Friday, June 7, 2013

A Room Full Of Angels

A Room Full of Angels

"By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me-a prayer to the God of my life."  (Psalm 42:8 NIV)
The chorus we sang repeatedly at our Church service that morning was, "...ho-ly, holy are you Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the lamb, worthy is the lamb..." Throughout the day that song kept running through my mind.
It was about six months after my accident and I still wasn't used to sleeping much at night, so I was waking up almost hourly. That night whenever I woke up, the song was there, as if I had left it playing on a CD player. I'd wake up briefly, ‘hear' a phrase or two and then fall asleep - over and over again, the same thing would happen.
When I read Psalm 42:8 a day or two later, I had no trouble relating. In fact, because He drew my attention to that verse, it seemed as though God wanted me to know more. So I asked Him where Jesus was when that happened (all the waking up to singing throughout the night). And the first thing that came to mind was that He was standing right near my pillow, and almost simultaneously I sensed He was not alone. There was a semi-circle of angels standing shoulder to shoulder around my bed, singing and singing and singing to God. No, I did not see them that night,but I was conscious of them, but when I awoke in the morning I felt a new measure of peace from "the God of my life".
So whether you wake up at night or not, if you feel extra blessed one morning, remember Psalm 42:8. You may have had a room full of angels with you.
~ Dear Lord, You are so worthy! Thank you for the love You direct my way daily. When Your song comes to me in unexpected ways, help me to recognize the source and to rejoice over the God of my life. Amen
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

    Thank God.

The spirits of who've gone before,
Each night caress my soul,
Giving me the faith I have,
Making me feel whole.

It matters not the road ahead,
What perils might befall,
The love within the universe,
Is making me walk tall.

I breathe in what is good for me,
The hope, the love, the song,
And every breath that I breathe out,
Expunges what is wrong.

I feel the beauty and the joy,
Of being just alive,
And every day presents to me,
Great reasons to survive.

I try to keep to my beliefs,
My faith has made me strong,
With random acts of kindness too..
I know I can't go wrong.

Lifes simple pleasures please me now,
It's like I'm born anew,
I've found what rocks my universe,
And I'm here to see it through.

My life is filled with joy untold,
It's washed my spirit clean,
Like waking from eternal sleep-
Encased within a dream.

My purpose now - to sieze the day,
My arms now open wide,
Embracing all life offers me,
With joy I cannot hide.

And each day as the sun does set,
I'll know it's meant to be,
That God saw fit to bless my life,
And set my spirit free.

With gentle understanding..
It's very plain to see,
I am blessed right now, and always,
And I thank God for making me.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Edge Of Heaven

Edge of Heaven

Edge of Heaven 

Rod Mayer has been the youth pastor at New Hope community church , Spartanburg ,S.C. ., for 15 years, and many in the church credit he and his wife Janet for being an instrumental tool in their children’s faith journeys. Through Janet’s recent three-year struggle with cancer, she kept a positive outlook and was often the one who cheered others who were saddened by her condition.
The Sunday after she died, the church was treated with stories of how Rod and Janet, knowing the end was near, had spent a beautiful week together in Hawaii. We also heard how Rod had taken their two children’s favorite toys and put them in a paper bag out of sight. He told them that although they couldn’t touch their toys or play with them, they knew where they were, and it was going to be the same with their Mommy. They wouldn’t be able to touch her or play with her, but they would know she was in heaven.
Two days later, with Janet in heaven, a memorial service was held at the church. There was not enough room for everyone who came. There were stories about Janet from those who were closest to her. Some tried to laugh and bring lightness to the heavy emotions by recalling her sunny disposition. I imagined Rod on the front row, choked up by all this. I wondered if he might speak, but then, if it were me, I surmised I would not be able to.
Suddenly, Rod was up on the platform speaking. He told us how in her last few moments Janet stood up in bed, reached her hands up to heaven and spoke. When he asked her who she was talking to, she said, “Angels.” And then he and a friend laid her back down on the bed, and she died.
I thought it was pretty courageous of him to do this—to tell us these things—given his situation and the frailty of human emotions. But I was soon to be even more surprised when he strapped on a guitar and began leading us in songs of praise & worship. Let me tell you, that was an experience like no other. It was the closest I’ve ever come to worshiping with the saints in glory.  There was such a sense of reality in knowing that Rod could not do this if he wasn’t looking out over the edge of heaven right then as he sang. This was not drummed-up praise. This was exuberant, from-the-bottom-of my-shoes praise. There was no lie in it.
Rod’s voice carried over everyone else’s, and there was something about it that was different. It had a strength and confidence that was mystical, if not eerie. It was almost as if he stepped over the edge of heaven for a moment and sang to us from there. I swear I heard a glorified voice.
And then, if that weren’t enough, he had us all bow our heads and he gave an invitation. Yep. I’m not making this up. He told everyone at his wife’s funeral that this would be a really good time to make sure they were ready to die, and then he told them what they needed to do to receive Christ. From the edge of heaven, he welcomed a number of people into the family of God.
Rod is not a big man. He’s not a tall man. He is slight in build and usually a little nervous around people. But let me tell you something: Rod is a huge man now in my eyes. Bigger than anyone I’ve ever met. I’m sure he will go through some long, lonely days. By the time you read this, they may be his longest ever. I don’t know, but I hear it’s the little things you miss—the coffee ready, the toothpaste squeezed in the middle, the sniffle during a touching scene on television, or simply turning around and forgetting for a split second, that there is no one there. Not to mention all the support you had the first few days that is now gone. Not anybody’s fault; it’s just that way. They have to get back to their lives, and you have to go back to yours, except yours will never be the same.
I know after that service I'll never be the same, and I hope you won’t either, even just from reading this. And you know what else? If you don’t know what’s going to happen to you when you die, Rod would want you to do something about that. Right now. He would want you to make his loneliness worthwhile by meeting him someday, at the end of days, on the edge of heaven. You can do it right now.
Your prayer could sound something like this:
Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I had so many request far Rod story , Pastor Rod Mayer , we love you and your Family ,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When You are alone

When You are alone

The pain you feel when you're all alone
a feeling to me, that's very well known
The thoughts in your mind, are not very clear
as you feel on your cheek, that burning tear

It eats you up, and tears you apart
as you try to heal your broken heart
We all have this feeling deep down inside
although for some, they have denied

The painful truth of what they feel
and by themselves, they can not heal
So ask the Lord for his healing hand
and walk you through that burning sand

To the end, where you can heal
and the feeling of contentment you can feel
He turns away no one, who has the Trust
So open your heart, to him you must

My tears are falling once again
because of the evilness of sin
It's all around, and hurts me so
it hits me hard, will not let go
It causes me such unbearable pain
as it did in the days of Abel and Cain
I need the strength of our sweet Lord
to be without, I can't afford
God gave his Son to protect me from sin
that Satan tempts in all Earthly men
He harms my Loved ones without care
I try to get away, but he's everywhere
There is a chance to defeat his way
it works, when we kneel down and Pray
God is stronger and he will win
He will protect me from the sin
I'll keep my Heart open, down to the core
and I will make it to Heaven's door
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Ask for forgiveness before it's to late
before you're standing at Heavens gate
Will you be ready for that final call
ask for it now, there's no time at all
Our Lord made a promise he's coming soon
this place we call Earth is heading for doom
The millennium's bringing lots of change
things are happening that's very strange
In the life of every mortal man
let God in your life while you can
God decides when the time has come
to send back to Earth his only son
The time you see is drawing near
and if you're ready, you have no fear

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God's Peace

God's Peace

God’s tender love and peace
Is what we all long for
In a world so hopelessly chaotic,
So unstable and unsure

It brings stability to our minds
And calmness to our souls,
For that is what we desperately need
As this world can be so cold

We need to have God’s peace
When turmoil’s in our lives,
For God’s peace doesn’t depend
On the daily pressures of life

When we have those stressful days,
God’s peace can often soothe
And bring us such a quiet hope
That chases away the blues

So when you feel the pressure on,
Remember Jesus Christ,
Receive from Him the peace He gives
As His daily dose for life!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Monday, June 3, 2013

An Invitation from the Master Gardener

An Invitation from the Master Gardener
Come into my garden
Come and sit with me awhile
I will whisper in your ear
I will make you smile
There are things I need to tell you
There are things you need to hear
When you listen with your heart
I will make them clear Come into my garden
Lay your burdens down
Leave them at the garden gate
Never to be found
I will walk beside you
Take a look around
Walking on my garden path
You walk on Holy Ground
Come into my garden
Listen to my prayer
I will stand before you
Your sins I will declare
Vanished from my presence
Forgiven, washed away
If only you’ll confess
If only you will pray
Go into the world - tell each friend or foe
Invite them to my garden
Let the whole world know
There is a place of comfort
There is a place of peace
You'll find it in my garden
You'll find it on your knees
Come into my garden
Blessings I'll bestow
I will give you light and life
I will make you grow
Here within my garden walls
Behind the garden gate
Looking down the garden path
Patiently I wait
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !