Friday, September 27, 2013

The Little Violet { I Made The Choice]

The Little Violet

I'm just a little violet
At the foot of an old oak tree,
So tiny and insignificant
No one seems to notice me.

There must be something more to do
Than blossom everyday.
I see no purpose for my life
Than in the breeze to sway.

Why couldn't I have been a rose
To show someone my love,
Or a giant yellow sunflower
Stretching to the clouds above?

As I ask, God's hand reaches down
And picks me by the stem
Placing me in a golden vase
Sitting right in front of Him.

Suddenly I realize,
As His angels start to sing,
The reason for my life on earth
Is to glorify my King. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

I Made The Choice

"The Choice" produced many responses.
The issue affected readers deeply.
Below is one such response.

This is just a basic response to "The Choice."
Lately, I've been faced with several choices, and I decided that
Your Blog {Jan Bagwell Ministries ] just might have something for me today.

I was married on June 20 to a wonderful man.
We're only 21 years old and our parents were so skeptical about
our feelings for one another that they actually asked if Warren
had gotten me pregnant. (That's why all of my friends got married!)

But, in fact, that is not our case. We fell in love.
I can't think of anything else to say but that.

I love him dearly.

I'm faced with some choices concerning my job.
First, I'm up for a raise and promotion very soon.
(It would solve most of our financial trouble.)

My husband is also up for one. We're both tearing up inside
because if we both decide to take our promotions and more money,
we'd both be working 60-70 hours a week. We want our
marriage to work naturally, but we constantly want to be home
with each other.

Yeah, my days off are his days to work, and his days off are my
days to work. We have no children, so my boss sees no reason why
I would want any time off. His boss sees it the same way as mine.

We're already in such a financial bind that career changes for
either of us are not an option. Since June, we have gone
through three cars (to try to keep our jobs), countless numbers
of money fights, and horrible sleepless nights. My neck has a
slipped disk or something that I can't afford to have fixed.
I'm going through a lot of Tylenol® a day just to try to ease
the pain in my neck and head.

Our marriage is failing and I keep thinking that if we can just
get back on our feet one day and spend that one-day together
that NOTHING else will matter.

My husband is very supportive. I support him also. But, as I
read "The Choice," my boss called me and asked me to work
tonight. I told him I'd call him back. Yeah, I put HIM on hold
for once.

After I finished reading, I called him back and said, "No, I'm
going to spend my evening with my family."  He was dumbfounded.

Completely speechless.

I'd never turned down work. "My family is more important than a
paycheck right now. Do you want to know why?" I asked.
He said "yes."

My reply was simple, "When I get older, I don't want to regret
losing all the time I could have spent with my husband just
because I was greedy. I don't want my marriage to end in
divorce. I want to be close to the one person whom I can
honestly say is my friend. I want to keep the love that my
husband has for me by spending what little time I have with him.

Sorry if I have caused you any inconvenience, but I have to get
ready for an evening at home."

For once, he said, "After I find a server tonight, I think I'll
go home to my wife." And that was the end of our conversation.

Thank you for giving me the strength to turn money down and work
on my family.
 Thank You for permission to share this .
 By  Ann  Grey  , Gainesville, GA~
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Let It Go

Let It Go

Playing it safe just so
Your heart won't break
Neither hot nor cold
So nothing is at stake

Afraid to open up to
What you may find inside
The threat of breaking
It's just easier to hide

The numbness of
Feeling completely torn
Has left you feeling
Weighted, lonely, worn

So you smile and pretend
Life's somewhere inside
So the world won't know
The emptiness you hide

It's easier to pretend
It is all in your control
When is it finally time
To just let it go?

Take a look inside
Call upon His name
Accept His saving grace
Let go of anger's flame

Your freewill hangs in the
Balance with your heart
Only you can choose
To let grace have a part

Drop onto your knees
Give up self control
Let the tears fall down
Only you can let it go

Let your heart break free
Let hurt turn to healing
Love will cast out fear
Numb will turn to healing
Just let it go.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

It is our choices that show what we truly are, 
far more than our abilities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Follow and Go Fish

Follow and Go Fish

Follow and go fish,
for there is a large sea
of people who need
to learn more about Me.

Take My rod of love,
cast it into the deep
gather up for Me
all my faithful sheep.

There are many souls,
needing to hear My Word
go and tell them all about
the truth you've heard.

Take My reel of grace,
and let out mercies line
bring to Me all of those
who desire to be mine.

You needn't be a pro,
I can use any one
just go and get Me
hearts that can be won.

Follow and go fish,
is all Jesus asks of you
and now its up to us
to follow and go do!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
Matthew 4:19
King James Version

"And he saith unto them, Follow me,
and I will make you fishers of men."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

There is a Savior

There is a Savior

Don’t let the trials of life overtake you
Don’t let the pride of your life take control
There is a Savior Who lovingly guides you
Kindly He leads, all His virtues extoll

If of the Savior you ever have taken
You know the joy and the peace He imparts
Trust Him for He all your sin has forgiven
Jesus alone is the Cleanser of hearts

Walking with Jesus gives clarification
Bringing to light all the sins in your life
His Holy Spirit’s kind examination
Shows you where sin in your being is rife

Trust in the Father He only desires
To make us more like His own holy Son
All that He does, even trials of fire,
Are for our best, as we’ll see when He’s done 
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

It is our choices that show what we truly are, 
far more than our abilities.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Get Washed And Come To The Table

Get Washed And Come To The Table

From those days of my childhood,
There are Memories I hold so dear.
Memories of gathering at the table
Always bring me thoughts of cheer.

We always ate our meals at home.
We never went out somewhere to eat.
At our great big dining room table,
Each of us had a special seat.

"Get washed and come to the table!"
My dear mother would always call.
That call was meant for each of us.
Yes, that call was meant for all.

Those childhood days are all gone,
But I heard Christ Jesus call,
"Get washed and come to the table!"
Yes, that call was meant for all.

Now my sins are all washed away.
Saved by Jesus' blood, I am!
Someday I will be gathered there
At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The Bride of Christ is the Church.
She'll be spotless, clean, and white.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Will be a glorious, wonderful sight. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Feeling sorry for yourself and your present condition, 
is not only a waste of energy 
but the worst habit you could possibly have.