Saturday, September 8, 2018

If You're Happy, Tell Your Face

If You're Happy, Tell Your Face

Are you one of those negative Christians?
Does your face many times wear a frown?
At times when you converse with others,
Do you tend to bring their spirits down?

My friend, why not try to show your joy
If you have been truly saved by grace?
Smile and share your joy with others.
If your heart is happy, tell your face.

Let the light of Jesus shine through you.
Others are watching you everyday,
So let the great joy of your salvation
Just drive those ugly frowns away.

Smiling uses fewer muscles than frowning,
So just smile and give your face a rest.
If you are truly happy, tell your face.
Show your joy and smile your best.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Walkin' On Water

Walkin' On Water

Floatin' on water, lightning's flash!
Floatin' on water, raindrops splash.
Floatin' on water, pouring rain!
Walkin' on water is insane.

Floatin' on water, leave my boat?
Floatin' on water. Will it float?
Floatin' on water, don't capsize!
Walkin' on water is unwise!

Floatin' on water here hiding.
Floatin' on water deciding.
Floatin' on water hearing voice.
Walkin' on water is a choice.

Floatin' on water in the storm.
Walkin' on water's not the norm.
Floatin' on water. Still in fear?
Walkin' on water, volunteer?

Floatin' on water, who succumbs?
Walkin' on water, Jesus comes!
Floatin' on water, Jesus see -
walkin' on water calming sea.

Floatin' on water, no more waves.
Walkin' on water, Jesus saves!
Floatin' on water does enslave!
Walkin' on water's not your grave!

Walkin' on water? Can't conceive?
Walkin' on water? Just believe!
Walkin' on water, I am too!
Walkin' on water, how 'bout you?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

With Mercy Eyes

With Mercy Eyes

There came that day when all seemed lost.
The Father’s pain, yes oh what cost!
The Son would die and give His life.
To end our sin and daily strife!

We didn’t know the truth on high.
We all fell short, we all must die!
Blind eyes see not the stain of sin
on everyone; not one came in.

Pure God though looked with mercy eyes
And saw our need, our pain, our cries.
So He gave hope, yes on that day,
And won for us that holy stay!

All love from God did cast our sin
From east to west - for us the win!
But each must choose His death for theirs
Or pay the price, sin’s wage - it tears!

So look to Him and bow your knee
Forgiveness sure, its’s yours so free!
For God is love, His mercy reigns.
Son’s cleaning blood removes our stains!

The Son, His work that breaks all lies.
That work by Him, for us He cries.
His payment sure, new life it buys.
Pure God does look with mercy eyes.