Friday, September 2, 2016

Wondrous Gift, Amazing Lift

Wondrous Gift, Amazing Lift

What a wondrous gift!
What an amazing lift!
To walk this earth
Following rebirth
To know my sins He forgave
No longer a fleshly slave
To know his love
Sent on wings of a dove
To know you're His child
As you walk this earth a while
To feel His awesome power
Receive His blessings shower
To live in His awesome might
As we walk in faith, not by sight
To receive His protection
And look forward to resurrection!
What an amazing lift!
What a wondrous gift!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Praise God for His gift every glorious day
As you humbly walk in the Savior's way!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Highest Privilege

The Highest Privilege

In this place of highest privilege,
Where by our faith we stand,
We look forward by his grace with joy
To being all He planned.

And though there will be testings,
Or problems great and small,
We know He's working for our good,
So in His Name we stand tall.

Problems come and problems go
That's what life is all about.
But one day there'll be gone for good,
And we'll sing and praise and shout.

Then one day He will call us
To come home and be with Him.
We will lay down all our burdens,
Leave this world of hate and sin.

As we stand at heaven's portals,
And the gates are open wide,
What a wonderful reunion
With those we've long had said 'goodbye'.

No more parting, tears or sickness
No more pain or lonely days,
Just one endless day of glory
Just one endless day of praise.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, August 31, 2016



One day soon
the trumpet shall blast
we'll gather together
going home at last.
The Shepard will come
to bring his sheep in
he'll sheer from their lives
the effects of their sin.
One Day Soon!

One day soon
our tears will dry
no grief to bear
no need to cry
no dread of fear
all pain will cease
he'll wrap his lambs
in robes of peace.
One Day Soon!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My Arrow Deflector

My Arrow Deflector

The Lord is my shield,
my true protector
He is my only
arrow deflector.

He gives me courage,
to fight any attack
His is the confidence
that in myself, I lack.

He lifts my head up,
His glory holds me high
He is the only Helper
on whom I can rely.

He supports me,
He is my safeguard
He is my soul's defender
my heart's bodyguard.

The Lord is my shield,
my refuge, my guide
it's His strength in me
that reflects from inside!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 3:3-5

"But thou, O Lord,
art a shield for me;
my glory, and the
lifter up of mine head."

King James Version
Public Domain

Monday, August 29, 2016

ALL Children

ALL Children

Please help the little children Lord.
Bless each and ev'ry one.
Protect them from a world of hate,
from anger, sin and gun.

Resentment boils up from hell
and terrorizes earth
as wars break out like wildfires,
around another birth.

We clamor for position Lord,
we care for our own thirst.
We focus on our status, but
our blessings have been cursed.

You once had blessed America.
when we had trusted You.
But we have failed the "least of these"
and we all know it's true.

Please strip away our selfish pride
and fill us up with love -
and let us prove our charity
that we keep speaking of.

Why do we think that our kids are
much better than the rest?
ALL children are from You dear Lord -
the poor, the weak, oppressed.

Please help the little children Lord.
Bless each and ev'ry one.
Protect them from a world of hate,
from anger, sin and gun.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless