Friday, November 7, 2014

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say.
Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, November 6, 2014

We Have A Choice

We Have A Choice

My friends and I just hung around
in places one might find profound
on maples, oaks and other trees
because, you see, we were mere leaves.

The autumn winds, oh how they blew.
They made us dance and wiggle too.
Deception's lie rode in the wind
had made us 'want' and we had sinned.

The bees were buzzing in their hive.
It wasn't fair they were alive.
It wasn't fair that we weren't free
for we were stuck on this ol' tree.

But then my friends had found, one day,
just how to ride a special way.
They laughed and giggled by and by
upon the wind. How they could fly!

So gaily and so selfishly,
they joked around so carelessly.
Exciting times, it seemed they had.
They thought it funny they were bad.

My friends had left me one by one,
but wicked winds are never done.
"Come join the party we will throw."
They taunted me and screamed, "Let go!"

The windy, frigid swirling air
had tortured me. It didn't care.
Except for me, the tree was bare
and I was so alone up there.

Oh yes, temptation had its grip -
but I held on despite the whip
of winds that howled around the limbs.
For I had faith and gospel hymns.

I prayed and prayed to God above,
for He had shown me so much love.
My friends had fallen, didn't know
they now were buried under snow.

The moral of the story here?
Don't be deceived by friend or peer.
Just listen to God's still, small voice.
He gave His Son. We have a choice.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Enemy of Peace

The Enemy of Peace

The enemy of true peace,
wants to rob you of . . .
the stillness that you have
in the arbor of God’s love.

He wants to steal your joy,
take your happiness away
from God’s tranquil waters . . .
he wants to lead you astray.

He will cast large shadows,
on quiet, pastures green
he’ll say anything to destroy
all that is calm and serene.

His lies are big and bold,
attacking heart and head
until your very soul . . .
is full of fear and dread.

The enemy of our peace,
has many lies to tell . . .
but, we who trust in the Lord
on them ~ will not dwell!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Isaiah 26:3
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on thee
because he trusteth in thee.”

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Life's Choices

Life's Choices

Adam and Eve had a choice.
They could obey God or disobey.
They ate the forbidden fruit,
For Satan tempted Eve one day.

Cain and Abel made choices
About the blood sacrifice.
Abel chose to obey the Lord.
Cain didn't and paid the price.

"But as for me and my house,
We'll serve God," Joshua said.
He made a choice and commitment,
He proclaimed it to those he led.

God gives everyone a choice.
We can accept or reject His Son.
He provided the way of salvation.
God's plan is the only one.

God gives believers a choice
After we receive the Savior.
We can choose to serve Him,
So we can live in His favor.

Let us choose to love the Lord
With all our power and might.
Let us choose to serve the Lord
And stand up for what is right.
In  Joshue 24 : 15 , Joshua  proclaimed to the Israelities ,
 “ But as for my house we will serve the Lord .“
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Oh,joy can be profound
Though foes be around
In the circle of friends
Life beautifully blends

It's so nice to be real
To know one understands how you feel
In the circle of friends
There's no need to pretend

Cheering us in times of tears
Helping us through heart-felt prayers
Through life's curves and bends
Friends help us comprehend

That we are needed and loved
Uniquely by our Father above
Through triumphs,through tears
Friends will always stay near

Oh,what joy,what joy!
Their company we really enjoy
Precious ones so dear
Lending us listening ears

Beaming their seraphic smile
Heaven enfolds us a while
Enjoying their warm embrace
We're wrapped in sweet grace

Their love helps us glow
And forget our sorrows
In the circle of friends
Broken hearts will mend

Oh,lost peace is found
At their lovely sound
Sweet,melodious voices
Encouraging right choices

Angels though in disguise
Giving us timely advice
Oh,the rare treasures God sends
In the circle of friends 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Pray for My friend  Billy Phillips  he  still dealing with his knee surgery he in a lot pain . 
My daughter in law Hali Bagwell , she is waiting on the birth of  her and Daivid child .