Thursday, January 24, 2019



All reason tells me I should be downtrodden with despair
But look at me and you will see I’m floating on the air

Lifted high above the things that try to weigh me down
As hard as he is trying… Satan will not take my crown

I’ve got my life invested in a beneficial plan
And it is one that supersedes the subsidies of man

There’s nothing here can bind me for my Master holds the key
Of chains or from the pit of hell… He’ll run to set me free

My heart sings out a joyful song through what may ere transpire
 If I should sink… right in a blink… He just lifts me up higher…
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, 
and He shall lift you up.
James 4:10

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Past and the Cross

My Past and the Cross

I wish I could undo all my past,
and right all my wrongs. I must
admit I’m only human and feel
the need to--- it is like a zeal.

At times, alone, in my solitude,
my pasts creep in and intrude
my equanimity. I can’t help but
dabble in this guilt-tripping rut!

Aye, if it'd require going to hell
for one day, I will gladly dwell,
perhaps, even more than a day,
if that’ll keep all my past at bay.

O---but then, of course, I recall:
Christ already accomplish’d all
my heart could ever wish for---
all that I might desire and more.

I don’t have to bleed, He bled;
neither die, He died in my stead;
I need not go to hell for a day,---
He gratis went there for me, yay!

See? Right there at the Cross;
blotted out was my past's dross!
He Personally bore my shame,
gave me innocence in His Name.

But, you see, the human in me
often forgets I am indeed free;---
Apostle Paul said I am justified:
I never even did it; I'm justified.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Change

The Change

The mind knows not the God of love
Until the heart sees truth above.
For only in His Word is found
The truth that makes our world abound.

Endowed by God His image for sure
But Adam’s sin now did immure.
The enemy laughed and saw our pain
His hatred of God on us did rain!

We’re lost and follow a fallen world
Our hearts are twisted and oh so knurled,
Until God’s truth is birthed within
And truth breaks lies exposing sin.

For then we fall with cries of shame
And realize that we’re to blame.
Each one of us the guilt inside
All works of ours fall short, we tried.

But seeing us in our despair
No hope apart from Him could care.
His love with height and depth beyond
As mercy and light on me had dawned.

New joy, new life, new truth are mine,
In Heavenly castles I long to dine!
Brought home by mercy and by the One,
The Son who took my place, He WON!

I long to live for Him on earth
And show the heart of His new birth!
His blood has spilled on me for sure
And bought for me this heavenly cure!

His spirit inside and Oh so sweet!
To journey inside to His retreat,
And find within His comforting arms 
My faith, His peace, His loving charms!

God Winked at Me

God Winked at Me

God winked at me one time
To tell me that I was ok.
But I did not see it,
For I had such a busy day.

God gave me a small wave.
He tried to get my attention.
Again I did not see,
For I was having too much fun.

God waved even bigger,
Because He had something for me.
It was eternal life,
A gift from God, completely free.

But I ignored His hand.
My attention wasn't on Him.
I could not hear His call.
My life was filled up to the brim.

Then God got hold of me
And showed me a different way.
I now have much more time
And it's because I stopped to pray.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Do Not Touch

Do Not Touch

Life is about do's and don'ts
And oh how I wish I had
Then tears fall hopelessly
Makes a heart heavy and sad.

We worry then fret the future
But God planned the now
Even the worst of sinners
Will fall before Him and bow.

Do not touch the worry
For one thing that is certain
God has written every line
Of the story behind the curtain.

Gentle laughter fills the air
Where sorrow cannot be found
Inexplicable joy will come
Embracing without a sound.

A lake of endless wonder
Our tears have set the stage
Your story pours from His heart
People gather of every age.

Do not touch the worry
Before you loved ones stand
God the Father invited them
See the ticket in their hand?

The curtain begins to open
Then every eye you meet
Stunned by the knowledge
That God had saved their seat.

Now the standing ovation
He loves us oh so much
His words speaking tenderly
The worry, "Do Not Touch."