Friday, January 24, 2014

Free Indeed!

Free Indeed!

He set the captive free,
from evil spirits within
releases us from guilt
the shame of our sin.

He loosens the chains,
on wickedness and hate
unshackles our burdens
eases the heavy weight.

He heals the backslidden,
His love is our freedom
the yoke of oppression
no longer our demon.

He scours out darkness,
in His light, there's power
in His grace and mercy
our lives He empowers.

No longer are we slaves,
to man and his laws
now we come before God
with holy fear and awe.

Oh, what a privilege,
no longer are we bound
free indeed at last . . .
our liberty in Jesus found!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
John 8: 32 
“And  Ye shall know the truth  and the truth shall make you free .”

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Treasuring Our Identity

Treasuring Our Identity

Many people are proud of their homeland.
Many are proud of their family name.
Some people like to be identified with
Celebrities of great fortune and fame.

Those of us who profess to be Christians
Should want to be identified with Christ.
Jesus Christ loved us and died for us.
For all our sins, Jesus was sacrificed.

Christians, let us treasure our identity.
For Christ, let us stand loyal and true.
Let us treasure doing what is right
In everything that we say and what we do.

Let us bypass the pleasures for a season,
And let us strive for an eternal reward.
Let us obey and serve our Savior daily,
And let's worship together in one accord.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

God Answers Prayer

God answers our prayers
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy
and with compassion will take heed

God Answers Prayer

by Cindy Wyatt

God answers our prayers
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy
and with compassion will take heed
- See more at:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Child Of God

Child Of God

I ask myself, child of God, do you see the pure beauty He puts before your eyes,
Those twinkling stars shining at night and the blue filling the daylight skies.
In beholding this spectacular scene, has there been gratitude that you shared,
To it's Marvelous Creator, to whom there is no other that can ever be compared.

I ask myself, child of God, do you see those about you that have a special need,
That God's placed in your path and can be helped if you take time to intercede.
Perhaps you should pray with them or for them, either way, God hears the prayer,
That will give spiritual encouragement to help them overcome a burden they bear.

I ask myself, child of God, are you aware of the lost you pass by most ever day,
Then are you very faithful in presenting their condition to God when you pray.
Whenever the opportunity is given, are you quick to tell of The God you serve,
Of how He richly blesses you and gives you far more in life than you deserve.

I say to myself, child of God, there's been many things in life you didn't see,
Therefore, instead of being a help to God, you failed these rather miserably.
Today, God has strengthened me, made me wiser, giving me a clear vision to see,
With every life that He allows me to encourage, He'll gain the final victory.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Shekinah glory came shining through

The Shekinah glory came shining through

There is a Light, an Uncreated Beam
In which the Glory of God can be seen
This pure and holy and Eternal light
is seen in Jesus Christ shining so bright

A light brighter than the noonday sun
Shines from the Lord, the Righteous One
He's King of kings and Lord of all
And beneath His feet all men shall fall

Great mystery of Godliness none can tell
How in Christ the fullness of God could dwell
But the glory of God came shining through
There on the mountain before their view

There is a wondrous light that shines so bright.
that darkness is banished before its' sight.
This uncreated Light on earth did shine
and our life was enriched by the Divine.

With glorious beauty His life unfurled
blazing out holiness in this dark world.
The Shekinah glory comes shining through
as Jesus reaches out to me and you.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Glorious Appearing

The Glorious Appearing

I gazed at the eastern sky today
Thinking, "How blissful it will be
If Jesus should come for me today
And set my awaiting spirit free."

It will be a glorious appearing
As He breaks through the eastern sky,
Announced by the trumpet sound
As His glorious coming draws nigh.

Like a huge magnet, He will draw
All the believers to His side
And escort them all up to Heaven
Where with Him they will abide.

Those dead in Christ shall rise
And meet the Savior in the air.
Then those who are alive in Christ
Will be caught up together there.

Oh what a glad, glorious appearing!
I am looking forward to that day
When Jesus, the Bridegroom appears
To usher His Bride, the Church, away! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Brothers and Sisters in Christ , are you ready ? Have you got your family ready  ? Are we doing all we can , to win others to Jesus ?  Is there time ?