame
at the table of grace sits the Christ
who took upon Himself our blame.

At the table of grace sits a sinner,
who partakes in the agony of His strife
at the table of grace sits our Savior
whose blood bought for all ~ eternal life!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Matthew 26:27-28
King James Version

"And he took the cup, and gave thanks,
and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye
all of it; For this is my blood of the
new testament,which is shed for many for
the remission of sins."

Near, Yet Far

Near, Yet Far

Oh, where has that young child gone?
Where now is that young boy -
the one with cute and chubby cheeks,
the one with eyes of joy?

His eyes were blue and innocent.
His skin was pure and smooth.
Obeyed, he did, his parent's rules.
His heartaches, mom would soothe.

He listened with attentive ears
and he obeyed advice.
Some thought he was a bit naive,
but he was simply nice.

His peers would laugh, make fun of him,
his pants short, second-hand.
His shoes had worn up through the soles
inviting stones and sand.

He often sat in deepest thoughts -
just God and him alone -
discussing unknown future times
that only God had known.

So work, he did, through day and night
with utmost sacrifice.
But forty years was all for naught
and it would not suffice.

His father died, then mother too,
on sad and lonely days.
Her words of comfort vaporized
in many tear-filled ways.

A glimpse of him, I thought I had
inside my soul of gloom -
and moisture filled, again my eyes,
inside my life of doom.

He lived in distant era, so
removed from current time -
I can't go back. Corruption is
a crass and dirty crime.

If, for a moment, I could fill
his worn-out humble shoes,
I'd long to stay again right there.
I know that's what I'd choose.

I'd seize upon his innocence
before those truths that are -
but I stare into mirror now,
for boy that's near, yet far.

The one with cute and chubby cheeks,
the one with eyes of joy -
oh, where has that young child gone?
Where now, is that young boy?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
II Samuel 22:31A says, "As for God, His way is perfect."

Monday, April 11, 2016



LOVE is the power - flows though all the nine
through faith in Christ I share God's love divine.
JOY from the Spirit working in my life
creates a happy person - free from strife.
PEACE is a trait that's hard to find today
Satan seeks to sweep all our peace away.
PATIENCE is a virtue we should possess
with patience everyone we meet we bless.
KINDNESS is a pure Christ like attitude
in a World that is so unkind - and rude.
GOODNESS in an evil world is so rare
it helps each godly Christian show we care
FAITHFUL to our Lord family and friends
faithfulness a virtue without an end
GENTLENESS like a mother with her child
the opposite - aggressive world gone wild
MODERATE in all things should Christians be
please let God's Holy Spirit work in me !
God Bless !