Friday, September 5, 2014

New Life Begins

New Life Begins

Among bright bloom,
among good friends,
among our thoughts,
new life begins...
...begins with hope,
...begins with Thee,
...begins with grace,

From breath of birth to end of day,
Come, Jesus, come-
and come what may.

The sun moves quickly through the sky.
Come, Jesus, come-
for we know why.

As brightness dims and all seems lost,
Come, Jesus, Come-
two timbers crossed.

It dims, the more and death we face.
Come, Jesus, Come-
You offer grace.

Repentance peaks as darkness looms.
Come, Jesus, Come-
forgiveness blooms.

The sun surrenders to the west.
Come, Jesus, Come-
when laid to rest.

But Heaven calls bright morning sun.
Come, Jesus, Come-
to live as one.

Among bright bloom,
among good friends,
among our thoughts,
new life begins...
...begins with hope,
...begins with Thee,
...begins with grace,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, September 4, 2014



A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a three-year-old
girl in her cart.

As they passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for
cookies and her mother told her no.

The little girl immediately began to have a conniption fit, and
the mother said quietly, "Now Missy, we just have half of the
aisles left to go through, don't be upset. It won't be long."

In the candy aisle, the little girl began to shout for treats.

When mom said she couldn't have any, she began to kick her
mother and scream. The mother said softly, "There, there,
Missy, don't cry, only two more aisles to go and then we'll be
checking out."

When they got to the checkout stand, the little brat immediately
began to reach for the gum and freaked out when her mom said she
couldn't have any.

The mother patiently said, "Missy, we'll be through this
checkout stand in five minutes and then you can go home and have
a bottle and a nice snooze."

 I  followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the
woman to compliment her. "I couldn't help noticing how patient
you were with little Missy," he said.

The mother sighed and replied,
"Oh, no, my little girl's name is Francine,

I'm Missy.

Lord  give me patient ,  that others  see  you in me !

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Truths about Platforms from John the Baptist

 Truths about Platforms from John the Baptist

Imagine you were privileged to be at a place where you were going to be introduced to the greatest person alive today. His reputation is one where the most influential people in the world would all agree that there is no greater. Imagine what his introductions would be like? We have all heard the hyped up intros, haven’t we? The keynote speakers at conferences, the guest preacher at the church service, the honorary guest at a reception... we have been there. God, through the Apostle John, gave an introduction to a man named John the Baptist. Jesus said of this man “among those born of a woman there has arisen no one greater” (Matt. 11:11). When he entered the scene of human history, certainly there would be a introduction fitting for such a supreme title.
“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.”
Wait, what? That’s it? “A man.” Okay. What kind of man? Just a man? I thought he was the man. “His name was John.” Could you have picked a more unique, more memorable, more fitting name for such an individual? There is nothing here in this introduction that tips us off to the extraordinary person John the Baptist was in human history.
You think that, following such an ordinary introduction, his list of accomplishments would soon follow to make up for a bland beginning. And, yet, it seems to be all the more paradoxical. The Apostle John says John the Baptist “was not the light.” This was confirmed through the testimony of John the Baptist who, at every point, told people who he was not. “I am not the Christ.” “I am not Elijah.” “I am not the Prophet.” Finally, when asked to explain who he was, John could only describe himself as a voice in the wilderness. And when his followers pressed him to be more aggressive and increase his influence, John could only respond by saying, “I must decrease.”
So, there you have it. The man who Jesus said was without comparison (Jesus excluded of course). His life did not end with him on a throne but in prison. He did not have a crown on his head, but ended with his head on platter. How could it really be true what Jesus said about John the Baptist? Is there really none greater?
Of course, those who have read the Bible know the rest of the story. But this is instructive to us in the age of self-promotion and platform-building, is it not? The paradox of greatness according to Jesus runs on a totally different set of tracks than the world of raw, selfish ambition. What can we learn from the life of John the Baptist, since, after all, he did it better than anyone else?
1.  Platforms come from God. They are not to become your god (idol).
When challenged by his disciples regarding his “platform” not being as great as Jesus’, John replied, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven” (John 3:27). John recognized the influence and position was given to him by God, not the result of self-promotion and working up a ladder and using people for selfish gain.
John also knew that his platform had an expiration date. He was not going to live for something that was going to terminate. He was willing to let it go so long as he was faithful to fulfill the purpose of God attached to it. John was content when he was raised up in popularity and prominence, and he was content when he was brought low in obscurity and marginalization. This was because platform was not his god but a tool to put his God on display. He knew platforms came from God and are for God.
2.  Platforms are best used in pointing to others and directing the stage light toward them.
At every point, John the Baptist was saying, “I am not the point.” He was the pointer. He used his platform to set the stage for One to come whose sandals he was not worthy to untie. John was not a stage hog. He did not lust for the limelight. In fact, he was so unseen he could only call him a voice from backstage (in the wilderness). You don’t see voices. John did not listen to the press or live for the praise of man.
True greatness is found in the kind of humility that leverages your influence and position to serve and build up others, not yourself. If the only thing people see in your efforts to build a platform is you and what you do, then you are doing it wrong. The stage was not meant for you. Steward it well.
3.  Platforms are most enjoyable when they are tethered to God’s purposes.
John’s purpose for having his “platform” was to exalt Jesus Christ. Everything about him was an exclamation point to the declaration of Jesus Christ as Savior and King. John was not indifferent about God’s purposes in Christ. He did not consider it optional or a side item to the platform. He did not share that platform with Jesus as a trade-off. He was happy to see that everything his life was about would be used to direct people to believe, treasure, and worship Jesus Christ. Apart from God’s purposes, John’s platform would not exist. When John’s disciples thought it was all about him, John told them “Jesus must increase, and I must decrease.” They thought John was the bridegroom when John knew he was just a friend. And what do friends so? They rejoice in the celebration of the bridegroom on stage.
How could John genuinely enjoy his decrease and Jesus’ increase? John’s happiness was not tied to his platform. His happiness was tied to God’s purposes. The increase of Jesus’ “platform” was not a matter of competition for John; it was a matter of completion. If you make your platform what you are passionate about and seek enjoyment in it, there is no lasting joy found there. It is a broken cistern that can hold no water. But if whatever platform provided you is used to increase the magnification of God’s purposes in Christ as they are fulfilled in your life, then joy abounds and pleasure is made complete.
There was a man named John. He was a man, a voice, a friend of the bridegroom, and a witness. And there had arisen no one greater than him. May God help us to live our lives online and offline with the same passion, humility, and determination to have Christ seen through us, not us seen through our platforms.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Always remember  Father God is the King

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Little Tom's Question

Little Tom's Question

Sue came home tired from work.
She had worked two shifts today.
She then thanked her baby sitter,
And she sent her on her way.

Sue worked like this quite often.
For her son Tom, she did this.
She wanted him to have the things
That without money, he would miss.

Precious little five-year old Tom
Was waiting up for his mother, Sue.
It was really past his bedtime,
And this, little Tom already knew.

"Thomas, you naughty little boy,
Why aren't you in your bed?"
"I waited up to see you, Mom,"
That little pitiful sad boy said.

"Can I ask you one question, Mom?"
"Yes, Thomas, but make it fast.
I have a lot of things to do
Until I can go to bed at last."

"I was wondering how much money
That you make in one hour, Mom."
"Well, I make about twenty dollars.
Why do you want to know, Tom?"

Before Tom answered the question,
He paused and counted, you see.
"If I give you all my allowance,
Could you spend an hour with me?"

Sue reached down and held her son.
She gave him a hug so very tight.
It took Sue a very long time
To finally tell her son "Good Night."

"Forgive me Lord," Sue prayed.
"I've been such a fool, I guess.
I know money is not as important
As my son, Lord, I confess."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Walk

The Walk

The walk is not the cure
But the reason we would endure
Lifting up a weary soul
The walk becomes a Holy stroll.

I have wondered of the walk
Felt the sorrow and the shock
Stumbled, fell, then stood still
Gazed upon an enormous hill.

The walk was never ever mine
But my Lord gave me a sign
My love is all you really need
Walk with Me and I will lead.

No longer walking on my own
Believing that I was all alone
God had purposed in my life
Carried me through pain and strife.

The walk, the hope for tomorrow
Time with God I shall borrow
Peace comes and soothes a need
Prayers for friends, God will heed.

Thank you for this time, the walk
And every moment we would talk
When at last our hearts collide
He walked always by my side.

I am stunned by His grace
Walked the walk to His pace
Now I run, run the race
At the end, I see His face.

Lord I pray for all my friends
Who cannot seem to make amends
God I pray You walk with them
As You have walked with me, Amen.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Isaiah  40:31
“Those who want on the Lord shall walk and not faint”