Thursday, July 13, 2017

Crazy Praise

Crazy Praise

Expression of my love,
A wee bit charasmatic,
With dancing on the pews,
They say was problematic.

Singing with the choir,
Their eyes, they fell on me,
For they said I was loud,
A shout that killed the key.

Drums I then would play,
A great beat shaking floor,
For I could do this well,
But people looked abhorred.

I offered to conduct,
My arms to wave in praise,
But as I stood to lead,
They kicked me off the stage!

Reflected Glory

Reflected Glory

The morning dew now glistens grass;
But know its glory soon will pass.
Would seem its brilliance has been won,
Not mere reflection from the sun.

As soon we’ll see, we are the same;
Our prideful boasts are just so lame.
We feel our glory must be won,
Not mere reflection from the son.

We sparkle, glisten, shine like dew.
We strain to be the proud, the few.
Whatever good we think we’ve done
Is mere reflection from the son.

We must see past reflection’s shine
To see his glory, most divine.
Achievements grand; all, some or one
Are mere reflections from the son.

May selfish honor fade to dim,
Replaced by glory due to Him.
For then we stand with God as one,
As bright reflections of his son.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Psalm 100 and 101--An Exhortation to Worship and Faithfulness

Psalm 100 and 101--An Exhortation to Worship and Faithfulness

Let everyone shout with Joy to the Lord
Come into His presence with song.
Let us worship in one accord
The One to whom we belong.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
Come into His courts with praise.
We find Him ever good and forgiving,
Merciful all of our days.

I will sing of Your perfect justice and love;
I will live with a heart to obey,
But this I ask of my God above:
When will You come to stay?

There is integrity in my home.
I reject those things that are vile.
I disapprove all hearts that roam;
I treasure all things worthwhile.

Some folks slander the innocent,
With eyes and heart so proud.
When I discern their evil intent,
I declare it clear and loud.

I look for faithfulness and love
In those who would be my friends.
Together we serve the Lord above
Faithful to the end.

I want no deceiver living with me;
No liars can be my friend,
For I seek truth and purity
From now until to the end.

Let us begin each day with resolve
To bring honor to our land.
May no wickedness be absolved
Nor evil allowed to stand.