Thursday, October 11, 2018

God Is Who He Says He Is

God Is Who He Says He Is

God is my Rock
On which I stand.
He saved my soul;
I'm safe in His hand.

He is my Light
That guides my way.
He directs my path
Each and every day.

He is my Fortress,
In Him I can hide.
I feel secure;
In Him I abide.

He is my joy,
When I'm in sorrow.
He is with me,
Today and tomorrow.

He is my strength,
When I am weak.
He can be found,
When Him I seek.

He is my Lord,
Savior, and King.
He's my all in all,
My everything.
Isaiah 55:6 -Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

Keep Your Eyes on Me

Keep Your Eyes on Me

You hold my hand when I fall
You keep me safe through it all

You lift my head to look to the sky
You keep my thoughts lifted on high

I may stumble but will not fall
Because you are leading me through it all

I hear your voice in my heart
It shows me where to start

It tells me not to fear
And shows me you are always near

You say "Step in to the water keep your eyes on me
I will calm the waves in your raging sea
Keep your eyes fixed dont look away
It is in my presence you should stay"

So I will follow where you lead
It is you that knows my every need

You are the maker of my being
Forever your praises I will sing

Where you lead me I will go
In you alone I desire to grow

I want to say thank you once again
Before I close this prayer and say amen

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

The Bread of Life, the Door, the Way, 
The Living Water too; 
The Lord and Master we obey, 
The Faithful and the True. 

The First, the Last, the Lion, the Lamb, 
The Beginning and the End; 
Mighty to save, the Great I Am, 
The Light, the sinner’s friend. 

Son of God and Son of Man, 
Son of David too; 
The promised seed of Abraham, 
The Prince of Peace, the Truth. 

The Lily of the Valley, 
Lord of Lord and King of kings; 
The altogether lovely, 
Man of Sorrows and Day Spring. 

Rose of Sharon, Mediator, 
Mighty God, the Counselor; 
The Alpha and Omega, 
And Zion’s Deliverer. 

Beloved, Shiloh, Wonderful, 
The Good, the Great Shepherd; 
Messiah, Christ, Emmanuel, 
And God’s eternal Word. 

The image of the Father, 
The Bridegroom, the Church’s Head; 
The Holy Child, the Morning Star, 
The Judge of quick and dead. 

The Branch, the Vine, the Anchor, 
Our prophet, priest and King;
The Advocate, Creator,
The maker of all things. 

The Author of Salvation, 
The Sun of Righteousness; 
The Cornerstone, the one foundation, 
Jesus of Nazareth.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Life Changing Journey

A Life Changing Journey

Life changing is all part of God's plan,
Something we cannot do, only He can.
Light moves in and darkness will fade,
Sins forgiven, the price has been paid.

It can happen at any time, at any place,
As for one who met Jesus, face to face.
The Name he'd blasphemed in the past,
Making a change in life, totally contrast.

It was Saul til name changing took place,
Then it's Paul with the challenges to face.
From then on, He taught in Jesus Name,
Telling Who He was and why He'd came.

A soul winner for Jesus in the days ahead,
As life with Him leaves nothing to dread.
Doing so and enduring hardship and pain,
For he said, to live was Jesus, to die is gain.

God controlled the journey from the start,
After Saul met Jesus, Who sought his heart.
Now if life changes come to you lost friend,
Then enjoy peace that only Jesus can send.