Friday, February 3, 2012

Give Us Daily Awareness

Give Us Daily Awareness
On life’s busy thoroughfares
We meet with angels unawares ,
So , Father , make us kind and wise
So we may always recognize
The blessings that are ours to take ,
The friendships that are to make
If we but open our heart’s door wide
To let the sunshine of love inside ,
For God is not in far distant places
But in loving hearts and friendly faces .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
The art of awareness is the art of learning how to wake up to the
eternal miracle of life with its limitless possibilities .

On behalf of the community at The Neighborhood...Welcome! We are a new church preparing to get started in Easley, SC.

Preview Service on February 5th at the Easley Cinemas behind Applebee's. Service starts at 10 am. Join us at 9:30 am for coffee.

We're sincerely glad you're exploring our church community. We would love for you to join us as we serve Easley and the surrounding community. Take a look around and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. The heart of the Neighborhood was birthed out of the call to ENGAGE those who are far from God with the Gospel, EQUIP Christ followers, and EMPOWER them to change the world through lives of irresistible influence.
Pastor David Bagwell
Everybody I would be very thankful if you would come and check out my son new church .
And please be in prayer for me , I will have a knee replacement Feb 17

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Somebody Cares

Somebody Cares
Somebody cares and always will,
The world forgets but God loves you still ,
You cannot go beyond His love
No matter what you’re guilty of`,
For God forgives until the end ,
He is your faithful , loyal friend .
And though you try to hide your face
There is no shelter any place
That can escape His watchful eye ,
For on the earth and in the sky
He’s ever-present and always there
To take you in His tender care
And bind the wounds and mend the breaks
When all the world around forsakes ,
Somebody cares and loves you still
And God is the Someone who always will .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
God deals with us whether in sickness or in health ,
whether in prosperity or adversity , whether in good
or in evil days , whether in life or in death , not according
to our merit but according to His mercy and love .

On behalf of the community at The Neighborhood...Welcome! We are a new church preparing to get started in Easley, SC.

Preview Service on February 5th at the Easley Cinemas behind Applebee's. Service starts at 10 am. Join us at 9:30 am for coffee.

We're sincerely glad you're exploring our church community. We would love for you to join us as we serve Easley and the surrounding community. Take a look around and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. The heart of the Neighborhood was birthed out of the call to ENGAGE those who are far from God with the Gospel, EQUIP Christ followers, and EMPOWER them to change the world through lives of irresistible influence.
Pastor David Bagwell

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Precious little memories
Of little things we’ve done
Make the very darkest day
A bright and happy one

Tender little memories
Of some word or deed
Give us strength and courage
When we are in need

Blessed little memories
Help us bear the cross
And soften all the bitterness
Of failure and of loss .

Priceless little memories
Are treasures without price
And though the gatesway of the heart
They lead to paradise .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
On behalf of the community at The Neighborhood...Welcome! We are a new church preparing to get started in Easley, SC.

Preview Service on February 5th at the Easley Cinemas behind Applebee's. Service starts at 10 am. Join us at 9:30 am for coffee.

We're sincerely glad you're exploring our church community. We would love for you to join us as we serve Easley and the surrounding community. Take a look around and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. The heart of the Neighborhood was birthed out of the call to ENGAGE those who are far from God with the Gospel, EQUIP Christ followers, and EMPOWER them to change the world through lives of irresistible influence.
Pastor David Bagwell

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Priceless Treasures

Priceless Treasures
What could I give you that would truly please
In topsy-turvy times like these ?
I can’t give you freedom from vexations
Or even lessen your irritations
I can’t take away or even make less
The things that annoy , disturb , and distress
For stores don’t sell a single thing
To make the heart that’s troubled sing
They sell the new look suave and bland
But nothing that lends a helping hand ,
They sell rare gifts that are ultrasmart
But nothing to warm or comfort the heart
The joys of life that cheer and bless ,
The stores don’t sell , I must confess
But friends and prayers are priceless treasures
Beyond all monetary measures …
And so I say a special prayer
that God will keep you in his care …
and if I can ever help you , dear ,
in any way throughout the year ,
you’ve only to call , for as long as I live
such as I have , I freely give !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Today I had a friend to offer to help me and that would have cost him alot of time at work and money , I will have another knee replacement in Febuary , and I have things under control. But thank you Jesus and thank you JD . It the offer that meant so much to me. I be alright, but it is such a blessing to know that there are Brothers in Christ who would go the extra mile .

Monday, January 30, 2012

Who You Are

Who You Are

I find myself on the downhill slide of yet another trial in my
life where confusion seemed to be the only thing I was sure of.

Who, what, why, when, how, and how long were the questions I
didn't have answers for.

Last night, I sat quietly and instead of asking,
I just listened.

God whispered to me.

Who I am is a child of His.

Why is something we can only figure out as we go along.
When is always and can never be more than right here and right
now (live for today).

How is only with His help, and how long depends mostly on us.

He explained to me that I am who and what I am
(don't try to be any more or any less) therefore I need to do
and be the best that I can at all times.

I get discouraged,
but I also have the ability to inspire and be inspired.

I become sad sometimes,
but I can also experience joy.

I can become angry,
but I have the heart to console.

I need to be forgiven sometimes (a lot)
but I can also forgive.

I feel helpless at times,
but can still lend a hand or ear to help others.

I am a teacher,
but I still have much to learn.

I get confused,
but deep down I know the answers are within my grasp.

It is the same grasp that boldly lifts my hands to Heaven,
and gently brings me to my knees.

Sometimes I feel lost,
but that is merely an illusion because it is not only enough for
my Father to know where I am and exactly what I am going

He has every hair on my head numbered.

Life is a series of lessons to be learned.
That is the only way we can grow.

I wish I had all the answers, but sometimes I think (I know) the
only way for us to become stronger and grow into what He wants
us to be, is to walk through the fire.

So, whatever you're going through, hold your head up, guard your
heart, and put all your faith and trust in the only ONE who will
never fail you....... JESUS.......

Remember all the things you can be even when you are sometimes
those things you wish you weren't.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless